2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur

Dr. Light

Mafia 2:




Forgot to disable the HUD, but whatever, it still looks good.


You know you can downsample those shots right? You have to use a hex editor to get in the correct resolution values, but I got it to work at 2560x1440p.

Then used Nvidia inspector to force in MSAA, SS, and AF.


Learned that last night, actually. Those shots are downsampled from 1440p, actually. :p + 8xMSAA

Dr. Light

You gotta be trolling with that TERA shot. If not and you think that looks good, then boy, your mind is gonna be blown in a couple of levels.

I'm not saying it's technically awesome, just that it looks pretty. I like color in my games (same for Mafia 2, actually).

Then again, at 1440p everything looks good.


Thanks for the reply! I dont know what nvidia inspector is, but i downloaded it and it wont run saying I need .netframework, ever hear of that?


Low Poly Gynecologist
Borderlands with good Anti-Aliasing applied looks really fantastic. I couldn't stand the game originally because all the hard edges were really jaggy. With a card capable of using a lot of AA, it looks great.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Looks stunning here - can I ask what kind of settings your using?

I hex-edited in the resolution 1600x1200 which is then downsampled to 1440x1080 by my TV. For AA I used 32x CSAA and 8x SGSSAA. The game doesn't need any AA compatibilities. It holds up really nicely and runs at a crisp 60 fps.


I'm not saying it's technically awesome, just that it looks pretty. I like color in my games (same for Mafia 2, actually).

Then again, at 1440p everything looks good.

I wholeheartedly agree, but my issue was with the blandness of the scenery in the screenshot. There's so much nice looking scenery in that area, and couldn't understand why you would pick that shot over others. Oh, and by the way, if you press ctrl+z it will remove the HUD completely.

Aaaand, have a screenshot: Mass Effect 3
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