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40% of Canadian youth(14 to 18) says America is EVIL!

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and?? Whatcha gonna do about it? only takes a weekend to turn you into the 51st state.


"Youth have a very, very strong desire to be seen as peacekeepers, so long as it doesn't mean they have to do the peacekeeping themselves."



I don't know. Iraq is a smaller country than Canada and the US can't handle it. And if Canadians didn't know how to fight off an invader before, now they know.


I don't know. Iraq is a smaller country than Canada and the US can't handle it.


Plus, the current strategy of ethnic targetting wouldn't work so well because most Canadians are white. Just gotta elongate and open up their vowels and they will sound exactly like an American.


Saturnman said:
I don't know. Iraq is a smaller country than Canada and the US can't handle it. And if Canadians didn't know how to fight off an invader before, now they know.

If we fight to preserve infrastructure, now if we go skynet on Canada. no contest, in by Saturday morning and done by the afternoon.


Ripclawe said:
If we fight to preserve infrastructure, now if we go skynet on Canada. no contest, in by Saturday morning and done by the afternoon.

If you go Skynet on Canada, a large part of the Northern United States would be radioactive.


I think that Ripclawe brings up an important point, Americans must understand that the World views them much differently than they view themselves.

The World judges the US by looking at it's actions, not Bush's rhetoric.

The Softwood lumber dispute is a great example of why Canadians view the US as a bully and untrustworthy. The Mad Cow incident is another great example.

Now, these issues have nothing to do with the American people. It has to do with the American government. It's time for the American people to change their government, to restore their reputation within the international community.


"Youth have a very, very strong desire to be seen as peacekeepers, so long as it doesn't mean they have to do the peacekeeping themselves."

Not sure who said this gem but there full of shit.

You would proable find that the demographic goes a allot higher then 18. I would bet you would hit the mid 30's before you saw a change.


Saturnman said:
Don't care and can't locate it on a map either.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. im american, but hey...truth is truth. we got a small percentage of really smart ppl, but most americans got the IQ of a rock and about zero knowledge of the outside world.


Not many 18 year olds vote, from what I've read and heard about the Canadian election. I don't have any stats on it, it's just the overwhelming impression I got. It's only the opinionated hippies that vote anyways. Probably the 40% talked about by this poll...who knows?


Tabris said:
How about adults, 18-24? (22 myself)

It's about a 50/50 split at that point. These are the years that really make, or break, burgeoning adults.

Since I don't know you, I'll base my opinion on the good ol' magic 8 ball.

*shakes magic 8 ball*

"All signs point to yes!"

Nice! You pass.



The age is irrelevent if you read the article it clearly says "Clearly, the anti-American sentiment isn't just something coming from 30-somethings or even 20-somethings.". The article is surprised that children this young feel this way it's common knowledge that the 20 and 30 year olds do.


Junior Member
Why are you posting this so proudly? You should be ashamed that George W. Bush's leadership of the US is causing such a rise in Anti-US sentiment around the globe, even in the countries of the closest allies refer to it as "evil". But then again, I can already pre-empt your reply being that this sentiment just popped up from no where, and they're all "jealous" or something.

And, the part of the article you quoted where you seemed to be bemused that "they want their country to be seen as peace-keeping, without doing any peace-keeping themselves" was refering to this:

Although 51 per cent of teens want Canada to be known through its peacekeeping efforts, a majority -- 69 per cent -- wouldn't consider a career in the military.

...that seems to be close to quite alot of people around here.


Hamfam said:
Why are you posting this so proudly? You should be ashamed that George W. Bush's leadership of the US is causing such a rise in Anti-US sentiment around the globe, even in the countries of the closest allies refer to it as "evil". But then again, I can already pre-empt your reply being that this sentiment just popped up from no where, and they're all "jealous" or something.

WHo cares what the rest of the world thinks, the same crap happened when Reagan was in office on a bigger scale and Canucks "hating" America is a national tradition at this point. No country should run it affairs so they can be "liked" touchy feely rubbish.


darscot said:
The age is irrelevent if you read the article it clearly says "Clearly, the anti-American sentiment isn't just something coming from 30-somethings or even 20-somethings.". The article is surprised that children this young feel this way it's common knowledge that the 20 and 30 year olds do.

And it's surprising that they find this surprising. I thought it was common for children to often take the political and religous stances of their parents, even if they don't necessarily understand the issues or particularly care about them.


Junior Member
You can't blame Bush for this one it's been around for a heck, of allot longer then him.

I'm sure it has. But certainly not to the extent we've been seeing in recent years. There's been numorous polls conducted in some US allied countries, comparing with past data, where a negative view of the US has jumped significantly recently.


Ristamar said:
And it's surprising that they find this surprising. I thought it was common for children to often take the political and religous stances of their parents, even if they don't necessarily understand the issues or particularly care about them.

Good point must just be a slow news day or the survey guys just needed something to do now that the election is over.


I'm sure it has. But certainly not to the extent we've been seeing in recent years.

oh yes it has and bigger.

There's been numorous polls conducted in some US allied countries, comparing with past data, where a negative view of the US has jumped significantly recently.

well now its only one superpower turned into hyperpower to hate instead of the two.


Ripclawe said:
WHo cares what the rest of the world thinks, the same crap happened when Reagan was in office on a bigger scale and Canucks "hating" America is a national tradition at this point. No country should run it affairs so they can be "liked" touchy feely rubbish.

arent you overdoing the american thing a bit? only in war time should a nation not care what other nations think, as wars are meant to be won, by hook or croock.
during peacetime you better be sure your allies and trading partners are happy with you.


Junior Member
WHo cares what the rest of the world thinks, the same crap happened when Reagan was in office on a bigger scale and Canucks "hating" America is a national tradition at this point. No country should run it affairs so they can be "liked" touchy feely rubbish.

You know, with such a nationalistic view to World politics, where your country shouldn't care what anyone else thinks, it will only in-evitably lead to an atmosphere where no-one gives a shit what your country thinks either.

Don't think we should have invaded Iraq? Go scew yourselves!

Need help in Iraq? Go screw yourselves!

What goes around, comes around.


Junior Member
Hamfam's pre-emption of Ripclawe's reponse: But then again, I can already pre-empt your reply being that this sentiment just popped up from no where, and they're all "jealous" or something.

Riclawe's response: well now its only one superpower turned into hyperpower to hate instead of the two.

....so predictable, and hardly an accurate in-depth analysis of the true cause to most of this growing resentment. How can you fix a problem, if you don't understand it? But then again, as you've clearly pointed out, you don't care about the problem. Apparently World politics doesn't effect you, or the US......which seems to go against the whole need for the US to act unilaterally in the first place.


also, sorta OT, if you are such an american, why the bias against MS (IIRC)...they are the epitome of American capitalism.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
darscot said:
Good point must just be a slow news day or the survey guys just needed something to do now that the election is over.

Probably just bored.

David Letterman said:
USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population.


nitewulf said:
also, sorta OT, if you are such an american, why the bias against MS (IIRC)...they are the epitome of American capitalism.

I wouldn't say that any more than I would say Enron, IBM, or Time Warner is the epitome of American capitalism. Are the ailing French airlines the epitome of capitalism under socialist democracies?


nitewulf said:
during peacetime you better be sure your allies and trading partners are happy with you.

or what? America is the largest economy in the world, and makes the economy go, no one has ever traded with another country based on how "happy" they might feel or stopped because they are unhappy, well in regards to us anyway.

How can you fix a problem, if you don't understand it? But then again, as you've clearly pointed out, you don't care about the problem.

Oh,I understand your view thats this is a problem, but I don't give a flying flip about the feelings of other countries because they disagree with our policies and neither does a lot of people in this country. so the problem as you see it is because you perceive it to be that way.

Apparently World politics doesn't effect you, or the US......which seems to go against the whole need for the US to act unilaterally in the first place

World politics 9 times out of 10 doesn't affect us, but there is the one time like World War 2 when Europe went chamberlain and set in motion a terrible war because of that stupidity which did affect us greatly.
just an example.

also, sorta OT, if you are such an american, why the bias against MS (IIRC)...they are the epitome of American capitalism.

because they make expensive buggy products. I don't buy or dislike products based on nationality, I base it on if its good or not, such as I will never buy an American car based on my feelings that the Japanese auto makers make a superior product.


Ripclawe said:
or what? America is the largest economy in the world, and makes the economy go, no one has ever traded with another country based on how "happy" they might feel or stopped because they are unhappy, well in regards to us anyway.

i didnt mean "happy" as in, "oh jolly good! those americans are a fabulous bunch! i do believe we will lower the taxes on imported american goods!". i meant "happy" as in, when trading or dealing with other nations, you must use tactics to keep them happy for the betterment of trade and economics. if they arent "happy", ie, not making money, or they feel american policies are underhanded, of course you will start losing trading rights/benefits.
this "i dont care what everybody else thinks of me" attitude must be changed. it's not about being wishy washy, but about being diplomatic.
surely, say you were looking for financiers to make an independent short film and only Michael Moore offered to finance you, you aren't gonna say, "you lefty hippie, i dont want your money."
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