Templar Wizard
what DOF mod for skyrim is that?
Modern Warfare 2/8x SGSSAA/FOV fixed
Confidence Man, please post your Skyrim settings. PLEASE
I posted it in the mod thread: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5253
Seems to have died down a bit.
You got a HUD fix for MW3? Tried many of the ones listed for the other games but apparently they made some modifications to the engine rendering them useless. ( The config tweaks )
For Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 I used this: bind KP_END "cg_fovscale 1.2" in the config.ini. A 20% increase over the default hFOV of 65 feels much better without the weapon models breaking or looking weird (at an hFOV of 85-90 that starts to happen with some guns).Can you link to the FOV fix for MW2? I couldn't ever find one that worked a couple of weeks ago.
Amazing. Are you using any other mods?
For Black Ops and Modern Warfare 2 I used this: bind KP_END "cg_fovscale 1.2" in the config.ini. A 20% increase over the default hFOV of 65 feels much better without the weapon models breaking or looking weird (at an hFOV of 85-90 that starts to happen with some guns).
Assassin's Creed II (8xEQ MSAA + Post-processing off
I'm sure you can figure out why.
Thanks. Is there a way to turn off the crosshair? It's utterly useless.
Woah, why are those shots so blurry?
Speaking of, how's the performance in Revelations? I haven't bought it yet, but I know they redid a lot of character models and stuff, right?
Can I have your current PC when you do that?Black Ops/Hud toggled off/FOV fixed
Man now that I figured out the simplest way to turn off the hud and fix the FOV in the recent MW's/BO I can't wait to replay them on my future 4k television in 3d at 120 fps.