Besides, in most military training exercises Canadian forces wipe out american forces about 80% of the time.
Canada military is around 60,000 with outdated, broken down equipment mostly used for peacekeeping, we have advantage in number, military equipment, military forces(air,land and sea), MOAB's and other assorted weaponery that can if used without any restrictions take out canada like that. so pfft.
See right here you're showing part of the problem. The arrogance is one of the things the rest of us dont like about the U.S.
tough, its not total arrogance, its confidence mixed with arrogance, America is #1 and is going to act like it, our position is up here and everyone sort amongst yourself for the most part. This desire by some people that America just act like everyone else and everyone is equal holding hands with happy happy joy joy thoughts is idiotic and in the long run hurts our position in the world.
The perception a lot of people have is that the US only speaks and understands one language, violence. Without violence, the US will ignore you.
In this case the perception is right, we also use diplomacy such as we are now in Sudan, fat chance it will work, but still. The war monster America perception has been around for decades and it will never go away because no chance in hell we would go the Canadian route of soft diplomacy which is an utter failure and countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran laughs at.
It doesn't matter if you think that it's a correct or incorrect perception, the fact is, the reality is, that this is the existing perception. It's time to fix it. Fixing that perception doesn't mean radical changes to foreign policy, it means tweaking it to be less offensive, less hypocritical, and more reasonable.
Foreign policy made to please others first instead of taking care of your own interests first is nutty. if you are in a position of strength, you DO NOT under any circumstances make yourself look weak.
This quote fits in this discussion.
Machiavelli...Men are less worried about harming somebody who makes himself loved than someone who makes himself feared, for love is held by a chain of obligation which, since men are bad, is broken at every opportunity for personal gain. Fear, on the other hand, is maintained by a dread of punishment which will never desert you.