WTF is going on with the blue chick on the left?!
Mass Effect 3[img]
What wizardary is this?
Is there any texture patches on the way? aaaarh, could be so pretty.
From your screenshots you dont seem very interested in "pretty". How can you play with that character and not laugh your ass off everytime she talks in a cutscene?
It's carefully modeled after Emma Stone.
What mod/tweak do you use to get the free-floating camera?
What mod/tweak do you use to get the free-floating camera?
is it just me or ME3 looks worse than ME2? I'm playing it and it feels....lightweight. Some textures are atrocious
If you played ME2 with texture mods, then yes ME2 looks it just me or ME3 looks worse than ME2? I'm playing it and it feels....lightweight. Some textures are atrocious
Blown mind.You can stand against walls and make Shep disappear
I think some of the ME2 characters who appear in this game looked better in ME2. However, in some cases I think they use the exact same model.If you played ME2 with texture mods, then yes ME2 looks better.
Apologies for the second pic. I've seen the exact scene posted in this thread throughout the years at least ten times, but it is a great place to nab a shot.[IMG]
Disable triple buffering and you won't get those white outlines.
[quote="WoodenLung, post: 35895176"]Pretty sure the white artifacts there are coming because of supersampling that doesn't work with the game. I had the same problem but a GAFer helped me get rid of it.[/QUOTE]
Nah, it's triple buffering.