Does McGee's skin seem lighter to anyone else?
ugh. 16pt lead.
fuck you mike brown.
a sad panda right here man
WTF no foul on the Kobe shot? fucking bs refs.
Wait...are you for or against LA?
I am not even slightly excited about this lead. We can easily lose this in the 4th.
HahahaI am not even slightly excited about this lead. We can easily lose this in the 4th.
wow bro.
i can't even respond to this.
wow bro.
i can't even respond to this.
dat platinum blond girl in the back of the bench doe
Bynum's in a huddle
Mike Brown himself with the drawing board
Lakers got this.
No matter what it is, he about you respond to my question fucker
what do you play bf3 on?
My God Gallo... wtf? 1-9?
Lakers need to clamp down here. Play smart.
haha Mike Brown is nervous as fuck.
What does Brown even draw on the drawing board? It's definitely not a play.
He's probably a great artist, can't see why else he gets coaching jobs.