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47% of Canadians support legalization of marijuana.

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got the fact off "play: Goes To Pot" on cbc newsworld. They also mentioned:

72% support the decriminalization of marijuana
92% support marijuana for medicinal purposes.
25% of adult canadians admitted to smoking weed at least once
and roughly 350 000 adult canadians smoke weed regulary.

EDIT: actually its 2.3 million people in canada toke regularly.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
72% support the decriminalization of marijuana

47% of Canadians support legalization of marijuana


What's the difference?
demon said:
72% support the decriminalization of marijuana

47% of Canadians support legalization of marijuana


What's the difference?

I'm sure you will understand the deep deep answer to that question if you that a HIT*

/passes joint to demon
If weed would be legalized, then corporations could come in and sell it. Decriminalization is just you won't get in trouble if you are caught with it (well unless you are driving down the middle of the street high as hell).
If it ever gets legalized you can bet your booties that the government will tax the living shit out of it just like they do booze and cigarettes. They will also control production and content. It's legal use will be just like those previous 2 vices. Not in restaurants or bars and not outside (exept for cigarettes in that instance).

Sounds good to me.


With the decriminalization laws being introduced here in canada, if the 5-0 catch you with less that 15 grams of weed, they will only give you a fine. Weed will still be illegal to grow/traffic and what not.


so, anyone here voting for the marijuana party this monday?



Decriminalized = If you get caught with pot, you pay a fine, no criminal record, akin to a parking ticket.

Legalized = You can blow smoke right in the Prime Minister's face, and he'll just have to stand there, grooving on it. :)


I'd prefer to see more like 'home grow' permits, where you'd pay for a $100 license or something that would allow you to grow X amount of plants for personal use, while selling would still be illegal, growing and possessing would not.


If it ever gets legalized you can bet your booties that the government will tax the living shit out of it just like they do booze and cigarettes. They will also control production and content. It's legal use will be just like those previous 2 vices. Not in restaurants or bars and not outside (exept for cigarettes in that instance).

Sounds good to me.

I've never realized that the govt would be able to control production...IMO that sounds good to me.

My concern is that it may increase operations across Canada, once it becomes decriminalized, and in many ways it will introduce new crimes that are somewhat (perhaps not directly) related. By legalizing it, only corporations can do it, in a controlled atmosphere, and it can be taxed BIG TIME. Mwhahahah.


BTW, just NEVER EVER let the government grow it again.

(For those who don't know, the government recently tried to cultivate their own supply of marijuana to distribute it to patients. It was fucking SAWDUST, and everyone who smoked it got sick with a headache)

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Im all for legalizing it to the same level as alcohol, for recreation only, not at the level of cigarettes, being able to smoke weed at work, public places or being under the its effects during work would be way too far. At home or at the bar though, fine with me.

It would give a big blow to small dealers and maybe they would stop harrasing elementary students to smoke some, maybe..

Working at places who test these things yearly with medical tests is just added stress, losing your job because you smoked at a special occasion, the holidays or even secondary smokes (just like cigs) and its recent enough to be detected in your blood/urine to get you fired. Never happened to me but 3 of my friends did, one of them didnt actually smoke it directly, just hanging around some who did.


if it were legal, you can expect to see a national weed tax so the government can reap som profit.

and as posted above, you'll see major coporations trying to capitalize on it also.
I'm all for the legalization of not just marijuana, but all drugs. As long as the person is not hurting another person by say stealing their money for the next hit, or whatever, the government should have no say on what I do on my spare time. It's my life, and I'll enjoy it as I please.

But that's just me, probably not typical of most Canadian thinking at all.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Gorgie said:
I'm all for the legalization of not just marijuana, but all drugs. As long as the person is not hurting another person by say stealing their money for the next hit, or whatever, the government should have no say on what I do on my spare time. It's my life, and I'll enjoy it as I please.

But that's just me, probably not typical of most Canadian thinking at all.

Marijuana is a less damaging drug than alcohol (in just about every major study AND scientific study). As I've always said, if you're going to legalize alcohol, you might as well legalize marijuana


Gorgie said:
I'm all for the legalization of not just marijuana, but all drugs. As long as the person is not hurting another person by say stealing their money for the next hit, or whatever, the government should have no say on what I do on my spare time.

But that's exactly the problem. Narcotics can be extremely addictive and will cause many people to steal and hurt others. Sorry, you get a little less freedom so everyone else can get a little more security. There's a billion other things you can do that don't generate harmful externalities.


they call me "Man Gravy".
ChrisReid said:
But that's exactly the problem. Narcotics can be extremely addictive and will cause many people to steal and hurt others. Sorry, you get a little less freedom so everyone else can get a little more security. There's a billion other things you can do that don't generate harmful externalities.

Then why the fuck are alcohol and cigarettes both legal? I'm sorry, that argument just doesn't hold up at all. If you're going to go for the "puritan state" argument, justify then why those two are legal (besides "they always have been" or "have really strong lobbies"). Aside from drugs which impair a person beyond reasonable judgement with a single use (heroin, LSD, crack-cocaine, etc), there is no logical justification for this hippocritcal stance.


Junior Member
Legally, can you lose your job for smoking weed in a country where it is legal? Like if they give you a piss test?

Not a personal question, but it's a legal ethical question, I guess.


skinnyrattler said:
Legally, can you lose your job for smoking weed in a country where it is legal? Like if they give you a piss test?

Not a personal question, but it's a legal ethical question, I guess.

Depends on the country. In Canada, it's against labour laws to fire someone JUST for using a drug. You can only do so if it actually impairs their ability to work in a tangible way.

Drug testing is also against the rules unless you have a specific reason to do so (truck drivers in particular).

Not to say that neither happens, just that if it does you can probably get a pretty major settlement out of your former employer :p

In the US the laws on when/how you can fire people are a lot more lax afaik.
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