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2 dead Maxtor HDDs

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About six months ago I got 2 Maxtor 160gig SATA disks to make a raid.
They worked great, nice performance and all with no signs about pending malfunction from any s.m.a.r.t monitoring until.

Then about a month ago windows wouldn’t load… it said there was a file mission… So I thought there had been some kind of accident, it happens. I then tried to reinstall windows, but my raid wouldn’t mount during the installation process for some reason.

I then ran a diagnostic on the discs and it shows that one of the discs has a surface error… Thus loosing a huge amount of data.
I send it in… still waiting for a new.

Now the second drive just died… Started to click furiously!

These drivers weren’t even manufacture during the same month

It’s insane to have two disks down so closely to each other.
I won’t buy any more disks from them again… ever

I've had HDDs die from WD, seagate, etc. There's no 1 miracle brand :p Call Maxtor and see if you still have warranty or something.

That said 160+ HDDs seem to have a high failure rate.
Two new hard drives, I don't give a fuck what brand they are, dying 6 months from date of purchase and a month from each other IS NOT COINCIDENCE NOR IS IT THE FAULT OF THE DRIVE MANUFACTURER.

God damn. It's pretty obvious that there's something else that's making those HDD go bad. This isn't rocket science here.


These disk models come with a 3 year manufacturer warranty… go figure

Sure, there is no miracle brand and it’s likely that you run into a broken disk now and then… but to have 2 disks of the same model breakdown almost simultaneously gives a hint about the model lines overall quality.

I had active cooling on them and they died for different reasons… I also have another disk on there which has been going for about two years, so it’s hard for me to see how something else could be at fault but a poor quality product.

aoi tsuki

My uncle had two Maxtors die out at his office last week. Don't know if they were bought at the same time or the capacity. i'd still buy Maxtors though, because they''re genereally good drives, and as someone else said, there's no golden brand.
i killed a maxtor by letting it fall 10cm whilst turned on (click beeps of DOOOM). Bought the exact same model again and its been fine for the past 6months or so


For the millionth time do not get a drive over 80-120gb. I've heard nothing but horror stories about drives over 120gb, they always seem to fail.


Diablos said:
For the millionth time do not get a drive over 80-120gb. I've heard nothing but horror stories about drives over 120gb, they always seem to fail.

So the 1TB drive we have at work is a ticking bomb?
Diablos said:
For the millionth time do not get a drive over 80-120gb. I've heard nothing but horror stories about drives over 120gb, they always seem to fail.

My 160gig has been running fine for one and a half years so far. It's now in an external HD case and gets moved back and forth every couple of days. All is fine. Maybe I should invest in some kevlar.


muncheese said:
My 160gig has been running fine for one and a half years so far. It's not in an external HD case and gets moved back and forth every couple of days. All is fine. Maybe I should invest in some kevlar.
No, maybe you're just lucky.

Jim Bowie

My cousin had a 120 GB HDD- it ate it within 4 months. Then she installed dual 60s, and there hasn't been a problem in a good two years.
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