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2016 NFL Week 4 - At Least You're Not The Browns


If Luck had talent on his team and a real coaching staff he could be pretty good.

Instead he will retire as the undisputed king of fuckball.
Gameday! Lesssgo!


Luck's first losing season shouldn't be so bad.

Might be a wake up call for him to pack his bags and gtfo of Indy if he really cares about winning.

Once again, they wait till the 4th Q to put it into his hands. 6 sacks, multiple hits, costly turnover in the game, a bunch of dropped passes, and so on. What a joke of team and coaching staff (except Chud, I think he's axctually good).
I just found out I have Red Zone.

I know in previous seasons I would get the "press <button> to subscribe" page but I guess Verizon updated the package I have.
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