2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur





Imgur is officially shit, they've decreased quality much further. I'm done with this service ;\
Just look what have they done with a picture

I've been slowly making my way through NFS: The Run, and everytime I open this thread, I'm reminded of how much better Hot Pursuit looks than The Run.

Need for Speed: The Run - Max in-game settings, maybe downsampled from 2880x1800 to 1920x1200? Still not sure if I did it correctly


Bloody hell Prototype 2 for PC has the same bad distance fog as the first game did!!

I got everything on max in the game settings.
In game AA settings don't seem good enough.
And its only using 1 GPU not both.


Downsampled from 2560x1400 with High FXAA. The performance increased a LOT when I turned off the DX11 stuff. Are those features broken or just ridiculous performance hogs?

Both. It was apparently worse when AC was released. My 680 can't even give me a a solid 60 FPS on DX11 mode. Not that it adds much tbh. PhysX adds more graphically.


Thought I would check out Rayman and see how looks at 2560X1440 native.



It still looks like magic in motion, but in stills its starting to show it's 720p origins at that res.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Someone explain this for my stupidness.

What is the difference between following the steps in this guide for 1440p supersampling, and just entering a custom resolution of 2560x1440 without fiddling with the timings?


Someone explain this for my stupidness.

What is the difference between following the steps in this guide for 1440p supersampling, and just entering a custom resolution of 2560x1440 without fiddling with the timings?

While downsampling questions are being answered, what res would I need to use to downsample to 1440p?


While downsampling questions are being answered, what res would I need to use to downsample to 1440p?

Keeping with the usual doubling to 1440/2160 downsample to 1080 it'd be 5120x2880. My 670 doesn't even handle native 1440p as well as I was hoping so no chance at that.


Keeping with the usual doubling to 1440/2160 downsample to 1080 it'd be 5120x2880. My 670 doesn't even handle native 1440p as well as I was hoping so no chance at that.

Tell me about it. It runs the UE3 and console port stuff without a hitch, but stuff like Crysis 2 and Witcher 2 really beat the shit out the card.

I was thinking of trying some of the less demanding console ports that get well over 100fps. I wonder I will get similar results to running a game with SSAA forced through inspector.
A couple of pics from Fallout 3. Yeah it's ugly, but its got a great personality.

I dont know why Zenimax has a guy like Carmack working for them and doesn't already have him building a dream engine for Bethesda.




A couple of pics from Fallout 3. Yeah it's ugly, but it's got a great personality.

I dont know why Zenimax has a guy like Carmack working for them and doesn't already have him building a dream engine for Bethesda.



Because he's more interested in rockets.

Anyway, as you can tell from shots I've posted in this thead, my GPU sucks. It's a 5670 1GB, and anything above 1600x900 kills it. I need a new GPU, but I wanna try this downscaling business. I've heard Nvidia was the best for this, right?
Thought I would check out Rayman and see how looks at 2560X1440 native.



It still looks like magic in motion, but in stills its starting to show it's 720p origins at that res.

I'm pretty sure it ran at 1080p on the consoles, so I'm assuming all the artwork would be at that resolution.


DOOM 3 + Sikkmod v1.2 [I have the film grain on, I love how it gives that look of a magazine screenshot scan...I'm weird, I know!)




Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Someone explain this for my stupidness.

What is the difference between following the steps in this guide for 1440p supersampling, and just entering a custom resolution of 2560x1440 without fiddling with the timings?

To elaborate on my confusion, following the (confusing) guide steps screwed up my aspect ratio, meanwhile my quick and dirty approach works fine.

If I go to create a custom resolution, and simply put in the values 2560x1440, while keeping timing set to automatic, everything is fine. The resolution is successfully set, shows up in games, and matches the 16:9 aspect ratio of my monitor.

However, if I follow the guide's steps and start fiddling with the timings, eventually entering the 2560x1440 values once the horizontal/vertical total pixel boundaries are found, the aspect ratio is skewered too high horizontally.

What I don't understand is what value messing with the timings has over simply creating the resolution outright. Why go through the effort of tweaking the timings? Is this just to find your theoretical limits? I don't see any advantage in doing this if 2560x1440 works with automatic timings. For me there was a disadvantage as it messes up the aspect ratio.


Grand Theft Auto IV + iCEnhancer 1.35 [Second shot has some iffy shadows...I really have not tweaked any settings or messed with it too much]




Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
1440p with 4xSGSSAA downsampled to 1080p cleans up Mass Effect 3's IQ almost perfectly.




Keeping with the usual doubling to 1440/2160 downsample to 1080 it'd be 5120x2880. My 670 doesn't even handle native 1440p as well as I was hoping so no chance at that.

That's likely because it only has 2GB of RAM. Also, the Keplers apparently have a bug where they can't go higher than 2880x1620 at the moment for some reason.


That's likely because it only has 2GB of RAM. Also, the Keplers apparently have a bug where they can't go higher than 2880x1620 at the moment for some reason.

VRAM never comes close to getting maxed out even in the most demanding games unless you are using more AA than you have memory for.


Right, I forgot to mention that. My bad! :x

I like how everyone who compares game graphics to PS2 quality reveal their ignorance of what PS2 quality is actually like. Y'know - no normal or specular shading, low (640x480!) resolution, weak anti-aliasing, low-resolution textures (nothing above 512x512, and that's at the high end)... yeah, a bit disingenuous to compare any modern PC game to PS2-quality. Certainly PSO2 is not technologically advanced by any means, but PS2 quality? Heh.

Is PSO2 only in japanese at the moment? Ie menus, dialogue, and so forth. I haven't really been following the game, but it looks quite interesting.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Thought I would check out Rayman and see how looks at 2560X1440 native.



It still looks like magic in motion, but in stills its starting to show it's 720p origins at that res.

Believe it or not, the game is actually 1080p native on both the PS3 and X360.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
ME3 @ 1440p with 4xSGSSAA was chewing up nearly all of the 1280GB VRAM of my GTX 570.

Then again, at the time I checked there was ~400MB of that ram inexplicitly taken up by mystery programs prior to even launching the game.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Then again, at the time I checked there was ~400MB of that ram inexplicitly taken up by mystery programs prior to even launching the game.

It's Windows Aero. You get most of the reserved VRAM back when running a game, though.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I only have about 150mb used from Aero, Steam and Firefox etc.

Afterburner is reporting ~500MB in use on my system (Firefox + Winamp + Steam).

Edit: OS uptime would also factor into the equation. I just rebooted and idle VRAM usage is now down to ~330MB.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Goddamn Arkham City is a great looking game.

Easily top five this generation for me. Not even kidding. I actually don't think it gets the acclaim it deserves for its visuals, both from an artistic and technical standpoint.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Goddamn Arkham City is a great looking game.

Easily top five this generation for me. Not even kidding. I actually don't think it gets the acclaim it deserves for its visuals, both from an artistic and technical standpoint.

Thirded. Every generation has 'moments' where I feel gameplay and presentation (audio, art, technology, animation, etc) come together to create near perfection. Half-Life 2 and Metroid Prime are littered with this kind of stuff. Arkham City is another. Soaring over buildings captures the mood and feel exactly as I imagine Batman to be. It looks like something straight from the comics/cartoon.

Even something as simple as sitting on the gargoyles. The position of the camera and Batman's pose is perfect.


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