I don't understand. In context, it would appear you are basing this assessment on me saying that my liberal friends are basically unaware of the finer issues at stake - that all they discuss or are knowledgeable about is what they watch to television. That is a
true statement, and certainly not something to get worked up over. I mean, that wasn't some blanket statement about all liberals something. Just thought I'd clear that up.
As an aside, it would seem many people here are interchanging "Libertarianism" and "Anarchism". Do not do this. While it may be somewhat more applicable to the rest of the world, in America, Libertarianism is usually associated more with the free market ideology.
Anarchism: There is no government. There is no order. Your neighbor starts fucking a goat in your lawn, the only thing you could do is forcefully stop them yourself or wait for some posse of pissed-off citizens to storm his house and take him away.
Libertarianism: There is a (small) government. There is order. You cannot do anything you want. There is no degeneration into a rape-filled, goat-fucking orgy, because you cannot do anything that infringes on the personal freedom of others, and if you try to, the police will come and take you away.
Of course,
many variations exist, but this is neither the time nor place.