I’m sorry to hear about your experience, but I’m not convinced by your argument.Except when one person is vastly more powerful then the other. Or when multiple assailants come at you. A small dude or woman is not going to be able to defend an attack again muscle bound 6'5 roid rage dude. The gun doesn't even have to be used, just pull it out and poeple will think twice.
As someone who got mugged in n Philly for being the wrong skin color/nationality and hit on the back of the head with a pipe while walking in front of a 7-11 and then beat on by 3 dudes while they yelled racial slurs at me, that gun could of come in handy and maybe I could of taught some assholes a lesson, that you don't go jacking people walking down the street. It may have not helped with the swing from behind but it could of got those people to scatter. Of course Philly is a no gun city in a pro gun state. Only people with guns there are drug dealers/criminals.
It might be easier to scare off would-be attackers by wielding a death dealing chunk of metal in their face. But when the fall out of this freedom is regular massacres by unhinged psychopaths then I’m sure you’ll forgive me for questioning this particular constitutional right.
Violent assholes are always going to exist in our current society, but maybe we avoid introducing the very finite element of a bullet to their available arsenal and just deal with fists and maybe a knife at worst.
Guns inevitably escalate violence, this is simply a universal truth.
You’re utterly delusional to think otherwise.