Positive Buyer Feedback for immortald3ath
Positive buyer feedback for Pengew
Positive Seller Feedback for Xclash
First time I've arranged a local meetup, and all things considered it went incredibly smoothly (despite a completely hectic weekend on my part).
Positive sale feedback for Pangya
Awesome communication, quick shipping, I'm totally satisfied. Great seller!
Positive Seller feedback for Kunohara.
Great communication, fast delivery!
Positive Trade/Seller Feedback for CrashPrime
We traded Doom/Watch_Dogs 2 keys
Positive Seller Feedback for Mackenzie 92
Bought a steam key. Fast and smooth negotiation.
Positive SELLER feedback for ShadyK54
Great deal and fast shipping.
Positive seller feedback for gaiages
Great price and quick shipping! Arrived a little worse for wear, but I think an irresponsible postal worker was to blame. The game works though!