Roger Danish
I read the one about blinking and now I can't stop myself from being conscious of my blinking. HELP!!!
78) The name of our galaxy is the Milky Way.
Who doesn't know this...?
Now, we know where Game of Thrones happens123) Summer on Uranus lasts for 21 years but so does winter.
"CON" and a number of other character strings are in fact reserved names that go back to the days of DOS and cannot be used to name folders or files. Other reserved names are:
Potential drive letter - A: to Z:
A number of others
If you try to name a folder using one of these reserved names, the name will automatically revert to the default, generally "New Folder". Moreover, if you try to use a reserved name to name a file such as a Notepad or Microsoft Word document you will generally receive an error message.
193) Gold is so rare, only 90,000 tons of it have been taken from the earth in recorded history
One wrong thing puts everything else into question.
246) Sharks apparently are the only animals that never get sick. As far as is known, they are immune to every known disease including cancer.
It's not even hard
345) Ants don't sleep
348) The word Tips is actually an acronym standing for 'To Insure Prompt Service'.
No it's not, this is a folk etymology. A fairly stupid one, as far as they go.
265) A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
MythBusters proved this to be untrue, you can't hear the difference between the quack and echo but it does exist. It may be worth double checking with Suairyu / Chinner.
And op will know 60 isn't accurate.
This is dumb. Any current Chinese text is going to have punctuation. Really fucking old Chinese texts might not use it, but really fucking old Chinese texts are confusing as hell, even for most native speakers.
The Titanic one is wrong too. It wasn't the first ship to send an SOS.
The great wall actually can't be seen from space. Sorry, list.
A fair chunk of that list is dubious and contains a number of debunked urban legends.
From what I remember, there are way more than 10 forms of kissing in the Karma Sutra so the rest of those figures are suspect. It's not that great of a book either way but good for a historical insight into culture.
Also, the sinking university library one is also debunked. It's not sinking. The American flag was also not on the Canadian $2 bill.
54) The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off.
Nice.47) Every day 200 million couples make love, 400,000 babies are born, and 140,000 people die.
There's so many cool things in this 500, it's funny how gaf always goes straight to "WRONG WRONG WRONG" and not even saying 'oh cool' to a single interesting fact.
Because most of it is well know, common sense or unsubstantiated percentages or fractions.
I read the whole 500 and nothing was cool about any of it. And most of the stuff id find interesting i already knew like many others did.
Er, no, you're wrong too. The problem is that while a lot of it is genuinely cool and includes many things the majority of people would be unaware of, the fact that such a significant portion of the list is incorrect or unsubstantiated means we can't reasonably accept the validity of anything on the list, fascinating or not.
There's so many cool things in this 500, it's funny how gaf always goes straight to "WRONG WRONG WRONG" and not even saying 'oh cool' to a single interesting fact.
Ugh, you guys are such fucking downers, just go lay down.
Ugh, you guys are such fucking downers, just go lay down.
LMFAO, jesus. You care too much, but ok bro.No motherucker. You're the downer here. Get off your emotional high horse and come join us in kicking this dead and woefully misleading horse in our skeptics party.
This has been going around Google Plus lately, and yes, in this format.
181) On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament Building is an American flag.
Yeah, why know things when you can be amazed by made-up things instead?There's so many cool things in this 500, it's funny how gaf always goes straight to "WRONG WRONG WRONG" and not even saying 'oh cool' to a single interesting fact.
An excess or deficiency of any of four distinct bodily fluids in a person directly influences their temperament and health.
92) Getting laid is slang for having sex.
LMFAO, jesus. You care too much, but ok bro.
92) Getting laid is slang for having sex.
92) Getting laid is slang for having sex.
265) A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
Snopes said:Anyone who has been on the Internet more than a week has probably received at least one of those annoying lists of "facts": dozens and dozens of items of no real significance that somebody thought would be cool for you to know. It is indeed fortunate that the lists are usually composed of items of no real significance, because many of the entries are of dubious veracity. The purpose of these lists apparently is not to educate the masses (however trivially), but to induce readers into the information age equivalent of a scavenger hunt, sending them scurrying all over the Internet in an attempt to verify the truthfulness of the entries. Ours is one of the virtual doors that gets knocked on quite frequently by these scavengers, and while we're glad to help, our job is never done because anyone can make up lists like these--just invent four or five of the most far-fetched statements you can imagine, and follow them with the phrase "and no one knows why."
Is this a discussion? It's just some silly chain-mail 'facts' that are fun to read, even if a bunch are inaccurate, some are still interesting.roflmaojesuskeks. No bro. You car too much. Just chill out.
Seriously dude? This is how you retreat from a discussion? Can you get lamer then this??
29) Pluto is no longer considered a planet, it is now known as a 'Dwarf Planet'.
100) The three most recently discovered planets were Uranus in 1781, Neptune in 1846, and Pluto in 1930.
Is this a discussion? It's just some silly chain-mail 'facts' that are fun to read, even if a bunch are inaccurate, some are still interesting.
Either way, you're too invested. If you really wanted this thread to die you wouldn't keep posting in it.
3) You can't create a folder called "Con" in Microsoft Windows
just tried. this is true!!!
251) Hot water weighs more than cold water.
Is this a discussion? It's just some silly chain-mail 'facts' that are fun to read, even if a bunch are inaccurate, some are still interesting.
Either way, you're too invested. If you really wanted this thread to die you wouldn't keep posting in it. least quote the source the Wikipedia sentence quotes as a source. Wikipedia is not exactly the be-all, end-all of fuckin' facts.Yeah, this is also wrong. Water weighs the most at +4 degrees Celsius, and weighs less and less the hotter it gets. Source:
*high-five*I'm not any more invested in this thread then you are. And I don't care if this thread lives or dies (actually, I'd prefer it to not sink, so we can continue poking fun at it).
Anyway. I won't argue with you on this issue anymore - it's decidedly frivolous, and it's just exceeded my care threshold.