Are you using a SweetFX tweak with that at all? Because I'm sure I wasn't getting colours as nice as that when I played it. I don't think.
Are you using a SweetFX tweak with that at all? Because I'm sure I wasn't getting colours as nice as that when I played it. I don't think.
Are you using a SweetFX tweak with that at all? Because I'm sure I wasn't getting colours as nice as that when I played it. I don't think.
Man, I cannot wait for my new 7970m equipped laptop to arrive to I can finally have a crack at Planetside 2. Game looks GORGEOUS. 60FPS maxed out is likely out of the question but I know that card can handle 30FPS on ultra so I might just settle for the eye candy over and above the smoother response.
That's some nice PS2 screens. What rig are you on and how well is it running?
Thank you, nothing crazy I'm on a decently OCed 670 and a 2600k@4.5
It runs at 30 fps locked with a 3600x2025 resolution and ultra settings in the .ini but some of those pictures ( the last two for example ) are from messing about with 2.0 Renderquality in the ini which from what I understand is twice ( four times ? ) the aforementioned resolution at some unplayable framerate.
Holy c**p at Max Payne 3 !!! Just gorgeous!!!
Holy shit.
Is yours a triple monitor set up?
Also, kindly put forth more screens for everyone's viewing pleasure for the existing ones are.... delectable.
Why did you censor crap?
Thank you, nothing crazy I'm on a decently OCed 670 and a 2600k@4.5
It runs at 30 fps locked with a 3600x2025 resolution and ultra settings in the .ini but some of those pictures ( the last two for example ) are from messing about with 2.0 Renderquality in the ini which from what I understand is twice ( four times ? ) the aforementioned resolution at some unplayable framerate.
I'm not sure on how the render quality modifier works.
Cause english is not my birth language. I know it's less "nasty" than holy f**k, but I don't really know if it's cool to use it in a forum (don't want to be ban for language!! lol ) ; )
I really need MP3 on PC!
Cause english is not my birth language. I know it's less "nasty" than holy f**k, but I don't really know if it's cool to use it in a forum (don't want to be ban for language!! lol ) ; )
I really need MP3 on PC!
EDIT: Does Planetside 2 work with a controller?
I do not believe so... Also you would get killed a heck of a lot with it imo
Any chance of getting dem SweetFX settings, KyleN? Really does make it look world's better than how I remember it looking on my rig.
Promise I won't take credit for them on other forums or anything![]()
Stupid sexy Flanders...
Messing with sweetfx
Does Twin Snakes work fine in Dolphin now
I tried like a year ago and it was shit