Hey guys,
As Cloggerdude mentioned earlier in the thread, we're trying to automate the gathering of feedback in this thread as much as possible. I have a working script that crawls through the thread and searches for a specific feedback pattern. You can check out a sample of the results here:
http://textuploader.com/5noty (the bottom part of the file is the interesting part).
BUT to make this work, we need your help with the format of your feedback posts. As the OP mentions, it should look like this:
Positive/Negative/Neutral Buyer/Seller feedback for
The bolding of the text isn't that important, but
having a line like this in the body of your post for each person you're giving feedback to is. Here are some examples of good and bad posts:
Positive buyer feedback for user1
Positive buyer feedback for user2
Positive buyer feedback for user3
Positive buyer feedback for user1, user2, user3
Positive buyer feedback for user1 and user2
moving your comments to a different line will help the script more accurately find the usernames:
Positive seller feedback for Cloggerdude
Great guy, sold me his soul
Positive seller feedback for Cloggerdude - his soul belongs to me
Positive seller feedback for Cloggerdude. Great guy!
The script may pick up anything after "Cloggerdude" and think it's part of the username, especially since GAF allows spaces and symbols as part of usernames.
if you guys could refrain from putting punctuation like exclamation points and periods at the end of each feedback line (unless it's part of the user's name), that would be great. It's not a big deal, but again, GAF allows those symbols in usernames so the script will pick them up.
Positive buyer feedback for Nightz
Positive buyer feedback for Nightz!
Positive buyer feedback for Nightz
Apologies in advance for potentially having you guys change the way you've been leaving feedback, but as a former feedback list updater, I know that updating the list takes a LOT of time and effort. This was created to help our current updaters to save some of that time. The good news is that most people in here are already doing feedback correctly. Others just need to make some minor tweaks.

Thanks for your cooperation!