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20-year old kid blows own head off for not knowing how to start a Ferrari...

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Doth Togo

20 y/o suburban white kid blows own head off with rifle in a stolen Ferarri

07/24/04 05:29 pm



He pulled out a Bushmaster hunting rifle and a handful of ammo and strode toward the detail bay, where a red 2004 Ferrari 360 Spider was parked.

Customers and employees ran from the showroom on another side of the business.

Troy fired a warning shot into a wall.

"I'm taking this car," he said.

The store's owner approached as he sat in the driver's seat, but when he saw the gun, he ran, too.

The keys to Troy's $310,000 dream ride were at his fingertips, in the ignition. He tried and tried to turn the starter. He didn't realize that the car wouldn't start unless the driver pressed a security button on the key fob.

He stormed into the service area.

"How do you start the car? How do you start it?" he screamed.

The employees saw him coming and locked all the doors.

"How does it start?" he screamed again.

He fired eight rounds into a glass door and stepped through it.

The parts manager didn't run fast enough.

He forced her to the ground and held the gun to her head.

He demanded, again, "How do you start the car? How do you start it?"

She didn't know and he let her go.

He bolted back to the Spider.

By then, police arrived. They took cover and shouted at him to drop the gun.

Troy made it to the Ferrari as they closed in on him.

That's when police heard a single shot.
It is pretty sad, but

20-year-old Troy Kaufman pointed his hunting rifle at his right temple and pulled the trigger.

How long were this kid's arms? I'm not a gun nut, but wouldn't that be very difficult to do with a hunting rifle?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Traumahound said:
It is pretty sad, but

How long were this kid's arms? I'm not a gun nut, but wouldn't that be very difficult to do with a hunting rifle?

Nope. He's 20 years old... not really a kid.
He's younger than me, so he's a kid.

Aren't hunting rifles like 4 feet long? Seems like it'd be hard to balance and pull the trigger to shoot yourself in the temple. Isn't that why most long gun suicides are through the mouth?

Correct me if I'm wrong.


Crazy...one would think he would have done his research on how to start a Ferrari.

Probably ruined the interior of the car. For shame.

VINCENT: Did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits he's wrong, he's immediately forgiven for all wrong-doings?

JULES: Man, get outta my face with that shit! The motherfucker who said that never had to pick up itty- bitty pieces of skull on account of your dumb ass.


Which movie is that from?


Shinobi said:
Haha, never seen it...maybe when it's on TV next time.
Twice a fool!! Once for never seeing it and twice for saying your first will be on TV!!!! Get it on DVD, I'm sure censored will hack it beyond repair...you owe it yourself...you owe to us.




Joe said:
exactly why did you have to stick "suburban white kid" into your post?

So that people wouldn't automatically think "urban black kid".

TV up here is a lot more leniant in terms of censoring...there's a number of channels here that would show Pulp Fiction and a number of other movies as is. So I'm not too worried.


Speaking of Ferrari, I was on the highway connecting Wakayama and Osaka and I saw about 15 Ferraris racing on the highway...that was a sight to see.


So you mean after all that time playing GTA:VC, he DIDN'T press the triangle button for the car but the circle button for the gun instead?



I love how this thread is about Pulp Fiction now.

Here's another quote from one of the greatest movies!

Jules: Fuck, nigger, what did you do to his towel?
Vincent: I was dryin' my hands.
Jules: You're supposed to wash 'em first.
Vincent: You watched me wash 'em.
Jules: I watched you get 'em wet.
Vincent: I was washing 'em. But this shit's hard to get off. Maybe if I had Lava or something, I coulda done a better job.
Jules: I used the same fuckin' soap you did and when I got finished, the towel didn't look like no god-damn Maxi-Pad.
dammit, I have stuff that I need to do today and watching Pulp Fiction is not one of them!

ah hell. My homework isn't due til Thursday anyways. (Speech 101 sucks balls, btw)



Drunky McMurder
This thread is a great example of how something can be so hillarious and so sad at the same time.

I mean, a dumbass kid trying to steal a car and shooting himself after failing to start it? That's fucking comedy gold.

Shinobi hasn't seen Pulp Fiction and won't actively go to watch it? I'm depressened.


Shinobi said:

So that people wouldn't automatically think "urban black kid".

TV up here is a lot more leniant in terms of censoring...there's a number of channels here that would show Pulp Fiction and a number of other movies as is. So I'm not too worried.

They show homosexual assrapings on TV up there?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Shinobi said:

So that people wouldn't automatically think "urban black kid".

TV up here is a lot more leniant in terms of censoring...there's a number of channels here that would show Pulp Fiction and a number of other movies as is. So I'm not too worried.
Funny thing is, I imagined him as a suburban white kid in the first place.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Hmm...I bet the value of that Ferrari has dropped ten-fold. I wouldn't mind buying it once it gets cleaned out. :p

And Pulp Fiction is the best movie of all time, btw.


the best part in that scene is when vincent is like "OH MAN, I JUST SHOT HIM IN THE FACE!!"

but he says it like he's more concerned about having an accident with his gun than killing the guy
no, dudes, this is the best scene:

Jules: Whoa... whoa... whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing.
Vincent: Not the same thing, the same ballpark.
Jules: It ain't no fuckin' ballpark either. Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but touchin' his wife's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her holyiest of holies, ain't the same ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Foot massages don't mean shit.
Vincent: Have you ever given a foot massage?
Jules: Don't be tellin' me about foot massages - I'm the foot fuckin' master.
Vincent: Given a lot of 'em?
Jules: Shit yeah. I got my technique down and everything, I don't be tickling or nothin'.
Vincent: Would you give a guy a foot massage?
Jules: Fuck you.
Vincent: You give them a lot?
Jules: Fuck you.
Vincent: You know, I'm getting kinda tired, I could use a foot massage.
Jules: Man, you best back off, I'm gittin' pissed.


Jules: What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
Brett: What?
Jules: What country you from?
Brett: What?
Jules: "What" ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in What?
Brett: What?
Brett: Yes!
Jules: Then you know what I'm saying!
Brett: Yes!
Jules: Describe what Marcellus Wallace looks like!
Brett: What, I-?
Jules: [pointing his gun] Say "what" again. SAY "WHAT" AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say "what" one more goddamn time.
Brett: He's b-b-black...
Jules: Go on.
Brett: He's bald...
Jules: Does he look like a bitch?
Brett: What?
[Jules shoots Brett in shoulder]
Brett: No!
Jules: Then why you try to fuck him like a bitch, Brett?
Brett: I didn't.
Jules: Yes you did. Yes you did, Brett. You tried to fuck him. And Marcellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody, except Mrs. Wallace.


Dekajelly said:
The 'What' scene is awesome, Jackson is brilliant :D
I laughed so hard! Goes to show how program we are to say huh, what, hmm..and whatever else to help us adjust to things...we never talk on the fly anymore...espcially when you aint sure what you want to say.

I'm glad I watched that instead of homework, what a great movie. I love it more every time.


props to the original person who made that picture - it's not mine.


DCX said:
I laughed so hard! Goes to show how program we are to say huh, what, hmm..and whatever else to help us adjust to things...we never talk on the fly anymore...espcially when you aint sure what you want to say.


Just watched that bit again... and yes it does make you laugh :D





Running off of Custom Firmware

I didn't enjoy Pulp Fiction. Some great dialogue, but what a shitty movie.

Unless the dialogue was the whole point of the movie?
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