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2014 Holiday Backlog. Buying games has become an addictive game itself!

I know I am not the only one that has went a bit overboard this holiday season. Backlogs are nothing new (especially for you Steam users.) However, this holiday season the sales on consoles and games have been beyond ridiculous. It feels like they make you buy these games because of the perceived value.

I have told myself multiple times (including this morning) that I would not buy anymore until I complete some of my recent purchases.But for example this morning, Amazon put Driveclub on sale for $34.99 and this coincides with the weather patch coming out and most of the online fucntions becoming functional. So I went to Best Buy and priced matched it. Nintendo this morning released "refurbished" Wii games. I am not even sure what that means other than I got Punchout and Pikmin for $27.50 combined and used they sell for considerably more. So there are 3 more games in my collection.

I was able to get 6 years of GCU for $21 last month which has made buying games so much cheaper. First it is 20% off all titles plus you get double reward points for purchases and trade ins. I have received multiple $5 and $10 gift cards from points and pre-orders. I even get an extra 10% in trade in values.

With glitches or super sales I have ended up buying games I don't want or need just to trade them in and get more in credits. The MS Store glitch of buy KSR for $24.99 and get a free $59.99 game (did it 5 times) netted me a lot of trade in credit. A few months ago a seller on Rakuten was selling new COD Ghosts for $6.00 shipped (did it 8 times). It has almost become a game in itself to see how good of a deal you can get and how cheap you can pick up titles and accessories. Hence the website Cheapassgamer.com which I check religiously (shoutout CAG).

Even figures like Amiibos have been thrown into the mix. The combination of having cute Nintendo figures usable in games is already enticing. The fact that 3 of Wave 1 are rare in availability and rumored off and on to be discontinued makes it even more of a quest to get them all. Then add the sales that make them impossible to pass up like: Toys R Us spend $35 get $10 off or the Best Buy glitch where you buy 2 and get 1 free.

The thing is I don't have a lot of money but I didn't spend a lot of of money. I just took advantage of amazing deals and worked hard to get the best deals possible. Fortunately it has not got in my way of playing games. I am actually excited for the holiday season to be over so we can go back to normal game prices and I can catch up.

I know I am not the only one that has been doing this so what say you Gaf? What type of damage have you done? What type of deals have you taken advantage of? Make me feel not alone in my obsessive deal searching. Lists and pictures appreciated! Take some time and explain your scheming!

Bought (last 30 days):
Driveclub (BB PM'ed to $34.99 from Amazon)
Wii Punch Out (Refurb from Nintendo $11)
Wii Pikmin (Refurb from Nintendo $16.50)
Shovelknight (impulse buy after they got GOTY)
NES Remix (Used MS glitch credits)
Captain Toad (Used MS glitch credits)
Marvel Lego ($11.50 from NewEgg)
Shadow of Mordor (24.99 from NewEgg)
Smash Wii U (X-Mas present from brother to my daughter)
GTA 5 (bought and received $10 GC from GCU)
Bayonetta 2 ((Used MS glitch credits)
Hyrule Warriors (Used MS glitch credits)
All 12 Wave 1 Amiibos (Used MS glitch credits and TRU save $10 on $35 deal)
Couple of GC controllers for Wii U (Used MS glitch credits)
Ninja Gaiden 3 Wii U (Walmart $7.50)

Need to Finish (not new but keeping me from moving on):
Diablo 3 (almost done)
Mario 3d World (In Bowser level)
Wind Waker HD (50% done)
The Last of Us (beat it on PS3 but started again, on back burner)

Haven't started:
Pikmin 3
Mario Bros Wii U
DKC Tropical Freeze

Still Playing:
Destiny (almost 200 hours in. 2 Level 29 Warlocks and a level 28 Titan)
MK8 (probably 100+ hrs)

This also does not count anything free from PS Plus like Injustice this month or any of the other many Indy games.

and yes I understand I may have a self control issue that I am really going to work on. I didn't buy the 20th Anniversary PS4 which was hard. Sorry I know this op is long but i had fun writing it and hope others will participate!

Edit:postimage.org isn't working for me right now. will update later
haha well shit. I was just trying to get a how big did your backlog get the past month and did you get some sweet deals thread? but i guess it didnt go that way. I think I will edit it down. The point is I got some great deals and I am excited to keep gaming with my daughter and play with Amiibos. :)

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