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3 suspects confess to killing 6 with baseball bats in dispute over Xbox

well if more people thought when they do something wrong/illegal to someone else they might get a little more than the pussy slap on the wrist this government gives out theyll think twice about doing it.

Li Mu Bai

You guys are still making light of, & joking about the brutal tragic loss of 6 lives. Unfucking believable. And here I was thinking we were above the degenerate Opa-Ages. Some mod please lock this.


Count of Concision
MassiveAttack said:
The XBOX wasn't even stolen if you read the article carefully. It was simply packed up in a box in the same house where the murders were committed.

There is absolutely nothing in the universe that could mitigate any of the circumstances but you can bet that if the families of the perpetrators can afford attorneys, they will do their damndest to come up with "plausible motives" or "psychological influences" that could explain their behaviors.

The single largest moral and ethical conundrum facing the world is the loss of any notion of personal or individual responsibility. No one seems responsible for anything, no matter how heinous or unconscionable the crime. It is a modern phenomenon that is only destined to become worse.

You, my friend, are wise beyond your years.

If you go to the yahoo link posted above it described this thug Victorino as a possible "squatter" who took over the victims home as a party house. When the victim(s) discovered 6 people using the home as a party house they called the police and kicked them out. Then subsequently someone at the residence got their tires slashed...then they got death threats...then Victorino followed through with his threats. Police had been called to this home 6 times 10 days before the killings. Victorino obviously got angry that his belongings were still in the house, but what probably angered him more was the fact that he didn't have a party house any more. Still no excuse as far as I am concerned. This was a senseless, brutal act and a tragic waste of life on the murderers and the victims part. The human race loses on this one..no matter how you look at it.



Count of Concision
MASB said:
Wow! This is a terrible, terrible situation. Hopefully the criminals will get whatever the full punishment of the law can bring.

*Time for me to go off on a tangent* One thing I wonder (and this in in no way blaming the victims), is why weren't they prepared for this? When you have worthless pieces of trash like those squatters threatening you, you had better take it very seriously. I mean, the police are of no help in a situation like this, realistically speaking. You can make complaints, but unless they can catch them during an act, they can't/won't do anything.

I think most members of the forum know or know of people like these killers (I don't necessarily mean know or know of actual killers, but people of a certain type). These are people you don't want to mess with. If they or you start something, you had better be prepared to finish it, because they will. In a situation like this, laws don't matter, it's kill or be killed. A deputy can't help you when nuts with baseball bats come crashing through your home. If it was a situation with 6 people in one house, I'd have had a gun and had someone (or two) stay up during the night, standing guard until the squatters were in jail for good or whatever. With threats like that and in a situation where you could have people up and guarding the house, that's what I'd do. Sure, having a gun doesn't guarantee you'll live, but at the least, you'd be able to kill a few of them when they broke into the house.

Laws and morality are fine, but if someone threatens you like that and they make any move to act on it, it's time for them to die, otherwise it'll be you. That's not vigilantism, that's self-preservation. In situations like this, you have to look after yourself, because cops and judges won't be. And the criminals (squatters in this case), certainly don't care about your well-being, so don't worry about theirs. When a criminal threatens/acts like that, all bets are off and you have to do what you can to make sure you're alive at the end of it.

Now I know some would object to all that, but if someone like that were after me, if it was at all within my power, if they acted, I'd kill them. I'd feel bad about having to kill someone, but they brought it upon themselves and it's better to have bad dreams than to be in a state where dental records are of no use. *end of tangent*


All this shows is that the legal system is entirely fuXxored. Squatter's rights my ass. Too many kid gloves floating around for a lot of things imo, because everybody's afraid of stepping on people's toes or "offending them"; then something like this happens and people are shocked to their senses enough to realize that IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN TO THAT POINT-- particularly not with the prior incidents reported between these two factions. Very, very sad.


MASB said:
why weren't they prepared for this? When you have worthless pieces of trash like those squatters threatening you, you had better take it very seriously. I mean, the police are of no help in a situation like this, realistically speaking. You can make complaints, but unless they can catch them during an act, they can't/won't do anything.

I think most members of the forum know or know of people like these killers (I don't necessarily mean know or know of actual killers, but people of a certain type). These are people you don't want to mess with. If they or you start something, you had better be prepared to finish it, because they will. In a situation like this, laws don't matter, it's kill or be killed. A deputy can't help you when nuts with baseball bats come crashing through your home. If it was a situation with 6 people in one house, I'd have had a gun and had someone (or two) stay up during the night, standing guard until the squatters were in jail for good or whatever. With threats like that and in a situation where you could have people up and guarding the house, that's what I'd do. Sure, having a gun doesn't guarantee you'll live, but at the least, you'd be able to kill a few of them when they broke into the house.

Laws and morality are fine, but if someone threatens you like that and they make any move to act on it, it's time for them to die, otherwise it'll be you. That's not vigilantism, that's self-preservation. In situations like this, you have to look after yourself, because cops and judges won't be. And the criminals (squatters in this case), certainly don't care about your well-being, so don't worry about theirs. When a criminal threatens/acts like that, all bets are off and you have to do what you can to make sure you're alive at the end of it.

Now I know some would object to all that, but if someone like that were after me, if it was at all within my power, if they acted, I'd kill them. I'd feel bad about having to kill someone, but they brought it upon themselves and it's better to have bad dreams than to be in a state where dental records are of no use. *end of tangent*

Its awfully nice and all to say this especially after you know they got killed. :rolleyes

RevenantKioku said:
She didn't actively do anything other than being herself. And even if someone says that, it doesn't justify it.
I'm not trying to say these deaths were justified in any stretch of the imagination. A theft is very simple, but it will still piss someone off. They pissed the wrong people off.
From the story I saw I draw out:
Theft occurred. Thieves were beaten to death.
A theft was a direct action taken out on these people. It caused anger. Unfortunately, the anger levels got to high and they acted in a completely unforgivable way.
If this is not the true story, then my logic doesn't work and you can forget what I was saying.

Sure. Its also ok to break into people's houses in the middle of the night for you? Whether they pissed the worng people off or not. Doesnt mean its ok that others exerting fear over others.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
RevenantKioku said:
Which is bunk. I'd say there's definitely something to learn from the theft case, but your counter is just irrelevant.
But with the whole "Theft leads to murder of thieves." despite the brutality of the end, I still would have no pity for them. Play with fire, you risk getting burned. And you never know how bad.
Realizing that the details of the case have changed, I'm just following through here with the line of conversation we started.

So petty theft should be an act, in our modern civilized society, that one should be aware could lead to their death, and possibly the deaths of innocent acquaintances around them, at the hands of the theft victim? EVEN THOUGH our modern society provides a course for justice for the victim to pursue that specifically DOES NOT include killing the perpetrator of a petty theft and in fact treats such an act as a far worse crime?

Death should be no more an expected outcome of petty theft in our society than it is for someone looking at someone the wrong way, and that's why the comparison is relevant.

If you want to run off and start your own society somewhere and set up a law that says its okay for the victim of petty theft to go after the perp and kill them then I would be as pitiless as you are towards anyone that chose to live in your society and still conduct acts of theft.
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