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30 killed in school attack in northeast Nigeria

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POTISKUM, Nigeria (AP) -- Islamic militants attacked a boarding school in northeast Nigeria before dawn Saturday, killing 29 students and one teacher. Some of the pupils were burned alive in the latest school attack blamed on a radical terror group, survivors said.

Parents screamed in anguish as they tried to identify the charred and gunshot victims.

Farmer Malam Abdullahi found the bodies of two of his sons, a 10-year-old shot in the back as he apparently tried to run away, and a 12-year-old shot in the chest.

"That's it, I'm taking my other boys out of school," he told The Associated Press as he wept over the two corpses. He said he had three younger children in a nearby school.

"It's not safe," he said. "The gunmen are attacking schools and there is no protection for students despite all the soldiers."

Survivors at the Potiskum General Hospital and its mortuary said gunmen attacked Government Secondary School in Mamudo village, 5 kilometers (3 miles) from Potiskum town at about 3 a.m. Saturday. The gunmen are believed to be from the Boko Haram sect whose name means "Western education is sacrilege."

They killed 29 students and an English teacher Mohammed Musa, who was shot in the chest according to another teacher, Ibrahim Abdu.

"We were sleeping when we heard gunshots. When I woke up, someone was pointing a gun at me," said 15-year-old Musa Hassan.

He put his arm up in defense, and suffered a gunshot that blew off all four fingers on his right hand, the one he uses to write with.

He said the gunmen came armed with jerry cans of fuel that they used to torch the school's administrative block and one of the hostels.

"They burned the children alive," he said, the horror showing in his wide eyes.

He and teachers at the morgue said dozens of children from the 1,200-student school escaped into the bush but have not been seen since.

Some bodies are so charred they could not be identified, so many parents do not know if their children survived or died.

Islamic militants from Boko Haram and breakaway groups have killed more than 1,600 civilians in suicide bombings and other attacks since 2010, according to an Associated Press count.

Scores of schools have been burned down in the past year in northeast Nigeria.

President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency May 14, and deployed thousands of troops to halt the insurgency, acknowledging that militants had taken control of some towns and villages.

The military has claimed success in regaining control of the area - the states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe . However, the area covers some 155,000 square kilometers (60,000 square miles) or one-sixth of the sprawling country.

Soldiers say they have killed and arrested hundreds of fighters.

But the crackdown, including attacks with fighter jets and helicopter gunships on militant camps, appears to have driven the extremists into rocky mountains with caves, from which they emerge to attack schools and markets.

The militants have increasingly targeted civilians, including health workers on vaccination campaigns, teachers and government workers.

Farmers have been driven from their land by the extremists and by military roadblocks, raising the specter of a food shortage to add to the woes of a people already hampered by the military's shutdown of cell phone service and ban on using satellite telephones.


Damn, looks like Nigeria is headed for the same scenario that Sudan has. Plus, the same is happening in places like Thailand and Philippines somewhat recently.

What kind of sick fuckers burn children alive?


Damn, looks like Nigeria is headed for the same scenario that Sudan has. Plus, the same is happening in places like Thailand and Malaysia recently.

What kind of sick fuckers burn children alive?

What?! When did this happen? I'm from Malaysia and I'm not aware of things getting this bad :/


Not the kind of thing you want one-upmanship in.

I'm so sick of reading about crazy sick demented fucking people.

Edit: I'd also argue whether the murderers were indeed islamic anything. Just murderers.
Edit: I'd also argue whether the murderers were indeed islamic anything. Just murderers.
Of course they're Islamic. Boko Haram is an Islamist movement and "Islamic" is just an adjective describing things relating to Islam. There is no true or false Islam since it all boils down to different interpretations.


Why do they attack schools? What's wrong with some fucking education

In a 2009 BBC interview, Mohammed Yusuf, then leader of the group, stated his belief that the concept of a spherical Earth is contrary to Islamic teaching and should be rejected, along with Darwinian evolution and the concept of rain originating from water evaporated by the sun. Before his death, Yusuf reiterated the group's objective of changing the current education system and rejecting democracy. Nigerian academic Hussain Zakaria told BBC News that the controversial cleric had a graduate education, spoke proficient English, lived a lavish lifestyle and drove a Mercedes-Benz.


Why do they attack schools? What's wrong with some fucking education

Educated people tend to not be extremists (or to support them). There are exceptions, but knowledge is generally power when facing down someone trying to sell you on a crazy ass ideology. According to the article, this particular group is anti "western" education in general. I'm not sure what "western education" implies, or what the alternative is though (strictly religious education?).


North Nigeria is a seriously fucked up place.

This. I live in Nigeria so I can tell you that this is restricted to the northern part of the country which is largely a Muslim community. From the middle belt to the east, west and south of the country, I can tell you that there are those who don't know what 'bokoharam' is.

The whole situation is unfortunate and hopefully it will pass. My sympathy goes out to the families of the victims.


Ah yes, the ones BURNING CHILDREN ALIVE are sure to be rewarded in heaven for their acts. Fucking cowardly scumbags. If there is a god, let these monsters suffer in hell. I am tired of the cancer that is religious extremism.


What?! When did this happen? I'm from Malaysia and I'm not aware of things getting this bad :/

dunno about Malaysia, but a travel warning has been issued for the most southern provinces of Thailand (separatist groups have been waging a war against the government for decades there)


Yawn, it's always the west apparently. What next, basic hygiene is a contrived western plot?

You can sympathise all you like with these countries but at some point the penny has to drop; they have to stop blaming the west for anything and everything and take a bit of fucking responsibility for their situation. And yeah it was rebels, not the government. But in theory these people are humans too. With families too. And children too. How does butchering poor kids in a school help them or anyone?

Perhaps they watched too much Apocalypse Now; 'the strength to do that'. Regardless, fucking savages is all they are.


Of course they're Islamic. Boko Haram is an Islamist movement and "Islamic" is just an adjective describing things relating to Islam. There is no true or false Islam since it all boils down to different interpretations.

you know what else is Islamic then? Muslim parents and kids going to school to get an education despite lunatics shooting the school up.


This. I live in Nigeria so I can tell you that this is restricted to the northern part of the country which is largely a Muslim community. From the middle belt to the east, west and south of the country, I can tell you that there are those who don't know what 'bokoharam' is.

The whole situation is unfortunate and hopefully it will pass. My sympathy goes out to the families of the victims.

Are you actually Nigerian or are you there for some other reason? What's the gaming scene like?

PS: Why would they attack a school? Was this a Christian school? (Not that it justifies it, just wondering what the motive could be)

edit: I guess it's a government school? Fucked up...


The act was committed by Muslims because of their interpretation of their religion, Islam.Exactly. Anyone who self-identifies as a Muslim is a Muslim.

Any mad man can interpret a text however they want, it doesn't mean they have the legitimacy to do so.

I happen to believe Boko Haram is anti-islamic.


This. I live in Nigeria so I can tell you that this is restricted to the northern part of the country which is largely a Muslim community. From the middle belt to the east, west and south of the country, I can tell you that there are those who don't know what 'bokoharam' is.

The whole situation is unfortunate and hopefully it will pass. My sympathy goes out to the families of the victims.

This is why people from the south east don't go up north to do National Service. My old man still wants me to do it but no thanks. Shit's fucked up.
you know what else is Islamic then? Muslim parents and kids going to school to get an education despite lunatics shooting the school up.
Is getting an education motivated by the religion? Then, sure.

Any mad man can interpret a text however they want, it doesn't mean they have the legitimacy to do so.

I happen to believe Boko Haram is anti-islamic.
I don't think it is your place to decide other people's religions. What gives you the legitimacy to decide who's Muslim?


The fuck is wrong with this planet?



The act was committed by Muslims because of their interpretation of their religion, Islam.Exactly. Anyone who self-identifies as a Muslim is a Muslim.

Then the Westboro Baptist Church must be performing actions that are very "Christian." And the same for the KKK.

Actions of a particular group do not represent the religion itself. It's not "Islamic" in any sense.

I tend to look at the commentary and interpretations of sane and more importantly educated jurists to ascertain the meanings of a particular religion, not the actions of an extreme terrorist group.
It's funny you didn't get the point at all.
I was being facetious. The beliefs of religious people is the religion, regardless of it's written down in a book or not. If the Muslims of Boko Haram believe they're acting according to their religion then their actions can be classified as Islamic. I have no issue with classifying radical Christian groups as Christian.


I was being facetious. The beliefs of religious people is the religion, regardless of it's written down in a book or not. If the Muslims of Boko Haram believe they're acting according to their religion then their actions can be classified as Islamic. I have no issue with classifying radical Christian groups as Christian.

Yeah, the only problem is that beliefs are inconsistent, sometimes contradictory and not universal. You can't stamp every single person's belief onto the religion itself. It's extremely silly.


Did you read post #13?

oh dear.

Muslims can be evil, they can be criminal. But when talking about schools of thought, and legal positions, you can argue that some schools of thought do not possess legitimacy. E.g. a mentally ill person, decides that, the bible supersedes the Quran. If I can rationalise an argument that their school of thought is unislamic, labels do not matter. At least not as much you think.

In fact, killing innocent children is a gross transgression, one great enough to revoke legitimacy. Even if I hadn't formed my opinion long before.

A school of thought (in islam) requires a holistic approach to life. But sometimes these extremists forms, cover only the militant political aspect.
Yeah, the only problem is that beliefs are inconsistent, sometimes contradictory and not universal. You can't stamp every single person's belief onto the religion itself. It's extremely silly.
Religion itself is inconsistent and contradictory. I only count people's religious beliefs as part of the religion.


Religion itself it inconsistent and contradictory. I only count people's religious beliefs as part of the religion.

That's open to interpretation as well.

If a self-claimed muslim performs a terrorist action, I do not label it Islamic or characterize it as being a determining characteristic of the religion.

If a Hindu performs a terrorist act, I do not label it as being characteristic of Hinduism.

If an atheist performs a terrorist act, I do not label as being a characterizing feature of Atheism.

I'll leave with this quote and hope some of you will learn to think beyond words and definitions that are spoon fed to you.

"Culture Talk assumes that every culture has a tangible essence that defines it, and it then explains politics as a consequence of that essence. Culture Talk after 9/11, for example, qualified and explained the practice of 'terrorism' as 'Islamic.' 'Islamic terrorism is thus offered as both description and explanation of the events of 9/11. It is no longer the market (capitalism), nor the state (democracy), but the culture (modernity) that is said to be the dividing line between those in favor of a peaceful, civic existence and those inclined to terror."

Terrorism is not an effect of any religion (in many cases it's perceived to be Islam) but is rather born as a modern political movement at the service of a modern power.


What is this supid debate? They call themselves followers of islam and they burn down schools with people in it, therefore they're islamic terrorists. It's really not that hard.

If some guy from the IRA decides to gun down a protestant school, are you going to argue that he's not a nationalist, because the irish nation doesn't stand for mass murder?


more money than God
Educated people tend to not be extremists (or to support them). There are exceptions, but knowledge is generally power when facing down someone trying to sell you on a crazy ass ideology. According to the article, this particular group is anti "western" education in general. I'm not sure what "western education" implies, or what the alternative is though (strictly religious education?).
This is one of the biggest misconceptions about militant Islam. It's just not true, especially the extremists in oil rich countries. Many of them are doctors, engineers, etc.


more money than God
Then the Westboro Baptist Church must be performing actions that are very "Christian." And the same for the KKK.

Actions of a particular group do not represent the religion itself. It's not "Islamic" in any sense.

I tend to look at the commentary and interpretations of sane and more importantly educated jurists to ascertain the meanings of a particular religion, not the actions of an extreme terrorist group.
People need to stop with the incessant need to appease every time something like this happens. No one ever argues that Islam is the only religion with extremists, no one argues that it's the only philosophy or movement that has ever produced terrorist attacks. No one argues that it's all Muslims (it's clearly a small number). However, it is clearly a major problem today within the religion (more so than other religions in this day and age). Instead of trying to point out what other religions have done over time, we need to find a way (maybe a kind of reformation) to stop so many Muslims from turning into extremists. I mean, my God, they're burning children to death.

BTW, this wasn't just directed at you, but just a general commentary.


you can't put a price on sparks
Idk what's so hard to know that religion is as much a self identification as it is a community thing. Extremists can be any religion and whatever they are is what they are. It might not align with what you want to believe the religion means but that doesn't mean they are going away because you close your eyes and block your ears and wish them away with categorization

Fucking terrible


Idk what's so hard to know that religion is as much a self identification as it is a community thing. Extremists can be any religion and whatever they are is what they are. It might not align with what you want to believe the religion means but that doesn't mean they are going away because you close your eyes and block your ears and wish them away with categorization

Fucking terrible

If you read the Quran you'll see it's very, very easy to interpret and convince people to kill in the name of Allah. I was surprised how much it teaches about revenge.


Felium Defensor
Reading the OP made my blood boil. RIP to the innocent young ones that were murdered. I can't even imagine what their parents and extended family must be feeling. My thoughts are with them.


nigerian civil war?

islamists have been pushing for an islamist north for a while now. Random attacks on non-muslims. I think attacks on muslims in the south is a rare but recent occurrence in response, but most Christians have moved to the south I thought.
Damn, looks like Nigeria is headed for the same scenario that Sudan has. Plus, the same is happening in places like Thailand and Philippines somewhat recently.

What kind of sick fuckers burn children alive?

I see you already edited you post once, maybe you can change the Thailand aspect to Myanmar as well.

The Souther Thai provinces fight to break away from Thailand isn't some holy genocide and more a kin to the Irish troubles.
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