1. Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition (PS4):
Gameplay: Plays solid and smooth like the previous entry, feels awesome all the way through. Nero, The main protagonist, feels like a fresh new beginning to the series, and going back to Dante took some recollection, but after a bit it felt like riding an old bike, and I was doing even better with him, than I was with Nero.
Story: Wacky and ridiculous as usual, wouldn't have it any other way!
Art Style/Music: The designs of the characters are awesome, both the heroes and villains alike. Kinda wished that Trish would stay in her Gloria costume

and I would say that I like Lady's DMC 3 design more than this one. And the music is sick as usual, can't say that I like it more than 3's or 5's but still awesome in either case.
Gripes: I don't have much to complain about except that I felt that the final boss fight was a little underwhelming compared to 3's and the platforming sucks! I hate platforming in these games, its better than 1 and 2 but still less platforming for this series the better.
Additional Info: I completed the main story, and will definitely come back to finish the other content, this game probably has to be my second favorite in the series.
Final Score: 5/5
2. Sky Force Anniversary (PS4):
Gameplay: Good ol' shoot em up action that i felt was better playing with my brother than by myself. The upgrade system is fun to experiment with and makes the levels several times easier.
Story: The story is lackluster, with very few dialogue between levels. Shit there's only 2 voice actors.
Art Style/Music: The art style is fine, but the main show taker is the music, fun retro action music to go along with you blasting enemies out of the skies.
Gripes: You can feel the repetitiveness of the game as you have the missions many times in order to proceed.
Additional Info: N/A
Final Score: 3/5
3. Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (PS4):
Gameplay: Surpassing its previous title, the action is more fluid, the camera works better, and the mechanics improve the game in many ways. Doing many awesome combos, mix and match attacks with the different forms that change up the style of combat as well.
Story: The story of the first was sure alot easier to follow than this one, but actually experiencing Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days and my ability to understand more than I was at the age of 10. So while it has it's moments of cringe, I would still say the story is better than 1 but still lacks behind CoM and 358/2.
Art Style/Music: The designs of the characters.... are interesting to say the least. The designs of the heartless and nobodies can be cool, but the 'human' characters are just nothing but zippers and belts... so many belts... But I will say that Sora has way better design than he does in the first one, and The Organization look cool in just simple long black coats.
Gripes: The main grip i have about game is the amount of cringe there are at times.
Additional Info: Another thing this game has over the first entry is the amount of content, I didn't finish everything. Ill probably get around to it another time, as leveling up in this game can also take a good amount of time.
Final Score: 5/5