I thought the specs would be enough to make a comparison? I don't know a thing about determining headphone quality.How would anyone know yet?
Specs and frequency response charts don't tell the whole story unfortunatelyI thought the specs would be enough to make a comparison? I don't know a thing about determining headphone quality.
Remarkably similar to the BRAINWAVZ, is it just a branded generic headphone or sold under a different name?Oh I forgot you were in the UK, in the states the AKG K167 can be had for a little over $150.
...If you want to save money, these are the best value and are in the same class as the others.
Remarkably similar to the BRAINWAVZ, is it just a branded generic headphone or sold under a different name?
edit. Oh I see in the review, generic shell but different insides.
Probably JVC HAS500, Jaycar (HM5 Rebrands), or Koss Pro DJ100..
What if I step that up to say $150 tops?
There's so many options...What genres do you favor? Should I assume you want closed headphones?
Either/or... music-wise I'm all over the place.. Pink Floyd to Tool.. with some random trance, dubstep, hip-hop when in the mood. Want some good bass pop, but not overwhelming.
When not listening to music on walks they'll be used for gaming on my PC.
Durability is important, as my 7yr old uses them when we don't want to hear him playing Minecraft or Garry's Mod.
I'm looking for something dependable in the $30 range. I'm not super particular about sound quality. Average really is good enough for me since most of what I listen to is podcasts or live records of songs while on hikes or exercising. My issue is that I go through headphones pretty quickly due to dropping/tripping/iPod falling out of pocket etc. My average is probably 3 months at a time. I'm kind of rough on headphones I guess.
Earbuds hurt my ears and I prefer over the ear styled, but it's hard to find decent ones that block out sound without being too nice that you sweat will ruin the padding.
This are what I've been using for the past two years or so. They don't hurt my hears and last longer, but they also aren't very good at blocking out sound. They sound excellent if I very lightly push them in while listening, but that isn't very good for hiking or biking. Anything that actually goes into my ears hurts terribly after just a few minutes. I'm not at all interested in super high quality professional stuff. Just a set of headphones that aren't buds that block sounds out and will be able to handle getting pulled on from time to time. Thanks.
Valeyjoe, trust me, you won't get major, eye-opening improvements over the Mad Dogs until you get into mad money territory for Stax setups around 2K or more (or an HD800 and a massive tube amp).
A lot of the stuff around 500 bucks to 1K isn't much more technically proficient (some would be less so) and offer just different sonic flavours and similar overall resolution. more bass but worse imaging. or bigger soundstage but shriller highs, etc.
The Mad Dogs are really awesome. They just need more power than typical headphones but you're well taken care of for the immediate future with the Schiit stack.
Well I suppose it's somewhat reassuring to know that I'm not missing out on too much by not dropping an extra $200-300 on a better amp, but I think I'm the type of person who will always be wishing that I could drive them to their full potential.In a way he's either saved himself from upgraditus or he's screwed himself financially, only time will tell.
The Koss KSC75 don't block out sound but are without a doubt the best value in headphones. For about $15 on Amazon you get sound that rivals and even exceeds most headphones under probably $80. I use them for running and working around the house. You should really try them out. Do you really need blocking out of sound that bad anyway?
Or you could try the Koss Porta Pro in the $30 range. Slightly improved sound in a more traditional headband style.
I have the bad feeling that I'll buy the RE-400, then Hifiman will finally announce something which goes in between the former and the RE-600.
Oh well?
Damn. Thought this was the a161 for a second there.
Nah the RE400 is a new IEM.You mean the HE-400?
Apple Earpods if you can stand buds or M6PPlease recommend good IEMs or earbuds with an inline mic for about $50. My old ones just broke and I need to purchase soon. I listen to all kinds of stuff but mainly bass heavy EDM and classic rock. I have a set of CAL!s that I absolutely love. All recommendations are appreciated.
Thinking about pulling the trigger on these. I had asked last month about noise isolating IEMs for studying and you recommended the A161. The A151 would be 60% cheaper - better value?
Ordered the Koss KSC75. Hopefully they'll be here sometime next week. By then, the trails out here should be dried and solid again.
My pair of AKG k55 just died.
I've bought them several years ago, and since i'm not a hi fidelity enthusiast or anything (i just use them with my PC, for everything from music to youtube to gaming) they served me well.
I don't remember how much i paid them though, what price range should i be look into? Because my brother bought some super cheap Sony MDRZX100W, for like 15, but i hate them, they're too small to begin with and don't isolate as well.
I remember paying the k55 fairly little (25-30?), but i could be wrong.
V-Moda M80 would be excellent if you can handle on-ears rather than over-the ears
Not at all, actually. Triple flanges can suppress up to 32 decibels. I use custom iems when I fly and they block out all engine noise while music is playing. Had similar experiences back when I was using the Etymotic Er-6. However, tri flanges and complys aren't for everyone. If your dad can't stand having things in his ears, it's probably best to stick with noise canceling phones. I'm not sure whether the Bose QC15 are still the best in this regard. They certainly do negate engine noise and are quite comfy to boot but they don't function at all unless you've got a fresh set of batteries in them. Those go for $300 though. Taking a look at Tyll's recommendations...Hi Experts,
I gave the OP a read over and it seems to have a lot of good suggestions but I wanted to ask the masses for the specific case I'm looking for. My father is thinking about buying some headphones for travelling. These would primarily be used while on planes/trains/buses while travelling for vacation or business. He's interested in noise cancellation but I don't know how practical the tech is, especially when trying to dampen noise for jet engines. He's open on price, probably up to 200-250$, and it would have to be a closed headphone as not to disturb others. I'm assuming as far as noise isolation/cancellation that a closed headphone would be far superior to an IEM. Does any other frequent fliers have a set of quality headphones that they consider 'must have' for their travels? Thanks. Oh, and his primary playback device would be an iPhone (4s?)
Dunno how efficient the VModas are. iPhone 4 may just be a poor source for driving them. Aviators aren't bad, nothing stellar, but not bad for reproducing modern recordings in an inoffensive way, better than Beats by miles anywaySo I stopped by Radioshack earlier, and they had a pair of M80's to test. Was just using my iPhone 4.. but they sounded terrible compared even the Beats and Skullcandy Aviator's that were next to it.. they had a pair of AT active Noise Cancelling cans that weren't working.
I'm assuming something had to be wrong with them. I later stupid by Best Buy (they were just both on the street I was driving down) and tested out what they had.. of course they don't have them able to hook up to your own source anymore.. so just in their stupid test system.
The HK classics sounded good and they have some refurbs for $99 here
Think it was a bad pair of M80's.. they felt really well built compared to the other cans there.. and I can't seem to find a place to test some AKG K167's around Portland.
Are the Skullcandy Aviator's actually not crap, because they did actually sound pretty good.
Dunno how efficient the VModas are. iPhone 4 may just be a poor source for driving them. Aviators aren't bad, nothing stellar, but not bad for reproducing modern recordings in an inoffensive way, better than Beats by miles anyway
Aviators are not crap.
Sounds like. By all accounts, the VModas are good cans. Yeah, I was expecting excruciatingly bad sound when I demoed the Aviators and was surprised to find them quite listenableThey just might have been a bad set of abused cans, dunno.. I'll have to find another place to test before I drop $100+ for them.. besides there's no deals I can find on them anyhow.
The Aviators were comfy too.. but still they are Skullcandy's and that's hard to get over them sounding pretty good.
I can give that a listen later on. Haven't listened to my MDs in a long while now. They're not bass heavy phones by any means, but they handle bass adroitly, and have satisying impact and texture when called for.Looking to move up from my Fiio E6 amp for my portable needs and may need to update my cans too - I have an itch to get both...
Anyone use their Mad Dogs to listen to Daft Punk? Need a bit more bass than what my M50s are offering me.
I can give that a listen later on. Haven't listened to my MDs in a long while now. They're not bass heavy phones by any means, but they handle bass adroitly, and have satisying impact and texture when called for.
Clarity, imaging, timbre, mids and bass are all great on the MDs. Treble is rolled off, but it doesn't bother me since the majority of modern recordings are ass and I can't stand it when phones accentuate sibilance. I recall listening to the Tron Legacy Reconfigured OST and Ratatat's LP3 on the MDs and really enjoyed it at the time.Sounds good. And yeah, not looking for super deep, booming bass but just a bit more punch than my M50s are offering at the moment. I like bass, but I don't want it to totally ruin what I'm listening to by overpowering everything.
Thanks again.
Clarity, imaging, timbre, mids and bass are all great on the MDs. Treble is rolled off, but it doesn't bother me since the majority of modern recordings are ass and I can't stand it when phones accentuate sibilance. I recall listening to the Tron Legacy Reconfigured OST and Ratatat's LP3 on the MDs and really enjoyed it at the time.