Running around in my lil' Miner, getting some ISK.
I actually enjoy the peace and quiet of mining.
I am always tempted to play again everytime this game is mentioned. The feeling of flying through space in peace with the music and the visuals...
Could I ask for a favor from high-res gaf? Can anyone who has RAGE installed try to snap a screenshot that results in a file with higher resolution than 2880x1600?
I can use all kinds of ingame resolution settings but even if I pick 3840x2160 ingame the fraps shot invariably ends up being 2880x1600 which leads me to believe the game doesn't render anything higher than that (or that something is wrong on my end ).
I was under the impression that newer versions of FRAPs cap out at 2880x1600 and it required an older version to go higher. That's what I had to do to take shots of Witcher 2 @ 3024x1890.
Running around in my lil' Miner, getting some ISK.
I actually enjoy the peace and quiet of mining.
Love playing this game at 60fps.
dem low res textures. what are your settings for 60fps? any mods? link me to your system.cfg or autoexec.cfg if you would be so kind.
r_shadowjittering = 6
r_colorgrading = 0
r_texmaxanisotropy = 16
hud_hide = 1
Could I ask for a favor from high-res gaf? Can anyone who has RAGE installed try to snap a screenshot that results in a file with higher resolution than 2880x1600?
I can use all kinds of ingame resolution settings but even if I pick 3840x2160 ingame the fraps shot invariably ends up being 2880x1600 which leads me to believe the game doesn't render anything higher than that (or that something is wrong on my end ).
Could I ask for a favor from high-res gaf? Can anyone who has RAGE installed try to snap a screenshot that results in a file with higher resolution than 2880x1600?
I can use all kinds of ingame resolution settings but even if I pick 3840x2160 ingame the fraps shot invariably ends up being 2880x1600 which leads me to believe the game doesn't render anything higher than that (or that something is wrong on my end ).
3200x1800 working for me with fraps version 3.5.5.
here you go. taken at 3000x1688. fraps made the game crash, so i had to use the built in screenshot command.[/IMG
fullsize link: [url][/url]
fullsize link: [url][/url][/QUOTE]
Thanks, guess the problem is on my end then >_<
I was under the impression that newer versions of FRAPs cap out at 2880x1600 and it required an older version to go higher. That's what I had to do to take shots of Witcher 2 @ 3024x1890.
Hey Sethos, out of curiosity, can you make enough mining to sustain a sub? I haven't played EVE since... 2005? Yeesh. Anyway, no idea how much that stuff goes for, just remember hearing that you can buy game time with in-game currency
In high-sec space that'll net me something like 5 million per mining run ( 15-20 minutes or so ), a PLEX ( The 30 day game-time ) goes for 500-600 Million.
Lots of fun combat missions to do instead with good profits.
Is there any way to get Splinter Cell Conviction to not run like absolute ass?
I'm running it maxed out on a GTX 580 and am barely getting 30fps. What's going on here?
Looks like shes from Shinra lol
SGSSAA and high quality ambient occlusion are both activated through Nvidia Inspector. Here's a screenshot of my please?
I like those Splinter Cell shots! Now i need to play it.