Can't hold the draft in Europe.Stop having this shit in Jersey/New York.. come to a town that doesn't fucking boo everything.
Is it too much to ask ESPN to have an ex-GM or NBA scout at their main table during the draft?
Bilas knows the players, but has no idea about what translates to the pros. JVG is there for the check and knows nothing about the players. Broussard knows how to be a mouthpiece for the NBA execs who talk to him, and that's about it.
They have Tom Penn there. Put him at the table. Put anyone at the table who knows what he's talking about. Just one person. That's all I ask.
TNT's crew was always woefully uninformed about the draft, too, but at least they were entertaining. ESPN's coverage is bad and bland. Thank goodness for GAF and Twitter.
Holy shit he actually put his hand to his ear
Stern is soaking it up, he feasts on the hate
That's cause Charles Barkley makes everything better
That what I'm talking about. WWE up this shit, can't edit out the boos.Lol Stern is too funny. Asshole chant would have been nice.
Stop having this shit in Jersey/New York.. come to a town that doesn't fucking boo everything.
Stop having this shit in Jersey/New York.. come to a town that doesn't fucking boo everything.[/MG][/QUOTE]
lmao, super dick.
Stern needs walk out music. Preferably something that starts with glass shattering or a shotgun blast. Maybe a rock remix of I'm a Boss.