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20 years ago, the TV pilot of LOST aired


I have very fond memories of browsing GAF during the final episode and seeing everyone freak out. It was amazing.


I remember people trying to figure what is was about right from the start. People suggested it was purgatory quite quickly and the producers denied it. This i think led to several spun out mysteries introduced in the later seasons to throw viewers off the scent. Most of these mysteries ultimately fizzled out with no relation to the main plot and, in the end, made no difference to the resolution. For me, the journey was far better than the destination.
Wasn't it eventually "You guys said it was purgatory, but it isn't!" followed by "It's Egyptian purgatory" or close enough to make you roll your eyes.


Gold Member
I remember the first episode. It was a whole lot better when I thought it was a Jurassic Park, Deep Rising, Skull Island type of mystery instead of whatever got.

It’s a shame Matthew Fox’s career didn’t take off like Evangeline Lily or even Daniel Dae Kim.


Season 1-2 was epic

Ironically the Internet forums had far better and amazing theories, and ideas on how the plot should go

All they had to do was copy that.

It's better the second time watching it all tho, and the second time I didn't really mind the ending.


Wasn't it eventually "You guys said it was purgatory, but it isn't!" followed by "It's Egyptian purgatory" or close enough to make you roll your eyes.
The only purgatory/afterlife part was the flash-sideways stuff in season 6, culminating in Jack seeing his father and the other castaways in the church. The island stuff was real.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I’ve never seen a single episode of Lost. It was popular when I was ball-deep in my college studies, so I didn’t really get a chance to watch it.

It’s always been on my list, but for some reason I never bothered to check it out. I seem to remember people saying the finale was shit or something. Maybe that put me off?


The only purgatory/afterlife part was the flash-sideways stuff in season 6, culminating in Jack seeing his father and the other castaways in the church. The island stuff was real.
Indeed, the island was never purgatory, the last season with Jack was just how they all met again in the afterlife, sure a weird way of doing it, and when it first aired felt like a fuck you from the writer trolling us.

On second viewing years later, I actually found it kind of touching tbh


Gold Member
I loved the show when it started. But after a few seasons, they were just throwing every non-sense at the wall, to create a false sense of mystery.
Still, it was one of the shows that defined that decade of entertainment.


Gold Member
Man I missed the weekends of family gathering just to watch a single episode of LOST.

It was so damn cool back in the day.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Halcyon days

I was basically a kid. My sweetheart at the time loved the show. I watched one episode and didn't care for it, aside from thinking Maggie Grace was smoking.


Best Tv-Show ever!

and yeah i loved the ending.

nothing will ever have that feeling of waiting a whole week for a new episode , everyone was talking about it , making up their theories about what was going on, it was amazing.
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