No ME3 ones yet?
Fallout 3 and New Vegas have not aged well at all....[img]
You're gonna make me load up Crysis and try to play it downsampled.
Damn Skyrim looks great with ENB.
What profile are you using (if any)?
Motion blur is incompatible with competitve gaming. How can you play with such atrocity?Tribes Ascend. Pics are usually blury due to motion blur and going at high speeds.
Motion blur is incompatible with competitve gaming. How can you play with such atrocity?
Motion blur is incompatible with competitve gaming. How can you play with such atrocity?
ASilva, what mods are you using? Great shots.
WOW...I have a Nvidia 580 in SLI. Can you provide what things I need to set in the Control Panel to get that level of Iq? Or the setting in Inspector if that is what you are using?
i added my nv inspector settings to my gallery.. you can crank AA up to 4xSGSSAA+4xMSAA(dont forget to adjust LOD settings as well for 4xSGSAA (-0.875, -1.0, -1.125) pick one which suits your taste) i guess, without capping your framerate to 30FPS..