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2013 NBA Playoffs |OT2| Rose has no Muscle Memories, Durant having Russell Memories

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Fucking Perfect. McHale levels of dumb.


21000 posts? How many were just this game? Paul George making all three 3's was pretty impressive considering the pressure, but he choked afterward.


Fuck Vogel, fuck hiiiiiiiiiiim

Pacers shoulda had it.

Great game though. This should game should give the Pacers alot of balls going forward.


MOTHER FUCKING LEBRON!!!!!!! FUCK YESSSSSS!!! Bull shit bail out plays by both teams, but after that major fuck up by Wade, we could not lose the game that way.
In honor of past NBA GAF rants:

Fuck the Miami Heat and their douchebag fanbase of husband-murdering black widows with their Gucci purses and bullshit fake tans. I'm surprised more than half the fans actually stayed in the stands until the final buzzer, since they clearly don't give a shit about basketball. Fuck Dwyane "Human Growth Hormone Experiment" Wade and his fucking bubble gut HGH belly and Neanderthal jawline. You are the definitive reason we know NBA players are juicing, you fucking fraud. Fuck former child pornography suspect (HE WAS CLEARED!) Harvey Birdman and his douchey tattoos, X-Games circa '95 mohawk, and pseudo tough guy attitude. Buddy, they aren't cheering "Kaw Kaw!" They're cheering "Caca!" as in pure shit, which you are. Fuck seventy-year-old Ray "The Great Betrayer" Allen and his ring hunting sellout quest. The shittier you play these playoffs, the more it confirms that Pierce and Garnett were the real stars in Boston and carried your one-dimensional carcass all those years. Fuck Udonis "The Human Trash Can" Haslem for having more rings than guys who actually know how to play basketball. You're D-league trash, at best. Fuck LeBron "The Flop King" James for tipping over when someone so much as breathes on him. You're built like a fucking Mack truck, you piece of shit fraud...stop dropping to the ground when a 160 pound point guard moves into a screen you set. Jordan was nowhere near your size and he didn't resort to these kind of childish, bullshit flopping techniques to get a cheap call. Fuck off. Also, stop making horseshit promises about how you can be so much better and shoot 100% from the field next year if you weren't so bored being the best. Nobody believes shit you say, especially when you have an epileptic seizure every time someone happens to slap your arm. It's called a foul, asshole. Nobody's shooting you with a fucking gun out there. Congrats on making that game winner, you douchebag. Fuck Stern for rigging the shit out of the refereeing this game. If you can't/didn't see it, it's because your head was too far up LeBron James' ass to see the truth. This was some of the most egregious, one-sided referee work in the history of the league. They might as well start the game with the Miami HGHeat up 15 to 0, since that's how many points the referees spotted them tonight with bullshit calls. Stern let Battier elbow a dude in the fucking neck and then called a foul on the victim. Because Miami HeaFT.

Bosh is a fucking human raptor, and cool as hell in my book. Much love to Bosh.

Heat in 6.
salt levels, omg

It's cute when Heat-age says things.


Wait.. where the fuck was Hibbert?

why wasnt Hibbert in..., fucking Vogel




No Hibbert again? Paul George blew it after perfect free throws. wow.

Why was Hibbert out again?


This really can't be said enough. Vogel did this exact same shit in the playoff series last year against the Heat where he did not play Hibbert late in the game. It makes no fucking sense when your main advantage over the Heat is size, you are going to waste that by benching Hibbert?

It really makes no sense at all. Hibbert shaking his head on the bench with the game ending is the story of this game


more money than God
I told you guys before this series that the Pacers were frauds. They have all that size but REFUSE to use it. Going for pointless three after three when they should be working in the post. How the fuck is Hibbert on the bench at the end? Because the Pacers REFUSE to use their best asset against this Miami team. Someone here told me that they had "learned their lesson against the Knicks". LOL!

I told you!


Knew that was coming the moment I saw Hibbert wasn't in again. lol what a dope Vogel is. Paul George's mistake on D was horrific though.
Suck it you motherfuckers. That Paul George call was absolute horseshit.

Ball dont lie.

Fuck you refs!

You don't know what this mean do you? PG made those three free throws on that foul.

Oh and fuck the guys that let Bron get away with 4 fouls. Yeah fuck them.
Man I'm so confused how did Frank Vogel get a NBA coaching job when he apparently doesn't have the critical thinking skills of a stoned 9th grader.


more money than God
It will be 2 for Lebron in a few weeks. Didn't Lebron win his first championship before MJ? In 10 years Lebron may have more than MJ.
MJ's greatness isn't defined by the number of championships. That's a stupid and inconsistent statistic. What always impressed me most about MJ was the 6 Finals MVPs. The fact that you can win 6 titles, and be unquestionably the best on your team every time is what defines MJ.


if the call went the other way the amount of salt in here would reach all time levels, so yeah fuck that call
Can you imagine if they have three free throws to the Heat on an absolute bullshit call like that in a game deciding moment? We would hear about it till the end of time.


I was convinced it would be the refs that prevented Stern's Indiana v Memphis Anti-Finals from happening. But profound stupidity by said teams looks like it will be more than enough.


Vogel kinda outsmarted himself at the end, but he and Spo played a good chess match up until that point. Spo left in a key defender and let him foul out. Vogel sat a key defender and let two critical buckets get scored. In a "possession game", as Spo called it, sometimes it's those tiny miscues that cost you. This was a close, competitive and tense game. I give the Pacers mad respect. They are a damn good ballclub. PEACE.
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