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11 year Old Rape Victim in Paraguay Gives Birth after Abortion was Denied

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~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
(CNN)An 11-year-old girl denied an abortion after allegedly being raped by her stepfather has given birth to a healthy baby girl in Asunción, Paraguay, where a fierce debate is brewing over a law banning most abortions.

Thursday's birth was confirmed by Asunción Red Cross Director Mario Villalba.

In the mostly Catholic country, 684 girls between the ages of 10 and 14 gave birth last year. Most of the minors had been victims of sexual abuse, according to government figures. A Paraguayan law bans abortions except in cases where the pregnancy endangers the mother's life.

The baby was born by cesarean and weighed 3 kilograms (about 6.6 pounds). Villalba said the baby and her mother "are in good health condition." He also said doctors are monitoring them closely. They are expected to be released within three days if no complications arise.

The case shocked Paraguayans when it came to light in May. At the time the girl was 10 years old and 22 weeks pregnant. Authorities immediately arrested the girl's mother. The woman, who according to reports is 32 years old, was charged with child neglect and complicity.

Police arrested the girl's stepfather, identified as 42-year-old Gilberto Benitez Zárate. Benitez was charged with rape and abuse of a child. He denied the charges and demanded a DNA test to back up his claim.

The girl's mother was released on bond in June, but still faces charges. Once out of jail, she told CNN that she went to authorities asking for help in November 2013.

According to a 2013 United Nations report, 2 million girls under age 14 give birth in developing countries every year, many of whom suffer resulting long-term or fatal health problems. It estimated that 70,000 adolescents die each year from complications from pregnancy or childbirth.




Disgusting, surprising that there is a South american country more retrograde than mine when it comes to this.


No. No no no.

This is outside my comfort zone. Yikes.

Seriously, OT is shattering my faith in humanity today. Not that I had much to begin with, but still...


Not a mod, just a bot.
Please don't create threads about news stories whose sole point is to horrify and appall people. This applies equally to stories about horrible events and to random, petty local tragedies of no greater significance. It makes people's experience of our community worse if they have to tiptoe in between threads about mundane atrocities just to participate in the OT. Real news stories of cultural import are fine, even when they're about something horrific happening, but if the right response to a story is mostly just "wow that's awful" it probably shouldn't get a thread.
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