Selling the following in lots. Can swap between lots if you want or willing to work something out if you are interested:
Lot 1: $40 Shipped in the 48 States
All Blu-Ray
Let The Right One In
Donnie Darko - Directors Cut
Drag Me To Hell - Stickers on Case/Inside Clip Broken
Watchmen Directors Cut - Slightly Damaged Outside Box
Kill Bill Vol 1
Star Trek (2009 - Sleeve Slightly Damaged)
The Matrix (Case Slightly Damaged)
Ferris Buellers Day off, bueller... bueller... edition
Adventureland - Sticker on Case
Lot 2: $30 shipped in the 48 States
All Blu-Ray
Planet Earth - 4 Disc Set - Outside Box Cover Damaged
IMAX Blue Planet
Encounters At The End of The World
Lot 3: $30 shipped in the 48 States
Mr Deeds
Zoolander - Sealed
LOTR - Fellowship of The Ring - Widescreen
The Last Samurai - Widescreen
Pans Labyrinth - Sticker on Case
Michael Clayton - Widescreen Edition
The Departed
No Country For Old Men - Sticker on Case
Gangs of New York
Sin City
The Green Mile - Damaged Case
Lot 4 : $18 Shipped in the 48 States
All PS 3
Uncharted Drakes Fortune
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception
Lot 5: $28 Shipped in the 48 States
All PS3
Little Big Planet
Fifa Soccer 11 (No Manual/Generic Case)
Mirrors Edge
Final Fantasy XIII
Ghost Recon Advance Warfare (Stickers on Case)
Lot 6 - $30 Shipped in the 48 States
All Xbox 360
Sega Superstars Tennis/XBLA
Lost Planet Extreme Condition
Guitar Hero 2 (no Guitar…

Grand Theft Auto IV
Condemned Criminal Origins
Battlefield 2
Perfect Dark Zero Collectors Edition
Also have Two Rockustics Rocky Jr. Outdoor speakers for $1,150 if interested. Shipped to the 48 States.