B Brinbe Member Oct 4, 2012 #851 Man, Bams... he's right, but he's no Clinton. bahaha, that Obama smirk
D Dance Inferno Unconfirmed Member Oct 4, 2012 #855 But but but that's not what I said! Yes it is! Nuh-uh!
P PBY Banned Oct 4, 2012 #859 Why is Mitt debating (honest or not) while Obama is just talking? ENGAGE EACH OTHER.
T The Technomancer card-carrying scientician Oct 4, 2012 #861 Turning around slightly, Romney is on the defensive now
O Owzers Member Oct 4, 2012 #862 Forever said: Romney is just lying now. Click to expand... Stick with what works
Slayer-33 Liverpool-2 Oct 4, 2012 #864 LOL ROMNEY. And how will you lower taxes on middle income families?
Lactose_Intolerant Member Oct 4, 2012 #865 wow, the moderator has no control. Mitt just talked over him.
M MasterShotgun brazen editing lynx Oct 4, 2012 #866 Dammit Jim. Get this under control. And yeah, Mitt got pissed.
oneils Member Oct 4, 2012 #867 Invisible_Insane said: WHAT THE FUCK IS A TAX CUT THAT DOESN'T ADD TO THE DEFICIT. Click to expand... lol
Invisible_Insane said: WHAT THE FUCK IS A TAX CUT THAT DOESN'T ADD TO THE DEFICIT. Click to expand... lol
K ~Kinggi~ Banned Oct 4, 2012 #868 Lies is how the Repubs plan to win this. Cant argue with lies. Obama ITS A TARPP
P Patryn Member Oct 4, 2012 #874 Come on... make Romney eat his earlier stances. Romney trying to undercut any Obama citations of studies.
Come on... make Romney eat his earlier stances. Romney trying to undercut any Obama citations of studies.
P Particle Physicist between a quark and a baryon Oct 4, 2012 #876 I hope Obama asks Mitt exactly what his tax plan is. And that was a rude analogy, holy moly.
D Doc Holliday SPOILER: Columbus finds America Oct 4, 2012 #880 WTF, Romney is completely lying right now lol.
D Dr. Pangloss Member Oct 4, 2012 #885 Mitt all your boys are middle age. I hope they stopped lying to you about their homework.
A Atenhaus Member Oct 4, 2012 #887 Fatalah said: Is there a live fact checking website? Click to expand... http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2012/oct/02/how-get-facts-presidential-debate/
Fatalah said: Is there a live fact checking website? Click to expand... http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2012/oct/02/how-get-facts-presidential-debate/
P polyh3dron Banned Oct 4, 2012 #891 Zinger number 1. And Mittens is so full of shit, flip flopping from one day to the next.
N Nobility Banned Oct 4, 2012 #893 Obama needs to attack, I'm hearing what Romney wants to do but he still isn't saying how to financially account for these cuts.
Obama needs to attack, I'm hearing what Romney wants to do but he still isn't saying how to financially account for these cuts.
W Whiskeymatt Member Oct 4, 2012 #899 Obama: So your tax cut... Romney: There is no tax cut! Obama: So your tax cut... Romney: There is no tax cut! Obama: So your tax cut... Dear God, make it stop.
Obama: So your tax cut... Romney: There is no tax cut! Obama: So your tax cut... Romney: There is no tax cut! Obama: So your tax cut... Dear God, make it stop.