So Knicks RealGM are throwing around Amar'e trade ideas and someone posited flipping him for J-Rich, Big Baby and Hedo...
I wouldn't do it
Oh? All of a sudden you believe in this year's Lakers?
Damn, I need to quit bitching, I knew the Mavs had no shot.
Can't wait to watch the Lakers lose to the FThunder.
Can't wait to watch the Lakers lose to the FThunder.
I can't believe you actually thought your team had a chance.
Would you rather I disappear when I lose faith in my team, like you do?
I am witnessing StickSoldier go through the stages of grief right now
Is Falling Skies any good?
Wait, so do you believe in the Lakers or not?
I need a clear answer on this cause clowning on you will be a lot more fun if so.
Is Falling Skies any good?
He started too late. I came to terms towards the end of the season.
I'd be okay with this. Can't see why the Knicks would do it.
Nash is still buddies with Amar'e though right?
Man and I knew this season was a wasted one too. I even told myself I wouldn't get upset because the Mavs finally won a chip; I just grew hope by those tease of games they played in OKC.
Please don't let them back in again.
Did you believe your team had a shot? I mean I didn't until the Mavs had lost the last two games by 4 points.
Jet you're so fucking stupid. Leave at halftime please
I always believe in the Lakers, win or lose. That is where we differ. When the Spurs lose you throw a bitch fit and disappear from the thread. I really hope this year you will be able to rebound from the Spurs loss to the Lakers better than they rebound against Bynum. go home, Dirk.