2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur


I'm officially ruined, gaf. This thread no longer does anything for me. It's all so flat and lifeless. 3D for life, yo.


i think one dude posted a 3D shot in here, dunno if it worked though



Playing the Witcher 1 ATM. In the the caverns right now, with the god rays bursting through, and the water beneath your feet. Breath-taking. Better than anything in here. And that's the first Witcher :lol.

It's a shame the 3DTVs (which have so much crosstalk and are limited to 720P) and consoles are how most people experience it. 1080P, 60fps (a must for 3D not to appear fake and synthetic for me), and non-defective depth perception = next gen that ruins traditional monitor gaming.


Playing the Witcher 1 ATM. In the the caverns right now, with the god rays bursting through, and the water beneath your feet. Breath-taking. Better than anything in here. And that's the first Witcher :lol.

It's a shame the 3DTVs (which have so much crosstalk and are limited to 720P) and consoles are how most people experience it. 1080P, 60fps (a must for 3D not to appear fake and synthetic for me), and non-defective depth perception = next gen that ruins traditional monitor gaming.

Don't you need to run games at 120fps to get 60fps in 3D?
Is PSO2 only in japanese at the moment? Ie menus, dialogue, and so forth. I haven't really been following the game, but it looks quite interesting.
Yes, PSO2 is only in JP at the moment.

Fortunately, there is a handy guide that makes it easy to get around the language barrier, especially if you hang around in the blocks with other English players (I hang out on Ship (their name for servers) 2, Block 20 and it's chock-full of English-speaking players).

While I'm here, have a screenshot!



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Gah, conundrum! Noticed what appeared to be some blurring in Arkham City at 1440p. Took a shot to compare between that and 1080p native. Low and behold, there's ever-so-slight clarity loss at the former downscaled resolution. Damn!

What's annoying is if I take a 1440p capture from fraps and downscale it to a 1080p image, that image looks clearer than the native 1080p capture.

I'm guessing this is my monitor, not handling downscaling of higher resolutions as well as I'd thought?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.


That's where 4GB comes in handy; no worries.

I will probably shell out for it next time. I keep forgetting about it in games I have lots of framerate headroom and try to jack up the AA to the max. 2GB is just not enough at this res. Thankfully 2X is usually more than enough to take care of the jaggies (even no AA looks great in games that were jagfests at lower res).
Those Alan Wake shots are gorgeous
Textures are low res as f*ck, but the games does some pretty nice things with lighting, specially ambient ones.

I.e., there are some instances when the sun shines bright then a set of clouds occlude it and everything goes overcast. It's a rare effect in games. That's why we need the next step in consoles as soon as possible, studios can keep the same assets they have now, yet an improvement in lighting complexity will make an important difference.


There's so much goddamn detail in Batman AC it's absurd.

So why would downsampling not work on my pc? Like the resolution doesn't even show up on my ati system.


Check out this guide. It's more thorough than mine and being updated (I got an Nvidia card, so I'm not up to speed on any changes since May.)

You know after reading that thread (on my laptop atm which doesn't even have the option for downsampling on nvidia) that the problem is my shitty chinese monitor.

They don't even list Sceptre, but it's a 1920x1200@60hz monitor that has always given me issues but then when I send it in, performs just fine with their testing team. :|


Just upgraded from a GTX 260 to a 7850 and I have no clue how AMD drivers work. At all. I thought Nvidia control panel was an unintuitive piece of shit, but AMD is blowing my mind left and right.

With that out of the way, are most AMD users here using RadeonPro instead of CCC? And for triple-buffered vysnc, are you using RadeonPro or D3D Overrider?

Are there any general tips for transitioning from the green team to the red team?

I figure talk like this is more suited for this thread than the build a PC thread or the Steam thread, but sorry if it's out of place.
Is there any trick to getting the HUD off in Arkham City, I have tried adding the commands to both bminput.ini and userinput.ini and nothing has worked.

.Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="FOV 0", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=true, bIgnoreAlt=false)
.Bindings=(Name="NumPadTwo",Command="FOV 125", Shift=false, Control=true, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)
.Bindings=(Name="NumPadThree",Command="FOV 60", Shift=false, Control=true, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)
.Bindings=(Name="NumPadFour",Command="TiledShot 4", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)
.Bindings=(Name="F10",Command="ToggleHUD", Shift=false, Control=false, Alt=false, bIgnoreShift=false, bIgnoreCtrl=false, bIgnoreAlt=false)

What am I doing wrong?
You know after reading that thread (on my laptop atm which doesn't even have the option for downsampling on nvidia) that the problem is my shitty chinese monitor.

They don't even list Sceptre, but it's a 1920x1200@60hz monitor that has always given me issues but then when I send it in, performs just fine with their testing team. :|

I have an old ass cheap Sceptre monitor too, and I'm sure that is why none of these down sampling methods will work for me either. It was the only conclusion I could come to since the rest of my PC (except that I have the cheapest, most garish case ever made) is top notch. I just thought it wouldn't matter to the monitor since the output is still native.
Is there any trick to getting the HUD off in Arkham City, I have tried adding the commands to both bminput.ini and userinput.ini and nothing has worked.

What am I doing wrong?

Gotta make sure the key you're trying to bind isn't already used by another command.
For example do an ctrl + F and search for F10, if you find it you gotta either delete that line or use a key that's unused.
Also I think the .ini file is gonna reset itself everytime you restart or make changes unless you make it "read only"


So what is the trick to Radeon Pro?? I cant ever seem to get it to work...

How do I use it?? I have Catalyst still on if that helps. Should I uninstall that program??

What Am I missing?


Low Poly Gynecologist
You know after reading that thread (on my laptop atm which doesn't even have the option for downsampling on nvidia) that the problem is my shitty chinese monitor.

They don't even list Sceptre, but it's a 1920x1200@60hz monitor that has always given me issues but then when I send it in, performs just fine with their testing team. :|

I've got a Sceptre TV that will do downsampling fine if I set the timings to Automatic. Otherwise it gets super screwy. Have you tried just keeping the timings automatic rather than custom setting them?


I've got a Sceptre TV that will do downsampling fine if I set the timings to Automatic. Otherwise it gets super screwy. Have you tried just keeping the timings automatic rather than custom setting them?
It's a sceptre monitor not TV.

It's this, specifically http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824112011

I tried one of those ini files and the only way I could get it to work was to use one with a EDID hack or whatever, but I couldn't get it to display at 2560x1600 @ 60hz, it kept trying to display at 25hz and anything less than 50hz had a fucked up signal that was all glitchy


I can only run it on low at this res but damn, why didn't I start playing this before. The mask shit tests my patience, and the fact the jumping is pretty piss poor (can't climb over waist high walls why?) but it's better than I expected. Also something about this fov is really constricting.




Thanks for the reminder Sethos, I had completely forgotten about Outerra Anteworld. Downloading now.

Must admit, didn't know they had released an actual playable tech demo until a few hours ago. A random Google made me stumble on their forum and the subsequent Alpha thread. This engine is so god damn amazing, another reason why I hate DirectX became the dominant API.
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