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scola said:
Yeah, your right Saint Cornelius didn't make a thread. He was shamed off the board by a thread started by someone else.

that lasted about a week.
that dosen't count

White Man

Tazz isn't allowed to be sad because she lives in a priveleged non-3rd world country, and that's that.

Oh, I left the forum briefly this year (for like a month) while I got my movin' shaz together. It was just wasting my time, ya know.


When you come back (They always come back) make sure your PEE PEE TIME avatar never returns.

So annoying.....




I don't know shit about shit
Things change, what's the point in running away from it? If you need time away from the internet, I can understand that. But just to leave forever because you're bored right now is stupid.
Tazznum1 said:
Well take care, look both ways before you cross the street, never look directly at the sun,.....

I didn't do this for attention, just GA has changed and not for the better IMO. People can't take a joke, others hurling insults in every thread I am in just for the fuck of it, etc. I dont know what happened, but I hope it goes back to the way it was last year.....

signing off...for awhile

LOL! And thus Tazz begins her search for a forum where she'll be greeted with her favorite, "OMG! A GIRL?" posts.
Tazznum1 said:
I didn't do this for attention, just GA has changed and not for the better IMO. People can't take a joke, others hurling insults in every thread I am in just for the fuck of it, etc. I dont know what happened
Oh, I do, I do!!

Doth Togo

Hey, c'mon Taz. You're appreciated in here. One of those people who's thread/comments I read. Don't leave. We need estrogen in here to keep things stable.

Doth Togo said:
Hey, c'mon Taz. You're appreciated in here. One of those people who's thread/comments I read. Don't leave. We need estrogen in here to keep things stable.


No, we really don't. At least not the type of estrogen that's still pissed over being de-modded.


I'm pretty sure SSx has some sort of vagina.

And I made one of those silly "I'm leaving" threads a while back, too. Nomoment was really bitchy in it.


Only if you go back in time before you were born and kill your mother and father or stop them from ever meeting.


Hollywood Square
Serafitia said:
You said you're not spamming, right?

Spamming? As in sending you relentless e-mail after e-mail trying to peddle products to decrease your debt and improve your sex life?
Willco said:
Spamming? As in sending you relentless e-mail after e-mail trying to peddle products to decrease your debt and improve your sex life?
Now now Will, we're all aware at the dillemas Serafitia faces, and yes, she was the one who voluntarily chose a life of prostitution, but you and I can both understand the difficulty of dealing with ones pimp.
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