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40% of Canadian youth(14 to 18) says America is EVIL!

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Ill Saint said:
Ripclawe, just out of curiosity, have you ever travelled overseas? or even to US states other than your own?

Canada a couple of times, Nova Scotia and Ontario
4 times to Holland..Lovely beautiful Amsterdam.... except for the frigging bums and drug dealers in the city that ruins the greatness. I heard they were cleaning it up, going back next year.

Ill Saint

Ripclawe said:
Canada a couple of times, Nova Scotia and Ontario
4 times to Holland..Lovely beautiful Amsterdam.... except for the frigging bums and drug dealers in the city that ruins the greatness. I heard they were cleaning it up, going back next year.

Ah, nice one.


Ill Saint said:
Ripclawe, just out of curiosity, have you ever travelled overseas? or even to US states other than your own?

Reminds me of an american guy i once met. When i asked if he was well travelled he told me with lots of enthuiasm "yeah, ive been to 48 of the 50 states"
Not that it applies to eneryone but the majority of americans ive met are all so proud of the fact that they live in america and have no knoledge of the outside world :/
Canada is in the Commonwealth...meaning that if the US tried to invade about 50% of the world would do the defending. Regardless, that shit ever happens economic ties to the US would be cut by the majority of the world and the US would crumble within a week. That and the US couldn't watch the war on TV this time because 30% of your electric power, or more, comes from here.

Besides, in most military training exercises Canadian forces wipe out american forces about 80% of the time.

The US doesn't even have enough military to police a country the size of Canada anyway.
Warm Machine said:
Canada is in the Commonwealth...meaning that if the US tried to invade about 50% of the world would do the defending. Regardless, that shit ever happens economic ties to the US would be cut by the majority of the world and the US would crumble within a week. That and the US couldn't watch the war on TV this time because 30% of your electric power, or more, comes from here.

Besides, in most military training exercises Canadian forces wipe out american forces about 80% of the time.

The US doesn't even have enough military to police a country the size of Canada anyway.
But aside from that, USA! USA! USA!
Ripclawe said:
or what? America is the largest economy in the world, and makes the economy go, no one has ever traded with another country based on how "happy" they might feel or stopped because they are unhappy, well in regards to us anyway.

Oh,I understand your view thats this is a problem, but I don't give a flying flip about the feelings of other countries because they disagree with our policies and neither does a lot of people in this country. so the problem as you see it is because you perceive it to be that way.

World politics 9 times out of 10 doesn't affect us, but there is the one time like World War 2 when Europe went chamberlain and set in motion a terrible war because of that stupidity which did affect us greatly.
just an example.

because they make expensive buggy products. I don't buy or dislike products based on nationality, I base it on if its good or not, such as I will never buy an American car based on my feelings that the Japanese auto makers make a superior product.

See right here you're showing part of the problem. The arrogance is one of the things the rest of us dont like about the U.S.
Sriram said:
Reminds me of an american guy i once met. When i asked if he was well travelled he told me with lots of enthuiasm "yeah, ive been to 48 of the 50 states"
Not that it applies to eneryone but the majority of americans ive met are all so proud of the fact that they live in america and have no knoledge of the outside world :/

That's awesome figuring that most people don't make it to 10 states in their lifetime. The US is a massive country and even with us all being American cultures and tratdions differ from state to state.


Oh,I understand your view thats this is a problem, but I don't give a flying flip about the feelings of other countries because they disagree with our policies and neither does a lot of people in this country. so the problem as you see it is because you perceive it to be that way.

So I guess these same people don't give a "flying flip" about what occurred on 9/11?

The perception a lot of people have is that the US only speaks and understands one language, violence. Without violence, the US will ignore you.

I guess it's the nature of the modern world. It's the nature of modern media. Nearly one million Yemeni men had a silent protest against the Iraq war, where they sat in the streets in silence. It doesn't get as much attention as burning effigies of Bush and Blair in other regions of the world.

It doesn't matter if you think that it's a correct or incorrect perception, the fact is, the reality is, that this is the existing perception. It's time to fix it. Fixing that perception doesn't mean radical changes to foreign policy, it means tweaking it to be less offensive, less hypocritical, and more reasonable.

-edit- yeah, visiting all those States, it's quite an achievement. I'm guessing the 2 he didn't visit were Hawaii and Alaska.


Nikashi said:
Not to mention the last time the US tried to invade Canada, we burned down the White House :)

Whatever, that was almost two hundred years ago when you guys were really still part of Great Britian. So it was really loosing to the British whom the Americans and French had beaten just a few years earlier. And onto the sunbject of Canada's relationship with Great Britian.
Canada is such a bitch country that it still puts fucking British royalty on its bills. What the hell's wrong with you guys? You're like a fucked up bitch who finally breaks up with her boyfriend by whom she gets smacked around only to go begging to him a week later to take her back.

BTW, when did you gain independence from Great Britian?

Oh yeah, Calgary lost to Tampa Bay.


Ill Saint said:
Ripclawe, just out of curiosity, have you ever travelled overseas? or even to US states other than your own?
Oh yeah, sure this was just out of curiosity. Right, it wasn't an attack on Ripclawe attempting to make him admit that he hasn't left the States and that he's an uninformed naive American. Exactly, it wasn't that, it was just out of curiosity. The question wasn't related to any of the discussion, it just randomly poped into your head like a subatmoic particle, I understand.


Oh yeah, Calgary lost to Tampa Bay.

Because Tampa had more Canadian players.

I agree, lock this thread...no one wants a serious, reasonable debate. The original poster, and posters like NLB2 didn't participate in this thread for such a purpose, it was just an attempt to knock on Canada.
These threads can't be taken serious anyway. Neither side willing to compromise to the other. Its like a Fanboy war on the gaming forums.


Ok ok, I'm sorry for making fun of Canada. But my second post was serious. There was some person attempting to hide their motivation for making a post. That person was being decietful and dishonest.


And it's surprising that they find this surprising. I thought it was common for children to often take the political and religous stances of their parents, even if they don't necessarily understand the issues or particularly care about them.

I believe this particular age group can form opinions on their own.

Ill Saint

NLB2 said:
Oh yeah, sure this was just out of curiosity. Right, it wasn't an attack on Ripclawe attempting to make him admit that he hasn't left the States and that he's an uninformed naive American. Exactly, it wasn't that, it was just out of curiosity. The question wasn't related to any of the discussion, it just randomly poped into your head like a subatmoic particle, I understand.
Heh. Are you a twat? I wouldn't have jumped on his ass if he said otherwise. I'm not here to get into verbal bashings with people, even if I don't agree with them. But yeah, I asked, as he holds very Nationalistic opinions and I was curious of his experience outside the US. Nothing more.

NLB2 said:
There was some person attempting to hide their motivation for making a post. That person was being decietful and dishonest.
No, you just assume too much.


neptunes said:
I believe this particular age group can form opinions on their own.
Josef Goebbels and all the men and woman of the Nazi party, as well as the Hitler Youth, would most likely disagree with you there, sir. All people take ideas from their environments. Hey, I bet if you lived a long time ago you'd believe the world was flat. I bet you also believe that Hydrogen has an atomic mass of roughly one, but I wouldn't bet that you've seen this fact proved, so why would you believe this? Because people told you it was the case.
Mustang said:
Well, stay the fuck out then.

"Uh, we're not IN America... we're in CANADA..."



Ill Saint said:
Heh. Are you a twat? I wouldn't have jumped on his ass if he said otherwise. I'm not here to get into verbal bashings with people, even if I don't agree with them. But yeah, I asked, as he holds very Nationalistic opinions and I was curious of his experience outside the US. Nothing more.
It is my contention that your question was intended as an ad hominem attack on Ripclawe's position. I accused your atack of being such and you denied this. Although I still believe it to be an ad hominem attack, there is no more use in arguing over this point anymore. And if I'm wrong and you were truly asking him this purely "out of curiosity" then I apologize.
Seth C said:
So? What percentage of Americans think Canadia is very nearly worthless? It's pretty high.
I think Americans think Canada is pointless, and Canadians think Americans are retards.

I'm not sure which is the better position.


Besides, in most military training exercises Canadian forces wipe out american forces about 80% of the time.

Canada military is around 60,000 with outdated, broken down equipment mostly used for peacekeeping, we have advantage in number, military equipment, military forces(air,land and sea), MOAB's and other assorted weaponery that can if used without any restrictions take out canada like that. so pfft.

See right here you're showing part of the problem. The arrogance is one of the things the rest of us dont like about the U.S.

tough, its not total arrogance, its confidence mixed with arrogance, America is #1 and is going to act like it, our position is up here and everyone sort amongst yourself for the most part. This desire by some people that America just act like everyone else and everyone is equal holding hands with happy happy joy joy thoughts is idiotic and in the long run hurts our position in the world.

The perception a lot of people have is that the US only speaks and understands one language, violence. Without violence, the US will ignore you.

In this case the perception is right, we also use diplomacy such as we are now in Sudan, fat chance it will work, but still. The war monster America perception has been around for decades and it will never go away because no chance in hell we would go the Canadian route of soft diplomacy which is an utter failure and countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran laughs at.

It doesn't matter if you think that it's a correct or incorrect perception, the fact is, the reality is, that this is the existing perception. It's time to fix it. Fixing that perception doesn't mean radical changes to foreign policy, it means tweaking it to be less offensive, less hypocritical, and more reasonable.

Foreign policy made to please others first instead of taking care of your own interests first is nutty. if you are in a position of strength, you DO NOT under any circumstances make yourself look weak.

This quote fits in this discussion.
Machiavelli...Men are less worried about harming somebody who makes himself loved than someone who makes himself feared, for love is held by a chain of obligation which, since men are bad, is broken at every opportunity for personal gain. Fear, on the other hand, is maintained by a dread of punishment which will never desert you.

Ill Saint

NLB2 said:
It is my contention that you're question was intended as an ad hominem attack on Ripclawe's position. I accused your atack of being such and you denied it. Although I still believe it to be an ad hominem attack, there is no more use in arguing over this point anymore. And if I'm wrong and you were truly asking him this purely "out of curiosity" then I apologize.
My question was sincere curiosity. If Ripclawe saw fit, he could have questioned my motives for himself, but instead answered with dignity, and I respect that. As far as I was concerned, that was the end of it.

Anyway, all's cleared up.


wow, 1st 1/3 of France wants Saddam to send us whimpering from Iraq and now 40% of Canada think we are evil...

I wonder how'd they would rate North Korea and Iran, which ARE proponents of oppression and silencing freedoms...

that's funny they want peace but don't want to be peacekeepers...

It was this kind of attitude in Europe (which permitted Hitler's invading of smaller countries in the name of peace) that led to the escalation to WWII...

If a country doesn't want to be a policeman for the world that fine, but just like city-dwellers in NYC and LA, they shouldn't stop others from stepping in...


Having traveled to the heartland of Canada (Winnipeg) many times in my years I must say that Canada does indeed rock... but I for one would not want to live there, yeah I'm sure all you Canucks will say Winnipeg sucks but that's all I can base my opinions on. Side note: why the fuck does anyone live in Winnipeg it's even colder than Fargo and Fargo's cold as fuck, not to mention that Minneapolis is a much better city and is even warmer than Fargo.


In this case the perception is right, we also use diplomacy such as we are now in Sudan, fat chance it will work, but still. The war monster America perception has been around for decades and it will never go away because no chance in hell we would go the Canadian route of soft diplomacy which is an utter failure and countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran laughs at.

Umm...it's the United States that considers Baathist Syria an ally in the WOT. Something which Canada does not accept.

Saudi Arabia laughs at diplomacy? Since when have they attacked other nations and not called for diplomacy? In fact, they've asked for diplomatic ties with Israel, something that Israel has refused. This leads to a major point...

If you have the military power and the capability of killing a lot of people, you don't need diplomacy.

Foreign policy made to please others first instead of taking care of your own interests first is nutty. if you are in a position of strength, you DO NOT under any circumstances make yourself look weak.

So are you telling me that the US's best interest is to have human rights being broken in the Middle East? Thus far, the US have given billions of dollars of aid to 2 nations in the Middle East, Egypt and Israel, both of which are actively abusing the human rights of millions of people.

So when the US starts doing the right thing and holds these countries to the civilized standards of many other countries (such as Canada), they are showing a "weakness"?

C'mon man...that's just trying to avoid the issue. Don't play dumb with me.


Ripclawe said:

and?? Whatcha gonna do about it? only takes a weekend to turn you into the 51st state.



Just by your stance (doesn't matter if you're kidding or not) shows that they're not wrong (but not right either - all americans are not like Ripclawe *thank god*).


but not right either - all americans are not like Ripclawe *thank god*

Exactly. We all know that America is not evil. There are many good people within that nation. As with all nations there are a few bad apples, these people can be considered "evil".

-edit- I originally typed "There are many evil people within that nation." and left out something important. :p

The perception the world has is that these few evil people are running the country. Unfortunately, a few choose to expand this further and claim that the whole country is evil (groups like Al Qaeda do this).


efralope said:
If a country doesn't want to be a policeman for the world that fine, but just like city-dwellers in NYC and LA, they shouldn't stop others from stepping in...
Huh? I don't get the NYC and LA bit here.


Che said:
Just by your stance (doesn't matter if you're kidding or not) shows that they're not wrong (but not right either - all americans are not like Ripclawe *thank god*).
Ripclawe evil? Don't you think evil is kind of a strong word to use to describe Ripclawe?


neptunes said:
I believe this particular age group can form opinions on their own.

A 6 year old can form his own opinion. Whether or not it has much validity is an entirely separate issue.


NLB2 said:
Ripclawe evil? Don't you think evil is kind of a strong word to use to describe Ripclawe?

I didn't imply that that Ripclawe is "evil" (I hate that word - it's used mostly by simpleminded idiots who see things black'n'white), I implied that with people like Ripclawe a country is going to hell.
"The World judges the US by looking at it's actions, not Bush's rhetoric."

Horse shit. America is the most chartiable nation in the world.


Che said:
I didn't imply that that Ripclawe is "evil" (I hate that word - it's used mostly by simpleminded idiots who see things black'n'white), I implied that with people like Ripclawe a country is going to hell.


Umm...it's the United States that considers Baathist Syria an ally in the WOT. Something which Canada does not accept.

Actually, we imposed sanctions on syria last month because of its support of terrorism.

Saudi Arabia laughs at diplomacy? Since when have they attacked other nations and not called for diplomacy? In fact, they've asked for diplomatic ties with Israel, something that Israel has refused. This leads to a major point...

I said it laughs at Canada, not anyone else and Saudi Arabia says Al qaeda attacks are being made by the zionists, why would Israel even attempt to have diplomatic ties with that sort of attitude? As for the Sauds asking for ties, the only place that was talked about was the saudi peace proposal which is unworkable.

If you have the military power and the capability of killing a lot of people, you don't need diplomacy.

Absolutely wrong, diplomacy is an option in certain cases. Military power means when you talk people listen better.

So are you telling me that the US's best interest is to have human rights being broken in the Middle East? Thus far, the US have given billions of dollars of aid to 2 nations in the Middle East, Egypt and Israel, both of which are actively abusing the human rights of millions of people.

Israel is debatable, Egypt.. whats waiting in the wings without the aid unfortunately is worse than whats in power now.

So when the US starts doing the right thing and holds these countries to the civilized standards of many other countries (such as Canada), they are showing a "weakness"?

my answer to you was for this

Fixing that perception doesn't mean radical changes to foreign policy, it means tweaking it to be less offensive, less hypocritical, and more reasonable.

what is less offensive or reasonable? " NO AID TO ISRAEL!" is that it? what is reasonable or less offensive to others may be unreasonable and offensive to America. there is really no middle ground on a lot of issues.


Tag of Excellence
I'm glad I'm not a complete retard and judge people by who they are and not whatever insane notion I think their goverment should or shouldn't be doing.

Sure there are things I don't agree about that other goverments do but that doesn't reflect the people of that country in any way. I hate all these fucking twats that hate America simply because they hate whatever political side is in power at the moment and I hate these twats that hate America because they have this ignorant perception that the four people they met from America visiting their country automatically represents the entire goddamn country. I also hate the twats that beleive other countries are stockpiled with morons because some political or famous figure does something outlandish.

FYI I do infact love Canada despite any disagreements I might have with their current goverment. I don't give a shit about the politics when I go to new countries (I've been to seven so far) and meet new friends.
Not to mention the last time the US tried to invade Canada, we burned down the White House.

As a history buff I'm going to have to flesh this out a bit more. The British burning down Washington D.C. was retaliation for American forces looting and burning the city of York, Canada's "capital" at the time. Eye for an eye and all that nonsense.

We really shouldn't have fought that war anyway, we wouldn't have if it hadn't been for the manipulation of Napoleon and those darn French! ;)
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