2020 Album of the Year

Pol Pot

It's definitely a Miley Cyrus album so go into it recognizing that much, but it's a record with balls. Mark my goddamn words. Miley is alpha chad :messenger_grinning_sweat: :messenger_ok:

She's on another tip lately.

Word. Appreciate the heads up. I'm going to give her a spin.
im scared of how much i love this Miley album, dear lord

I gave it a listen and am pretty impressed. There's some real good hooks on the album and great songwriting all around. I think where it falls flat is when you go after a rock vibe but still use modern production elements it never has the life/energy/excitement it needs. Synths over guitars, drum machines etc... Lack the balls of using real instruments, and you can hear Miley is getting some grit in her vocals so to leave her hanging instrumentally doesn't do it any favors. It's an interesting experiment but I feel like the whole album would have been better if they added live instrumentation and bolstered that with samples. Great songs and everything, I just think they missed the mark with the execution.

Didn't expect Billy Idol to show up with that verse though, he nailed it.


I gave it a listen and am pretty impressed. There's some real good hooks on the album and great songwriting all around. I think where it falls flat is when you go after a rock vibe but still use modern production elements it never has the life/energy/excitement it needs. Synths over guitars, drum machines etc... Lack the balls of using real instruments, and you can hear Miley is getting some grit in her vocals so to leave her hanging instrumentally doesn't do it any favors. It's an interesting experiment but I feel like the whole album would have been better if they added live instrumentation and bolstered that with samples. Great songs and everything, I just think they missed the mark with the execution.

Didn't expect Billy Idol to show up with that verse though, he nailed it.

My favorite aspect in music, or any art really, is juxtaposition. Whether it be the balance of loud/quiet, heavy/serene, pop/noise, etc. It's why I drool over the output of bands like Deftones, Sonic Youth, Deafheaven, etc. and find them so much more interesting than bands who go all in one direction or the other.This album has that, and it's the feeling of Miley emerging as less of a pop star and more of a real O.G. front-woman that's so intriguing about it . Her last two were very interesting also - Younger Now and Miley Cyrus and Her Dead Pets (the one where she collaborated with The Flaming Lips on) It was a real step in the right direction after her whole Bangerz era where she was just kinda 'bratty' and all over the place. I didn't care for that as much, too much "I'm not just a Disney girl - I do drugs and fuck!" She's matured as an artist since then a ton, and Plastic Hearts is exemplary of that. It has soul.

I legit think Miley has that punk rock spirit in her and starting her career off as a Disney Channel icon who was the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus of all people is super hard to break through. Nonetheless, I respect your review and agree to a large extent. I'd love to hear her ditch the pop pleasantries more and more and explore this more raw edge she's been flirting with for the past decade. Hopefully her next album isn't afraid to be more rough around the edges, it suits her more. That voice is so bassy and rough now. She's got legit pipes.

But yeah, maybe even my AotY. Don't tell the Deftones, because it's damn close. It's not a straight rock album, but more 80s pop rock album.
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E Explosive Zombie

Lmaooooo whoops. I was looking through the metal thread, listening thread, and meta gaf. 😂

But dude! Eternity of Shaog was actually one I'd forgotten to include in my post. Didnt realize it was death metal, I actually was like "oh man why doesnt more black metal use gutturals, this is tight!!" 😂😂

I'm not hip to subgenres distinctions ultimately I guess, but that album was a bit of a genre bender. Found it on Spotify

They're Death Metal and Black Metal about equally, honestly.


I already had my vote but Dua Lipa's album was excellent as well.. as was After Hours by The Weeknd. Both should've gotten Grammys. Doesn't Beyonce have enough??

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

Pitchfork added to the OP. Their AOTY is Fiona Apple.

And another for Sault:
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Big bump in lists. Adding the ones below and expecting a list from Anthony Fantano (The Needle Drop) soon as well.



Kind of an on the nose answer from me but legitimately, this was such a surprise. Thoroughly impressive.


Some Radiohead vibes with the strings on this one, the production is outstanding.


After Hours by TheWeeknd.
No skips and right up my alley.
Best POP+R&B album one could hope for and fully cohesive.
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