This was an outstanding year of television, I can’t believe it myself honestly. So many amazing new additions through the board. Really glad to be alive as such time. 2014 will be remembered, at the very least by myself.
Excuse me for “not so great”-language and such, was in the mood for some longer explanations.
1. The Leftovers (10/10)
I will admit Damon Lindelof’s philosophy of writing television, his style and thought-process is one of the most admirable things in the world of US television for me personally. Lost had its undeniable flaws, some episodes of the final season were embarrassingly bad, but it’s also an unique, adventurous odyssey filled with great characters, terrifying scenes and probably the master of asking questions that will tear into the audiences mind, taking control over them without giving most of them any pleasure of answering them to their satisfaction.
The Leftovers leaves the answers out of the equation this time around. And again, Lindelof pulls of the feel of something unique and the reactions he gets from his audience, this time seemingly prepared, cautious and almost comically without passion, are that more interesting for it. The relationship between Kevin Garvey, the maddening Guilty Remnant, said audience and Lindelof himself to an extant is one of the most engaging dynamics on television, and it’s a huge part of why I love this show so much. I’m not denouncing anyone who found no interest in this show or thinks this is bad, I disagree, but The Leftovers – on a pure subjective level – spoke to me like no other show in 2014. It explores universal themes of faith, family and humanity – but is, as was Lost before it, truly personal. Backed up by an amazing score and beautiful shot, it gets the number one spot on my list.
2. Hannibal (10/10)
The reluctance towards Hannibal as the production was announced was understandable and everybody knows why. The first season came and went did so much so well and convinced the doubters that you have something special here. Always on the cusp of death itself, the show somehow managed to stay alive.
In its second season Hannibal shattered expectations once again with everything that made the first season great dialed up to eleven. Its structure is confusing and scattered at times, without ever losing its focus, the relationship between Hannibal Lector and Will Graham. Brilliantly played by Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy, paired with a direction that’s above all else on network and television as a whole. It also has one of the single strongest season finales of any show ever, across the board. They simply nailed it, a composition so thoroughly executed; it leaves you wondering how they want to top that. They got my trust and my number two spot on this list, that is for sure.
3. Mad Men (9,5/10)
This will be a rather short one, but know this: Mad Men is not a show that slows down on it’s tails end. While many found the sixth season to be lackluster, I only partly agree, the first half of the seventh season is as good as this show has ever been. With some truly outstanding episodes, Mad Men delivered and only got denied a 10 out of 10, because I have faith in Weiner & Co. that this won’t be the last high point and 2015 will give us another batch of episodes of one the most well-crafted shows there are.
4. Rectify (9,5/10)
I prefer Rectify’s first season, simply due to its unparalleled sense of wonder, coming from the mind of one man, who did or did not rape and kill a girl in his teens, and had to live half his life in prison for it, only to be set free into the world again. Just based on that alone season two seemed to have an impossible task bestowed upon itself – sustaining what seemingly can’t be sustained. And yet it did with bravour. An amazing cast, one of the many perfectly directed shows on this list and with a calm and poetry-ness, that won’t let you go. Ignored by almost anyone, if you want to watch one show & one show only, watch Rectify. It deserves it!
5. The Good Wife
The last herald of the once dominating network business, some might call it. And while that’s certainly not true (see Hannibal) it can’t be ignored that The Good Wife holds a special place amongst its peers, on CBS no less. While the best episodes were aired in 2013, the back half of season five and the first half of season six were still packed with astonishing quality. There might be an average episode here and there, a drop that have people wondering if this was it, the end of an unbelievable run, but it always came back. With the death of Emergency Room (The one show they should bring back and could easily, but don’t. Eh…

my hope for long running serious network drama had seemingly died with it. The Good Wife gives me that hope back, that there will always be a world besides serializied cable shows and dull case by case-checklist shows.
6. The Knick (9,5/10)
Steven Soderbergh. Clive Owen. Best score of goddamn television! One episode that is among the best of the best. This show.Fucking. Rocks! Watch it.
7. Fargo (9/10)
It is mentioned in every describtion of Fargo probably ever, but this show was somewhat a surprise to many. What is probably the bigger surprise: It topped True Detective (8/10) with ease – at least on my list. How they managed to bring the Coen’s classic style on the little screen is astonishing. A captivating ride from beginning to end, Fargo delivers from its cast to its pacing, simply on all fronts. If you want to watch one Miniseries of 2014, make it this one.
8. Boardwalk Empire (9/10)
Flashbacks are a tough think to pull off, especially with a tragically shortened final season, were there were no prior to this point. And still they pulled it off. While I don’t think the final moments were quite right, the amount of brilliant scenes in this single season is just mind-boggling. Boardwalk Empire was always the dark sheep it seems, but for the ones who dare to look, HBO delivered another breathtaking drama with scope and a sense of epicness that the channel is so famous for. While other services such as Netflix are eager to catch up, HBO’s still the king.
9. Rick & Morty (9/10)
Dan Harmon is good in my books for his work on Community either way, but Rick & Morty cemented his status as an incredible creative mind. With a first season that is at times near perfection, he created another colorful playground that is able to surprise you with any moment anytime. It’s a special show with heart and humor. Animated show of the year, no doubt.
10. Shameless (9/10)
I almost forgot about this season myself. In any other year this would probably be a standout, not so much in 2014, where there is no escape from groundbreaking television. And yet, I have to give applause where it’s due. It was dark, depressing year for the Gallagher family. Furthermore you just can’t ignore what a powerhouse this cast has developed into. This is the best childrens cast on TV period, GoT be damned. Showtime’s best and I’m so glad that a show that is seemingly destined to fall off the wagon at some point, can still reach such highs.
Honorable mentions:
Game of Thrones (9/10)
Veep (8,5/10)
The Killing (8,5/10)
Marco Polo (Yet to finish)
Bob's Burgers
True Detective (8/10)
24 (8/10)
The Affair (Yet to finish)
Flop of the Year
The Strain
Comeback of the Year
New Girl