
Good memories =(
Oh man. I'm salivating.
Doesn't look like 8x SSAA actually. You sure it's working?8xSSAA HUDoff
Doesn't look like 8x SSAA actually. You sure it's working?
Sethos, what AA do you use? Looks amazing.
Can you list the mods you are using? I tried a number of mods (graphical improvements) out at the same time and my game keeps freezing.
4xMSAA + The downsampling from 1600 also helps.
Doesn't look like 8x SSAA actually. You sure it's working?
Hmm.. Must be something wrong for me then. I have plenty of jaggies even with 8xMSAA.
Hmm.. Must be something wrong for me then. I have plenty of jaggies even with 8xMSAA.
This is what it looks like for me.[IMG]
Your problem there is resolution, that's not 1080p native..
I was trying to turn of vignette, but you can only turn it off by turning all post-processing off.
I wasted $10 on the first game the other day not knowing you can't turn vignetting off. I literally can't play it because I practically get tunnel vision from that shit.
Is that a player character from Skyrim or a mod?
Yeah, something's definitely up with those, weird.
I'm running DX11 as well, if that has anything to do with it.
Your problem there is resolution, that's not 1080p native..
Is that a player character from Skyrim or a mod?