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Huh, I haven't noticed that GAF has changed, let alone what would cause it. Maybe I've been reading the wrong threads.

Perhaps it is you, Tazznum, that has changed. I see no jaded anger in this thread. None.
The Gods have shined upon GA, it seems. Both Sera and Tazz leaving because the attention being giving to them is no longer positive?



lol, I'm tired of chicks being such attention sluts.

Well then again, it's not like people don't *give* them attention. If anyone else made a thread with a first post like this one, it wouldn't even be one page long :p

Guess I'm just a hypocrite.......


Kinda funny and a bit sad at the same time. Tazz has been here a while, and it's sad to see her go. But Jesus, you can't go out like a chump like this. When I leave for good, I'm taking as many of you with me as I can. :D Seriously, torch as many bridges on your way out of town as possible. PEACE.


Oh shut up and either discuss interesting topics or stop posting altogether. That's what anyone else does, get off your high horse.
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