Are some of you actually complaining about the spoiler tags? Give me a fucking break. Just get the hell out of the thread. Jesus. I'm glad people are posting some of this stuff, b/c I wouldn't read it any other way. I don't really care if I know what happens, the execution of the plot is what matters to me. Most of us know what's coming before it happens anyway. Tonight's ep ended brilliantly. Marwan's the fucking man. He's easily better than Nina in the villain category IMO. I mean, this guy is more hooked up than 007. No one has devised such a diabolical plan in one day. I mean, he steals the nuclear plant control with a train wreck, causes one or two near-meltdowns with radioactive materials released, stole a stealth fighter, shot down Air Force 1 with the president in it, just to steal the football, and now this. Un-fucking-believable. The man deserves a pat on the back for pure, unadulterated evil. Setting the bar...high, for a change. The writers are gonna have a hell of a time beating him IMO. PEACE.