Sidney Prescott

Welcome to the 2023 Gaming Backlog OT!
The goal is to play those unplayed games that have been sitting in your library for a while, or maybe even games you picked up on sale recently and haven't played yet.
There's not really any, although the general goal is to not buy any or as little new releases as possible in 2023. Instead favouring those games that have been left untouched or you've been wanting to play for a while (including those that may pop up in a sale)
Do I need to make a list?
There's no need to make a list of games, unless that's something you'd want to do to help you in your quest to complete them.
How many games do I need to play?
As many as you can manage, quality over quantity. Make sure you're enjoying the games you do play or maybe swap out for another in your backlog if you're not feeling it.
Do I need to review the games I play?
It's appreciated, although not a neccessity as not everybody has the time to write up a full review of every game they play. A couple lines about what you thought of the game or just simply stating you completed something is fine.
1. No new games played in 2023.
2. 10 Backlog Games in 2023.
3. The "We salute you, Tier -- 1 backlog game completed per month
1. No new games played in 2023.

2. 10 Backlog Games in 2023.

3. The "We salute you, Tier -- 1 backlog game completed per month

How Long to Beat -- As the name states, this website has a giant catalog of games and the approximate amount of time it should take you to beat them. It's a useful resource if you want.
Backloggery -- As the name implies, a place to manage your backlog.