Yes, it's big news in our big state. Yeeehaww!
(1/30/05 - SAN ANTONIO, TX) When Jessica Serafin enrolled in a charter high school, her mother signed a form allowing administrators to paddle her as punishment.
But by the time a summer school principal paddled her last June, Serafin was already 18 and legally an adult.
Now she's suing the School of Excellence in Education, San Antonio's largest charter school, alleging it was wrong for the principal to paddle an adult student without her consent. She says the beating she received for leaving campus to get breakfast was so severe she had to go to the emergency room.
Frankly, I say go for it sister. She was legally an adult, he did not have her consent, and a grown man <cough> spanking what is for most intents a grown woman is crossing into freaky sexual territory. Not that we wouldn't all try to get away with it if we were creepy high school principals...
(1/30/05 - SAN ANTONIO, TX) When Jessica Serafin enrolled in a charter high school, her mother signed a form allowing administrators to paddle her as punishment.
But by the time a summer school principal paddled her last June, Serafin was already 18 and legally an adult.
Now she's suing the School of Excellence in Education, San Antonio's largest charter school, alleging it was wrong for the principal to paddle an adult student without her consent. She says the beating she received for leaving campus to get breakfast was so severe she had to go to the emergency room.
Frankly, I say go for it sister. She was legally an adult, he did not have her consent, and a grown man <cough> spanking what is for most intents a grown woman is crossing into freaky sexual territory. Not that we wouldn't all try to get away with it if we were creepy high school principals...