They're my settings but a long way from the old version on nexus. Along with the enb I use a esp that revamps all the ambient lighting, sun, fog, etc.. for most of the weather types.
Those Vindictus shots look nice, is the game good? I haven't played an MMORPG in ages but it seems to have some original gameplay, at least in the combat department.
Is that a new class? I was on about a month or two ago and never saw that... looks fun, but I'll likely stick with sheild.
I can't play PS2 with motion blur on, drives me crazy. In fact pretty much every game I play the first thing I check for in video options is 'can I fucking turn it off'.
Is PS2 better optimized now? I remember people having some real problems in the beta but I haven't kept up with it. Looks amazing, though!
Hawken is so fun and looks great when I play, but I just can't get any good screenshots.
Thank you Scissorhand! Thank you for the GRAINS! The glorious GRAIN FILTER!
EDIT: Btw, what's your GPU?
GTX 570. I could get 60fps (with drops) using more modest settings, but I prefer it completely maxed at 30fps locked. Still feels great and the controller layout is decent.
The grain filter looks better in motion and I think is improved by the downsampling. Removing it takes away some of the gritty character of the visuals imo.
Really though man, how is Planterside?