Positive Seller Feedback for Roddslayer
Quick and easy trade!
Positive trader feedback for Professor Lexicovermis
quick and easy
Positive Seller feedback for Mondrian.
Got a nice 3DS from him. Shipped to me unbelievably fast. Thank you sir!
Positive Seller feedback for Zaheer
I got home from work and the cube was here. Not sure why the communication stopped. I'll change it to positive.
Glad to hear the package got there in the end, but I'm not sure positive feedback is the best choice in this scenario? If I had a seller who brought me to the point of questioning their intentions who didn't bother to respond to me despite being online... I sure as hell wouldn't consider the transaction positive even if the item eventually made its way to my location.
It's your decision in the end, but do know that neutral feedback exists for exactly these sort of situations.
I completely understand where you are coming from, and I am very appreciative of the Chadder changing the feedback to positive. I really didn't notice I had any PM's only because Iv been on mobile exclusively for the past couple days. It's still my fault as I really should know to stay on top of these things when in the middle of a transaction like this. Lesson learned on my part.