I just made a better GIF:
imo it's one of the best episode of the entire series
Totally forgot about the car part. Man what a great episode that was.
I just made a better GIF:
imo it's one of the best episode of the entire series
and talking about that scene - how the fuck did Tony know there would be a car there?
Because it's Tony look at the back up plans he made at end season. He knew the guy kidnapped was going try warn people had agents in place and soon heard Kim was around set up another back up plan using her
I remember the time just before Season 6's finale was airing, and there were serious rumours going around that Tony would turn up at the end. I think half the people on GAF believed it and the other half were like lol no way. and then we were all disappointed when he didn't come back. we all kinda accepted he wasn't coming back
then season 7 happened
Someone made a Killcount video until season 7, I think it deserves to be here
Why is there fire on that Coral Snake soldier when Jack shoots him?
Why is there fire on that Coral Snake soldier when Jack shoots him?
I'm pretty sure he shot a flare.
flare gun.
For the first time in four years I will look forward to Mondays.
I just made a better GIF:
imo it's one of the best episode of the entire series
I'm really hoping the plot will be a wee bit better since whathisface did Homeland.
I wish 24 was still on Netflix..................
Is Tony actually returning for this? Haven't really been following. I hope so.
but...it still is!
no idea how long it'll be up on the UK Netflix however.
Two years ago I would have agreed, but the second and third season of Homeland...ehh.....
Here in Spain it airs the 8th of May. The Spanish title is "24: El día final" (The final day), wtf are they thinking. I wonder how they'll name the next seasons if there are more after this one.
edit: ah, apparently they changed it at the last minute and now it's "Vive otro día" which is a literal translation, much better
Great read, thanks for posting!
He's alive but in prison. And when we last saw him, freshly shot.I can't even remember if Tony is still alive, but dammit bring him back either way!
If this season has at least one badass moment like this...
...I will be happy.
5 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 8
After recently watching S8 for the first time since its original airing, I found it to be a lot better than I remembered; it's just my least favorite (I like them all, honestly). The first 1/3 is pretty slow, but it definitely gets better as it goes on.
I probably have the most gripes with S4, which I only put above S7 because it feels more like classic 24, and has some great characters in it. Aside from that, it's always seemed to me to be the first season that really started to get egregious with blatant stalling and ridiculously circuitous plotlines. Miraculously, the writers completely turned this around with S5, which was just non-fucking-stop action-packed awesomeness. It didn't feel like there was a single wasted episode.
Someone made a Killcount video until season 7, I think it deserves to be here
Great read, thanks for posting!
Unrelated, but does anyone know where to find good, official 24 merch? I want to get some t-shirts but the ones on offer through FOX are terrible:
Also, are we going to "24-ize" our avatars? We should! The little "24" logo on rich's avatar is classy as all get out.
He's alive but in prison. And when we last saw him, freshly shot.
Hnnnnngggggggsaw this on facebook:
Couldn't tell if this was real or parody...
Why has Chloe gone emo/punk/goth chick? Jack's big mouth and photoshop looking arm.
I just made a better GIF:
imo it's one of the best episode of the entire series
They should give Emmys for scenes =p
My rankings:
S4: Despite the fact that the plot makes no sense, I'd still consider this the best all-around season of the show. Everything just fires on all cylinders - the action scenes are placed outside of the standard "end of episode" format, twists and turns in every episode, Jack teaming up with Tony to do field work, lots of interesting supporting characters, an episode that focused primarily on random civilians (the nuclear football one) that worked really well, Curtis coming to the forefront, the supporting characters from S1-3 slowly worked back into the fold, that killer ending...I can't say enough great things about it. This is when 24 was must see television.
The audience is given reason to care about Jack and his associates again because events are given reason to matter again. [...] Here, much like in seasons one and two, everything ties together. The plot Jacks trying to stop has a direct connection to the lives of multiple supporting characters hes yet to interact with. Its this dynamic that made the show great once, and will make it great once again.
hype overload