You think there's just a writer sitting in a room somewhere thinking of new ways for Jack to torture people? :lol
That was hardcore. Awesome!
That was hardcore. Awesome!
Memles said:Okay...this episode really wasn't that entertaining. Sorry, folks, Jack breaking a guy's fingers doesn't negate the rest of the episode being ENTIRELY UNEVENTFUL.
The one major event, the theft of a NUCLEAR WARHEAD was completely overshadowed by annoying as hell Edgar, annoying as hell President Logan, and annoying as hell Amnesty lawyer.
There are plot points to "nitpick", such as why Jack never bothered to tell the President they believe Marwan was trying to stop them. It's fairly clear why they chose not to do that; they need Logan to seem as inadequate and stupid as possible, so he could never possibly do the right thing.
This gives them an excuse to have Jack break some fingers, while completely ignoring the ramifications of his action, and how it could actually be dealt with.
MIMIC said:The terrorists have obtained a nuclear warhead
Jack has apparently resigned
Mike is starting rumblings about the efficiency of the new President
Jack has gone completely over the President's head and has a new person to interrogate, who is directly connected to Marwan
I see your point.
I just think you were paying too much attention to Edgar. He didn't overshadow anything for me.
??? You just filled the plot hole.
Jack has done much worse.
Memles said:I filled a plot hole with a contrivance the writers are using to make a character as stupid as fucking possible...that is not adaquate. Logic would involve telling the President that they believed a terrorist was behind the Amnesty Lawyer. But they didn't, because then even Logan would have done something. They're creating a contrived idiot in Logan, but they wrote a plot point that just would never happen in reality. I mean, I don't mind little inconsistencies in time, or technological issues, but when common sense comes into play, I refuse to believe that the alternate 24 Universe has completely different thought patterns.
AniHawk said:So Behrooz is sorta dead now, eh?
tmdorsey said:I'm not even sure telling the fake-ass President about Marwan being behind the Amnesty Lawyer would have changed his mind. Fake-ass President could have very well went the "what proof do you have route" and seing how incompetant(sp?) they have made him out to be, he probably still wouldn't have changed his mind.
DarthWoo said:I say he's probably going to come back and kill Marwan himself, a laGael's wife and Saunders last season. And with his dying breath, Marwan will reveal that he is Behrooz's real father.
Memles said:But where did that get them? What did it advance?
We didn't see the effects of Jack's "resignation".
It happened in the span of 6 minutes! We saw them with the warhead so few times that it never registered.
Jack going over the head of someone is NOTHING new and is expected to happen all the time.
And Mike "starting rumblings" is nothing; we, as the viewer, saw that in his nervousness two weeks ago. I mean, duh. We're not idiots; we don't need to hear "rumblings" we kind of get he's an idiot who has no idea what he's doing.
Nope, I'm paying just enough attention to him. Edgar could be, you know, working on something important involving the warhead. Surely that could keep him occupied so he doesn't keep complaining about the guy who "Killed his mother". I mean, geez, it was how many hours ago now? And for the past 4-5 hours he didn't go into this mode even once? Just the guy walking through gave him a one-track mind? Annoying.
I filled a plot hole with a contrivance the writers are using to make a character as stupid as fucking possible...that is not adaquate. Logic would involve telling the President that they believed a terrorist was behind the Amnesty Lawyer. But they didn't, because then even Logan would have done something. They're creating a contrived idiot in Logan, but they wrote a plot point that just would never happen in reality. I mean, I don't mind little inconsistencies in time, or technological issues, but when common sense comes into play, I refuse to believe that the alternate 24 Universe has completely different thought patterns.
I know this. And I know it's been for good reasons then too. But the man "resigned". Then tazered a US Marshall. And then Broke the guy's fingers. One has to wonder if that was a better option than telling the president the Terrorists were messing with their work directly.
CloudNL said:Oh, btw. The season will end mindblowing with the biggest (2 hours) and best season finale yet. They even say it is the best episode yet and will have a connection with the end of thesecond season finale!
MIMIC said:Jack probably has a plan in store that we have yet to see.