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2013 Feb NBA Season lOT| Controlling it like a man, bruh

26-19 quarter, 3rd Quarter Knicks in Effect. Still the best 2nd half team in the NBA I think, but now the STAT Pack is going to have to give 5 good minute here. Just get to the 7 minute mark with it a 1 possession game and the Knicks will take that.

WTF Felton is starting the 4th? Wow.
There are some games teams don't try to target Novak, but considering the Knicks penchant for switching everything... I mean goddamn really? Just make a few PnR's and instant mismatch. Play a fucking zone where you can at least hide him, otherwise sit his ass down. Dude ran away to left Jamal Crawford open for a 3... moronic.

I'll take James White over him at this rate.
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