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A bus driver told this little boy that he and his two mums were going to hell

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A school boy in Orlando has said that his bus driver told him that he and his two mothers were going to hell.

The second grade student came home from school and began to repeat the rhetoric to his two parents, insisting that all three of them would go to hell because of the same-sex relationship.

Nathaly Encarnacion, one of the boy’s mothers, explained that she was taken back by her sons words.

However, it was soon revealed that the boy’s bus driver had been putting ideas into his head.

The driver, Violeta Jacobo, began telling the boy that he would not get into heaven because of his parents same-sex relationship and offered him a business card for the local Jehovah’s Witnesses.

"He came home, gave me this business card and told me we have to go look at the videos on this website,”

Encarnacion said. ”He told us [that having two mums] is not right, and God doesn’t like that, and it’s the reason we’re not going to make it to heaven.

The driver has been instructed to follow the code of conduct and counselled by her supervisor on not discussing or promoting religious matters.

Encarnacion is upset at the outcome, and feels that more needs to be done in the way of discipline.

So the driver got away with telling a lil kid he will go to hell...


Sounds like a coworker of mine. He's told someone they're going to hell because he's getting remarried.

Zen Aku

Damn that's my city.

Edit: wait another article says they live in Polk County. That's about 60 miles from Orlando.


Wait, why would the kid go to hell?

Obviously the whole thing is bigoted and hateful but that part in particular is just odd to me.
I don't know what ADULTS like this expect when they tell the child of a same-sex couple this information other than to shame and brainwash the kid into joining their cult. They certainly don't expect the kid to break up the marriage so it's all just malice and manipulation (or maybe they secretly hope the family will be destroyed as a bonus). The parents should respond with the fact that there are many people, high and low, in her religion that will go to hell to for child sex abuse and ask what she plans to do about that.


I'm pretty tolerant of JWs, I have family members in there, but that was a shitty thing for an adult to say to a child.


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
not surprised in the slightest that this happened in Polk County


The driver has been instructed to follow the code of conduct and counselled by her supervisor on not discussing or promoting religious matters.
Well, good to hear that appropriate actions were taken.


The only person going to hell in that scenario is the bus driver. These people need Jesus. They don't have him.
As someone who used to live in the Orlando and Winter Park areas,

"The driver has been instructed to follow the code of conduct and counselled by her supervisor on not discussing or promoting religious matters."

That's a funny way to say "was immediately fired."
Pathetic to go behind the back of the patents and manipulate a child. How was this conversation even started?

I assume the mothers where at the bus stop to drop off the kid and the driver saw them

"The driver has been instructed to follow the code of conduct and counselled by her supervisor on not discussing or promoting religious matters."

That's a funny way to say "was immediately fired."

No doubt a firing would result in cries of free speech and creation of GoFundMe pages for the poor out of work mentally abusive bus driver


Religious people have been telling little kids they will be going to hell for ages. It's child abuse, but it's indoctrination 101.


Oh, a JW. When I was around 6, one of them walked up to my dad and I while we were washing the car. When my dad told her we weren't interested in a Watchtower, she turned to me and told me my dad was going to Hell. Traumatized me for quite awhile.
Fuck that bus driver.


Sounds like a coworker of mine. He's told someone they're going to hell because he's getting remarried.

I can almost respect this. Usually the same people that tell gay folks they are going to hell don't care about divorce where the bible states not to do that either. Complete hypocrites of course, only following scripture when it doesn't affect them personally.

That said, the best Christians I know don't judge people.
No I got that much. But how did the driver approach the kid with this? "By the way you're going to hell"

"Are those your mommies? They're married right?"
"Yeah their married :)"
"Oh I see. That must be bad don't you think?"
"Huh? No why would it be bad"
"Well only good families have a mom and a dad. The bible says that bad families have 2 mommies."
"Yes. God, the creator of everything, doesn't like it when two mommies live together like your mommies. In fact, he sends families like yours to...the bad place for being like that."
etc. etc.

I've spent a majority of my life steeped in religion. This is how the conversations go. Innocently prod, introduce new concepts and invalidate & vilify the person's life/world view. They don't have a big time frame to work in so they introduce doubt quickly and hand over the tract/business card/pamphlet.


Wait, what? I'm very certain JWs don't believe in Hell.

This is horrific regardless, I'm just really confused because it doesn't match their dogma.


"Are those your mommies? They're married right?"
"Yeah their married :)"
"Oh I see. That must be bad don't you think?"
"Huh? No why would it be bad"
"Well only good families have a mom and a dad. The bible says that bad families have 2 mommies."
"Yes. God, the creator of everything, doesn't like it when two mommies live together like your mommies. In fact, he sends families like yours to...the bad place for being like that."
etc. etc.

I've spent a majority of my life steeped in religion. This is how the conversations go. Innocently prod, introduce new concepts and invalidate & vilify the person's life/world view. They don't have a big time frame to work in so they introduce doubt quickly and hand over the tract/business card/pamphlet.
And they had enough time to do this in front of other children, dropping kids off/picking them up? The fact a full conversion like this is happening when the job has nothing to do with talking to kids is concerning to me.
Wait, what? I'm very certain JWs don't believe in Hell.

This is horrific regardless, I'm just really confused because it doesn't match their dogma.

More than likely explanation is an overzealous new convert who already had bigoted ideals that doesn't know the entirety of her own religion yet.

And they had enough time to do this in front of other children, dropping kids off/picking them up? The fact a full conversion like this is happening when the job has nothing to do with talking with kids is concerning to me.

School buses have seats right near or behind the bus driver so talking while driving isn't out of the question. And I doubt someone like this cares much about the etiquette of saving a conversation for when other people aren't around.


More than likely an overzealous new convert who already had bigoted ideals that doesn't know the entirety of her own religion yet.

Must be. Either that or trying to appeal to what they expect people to understand, but I've never known that top be a tactic they used.


More than likely explanation is an overzealous new convert who already had bigoted ideals that doesn't know the entirety of her own religion yet.

School buses have seats right near or behind the bus driver so talking while driving isn't out of the question. And I doubt someone like this cares much about the etiquette of saving a conversation for when other people aren't around.
Yeah I don't think having full conversations with children, while driving dozens of them, should legally be part of the job, personally (unless it has to do with keeping them safe). Either way, disciplinary action should be taken against this asshole.
You mean to tell me

that this is a religious person

who doesn't know

the rules of their own religion?
Well pretty much the very first thing they will teach you is about paradise on earth and living forever on earth, not in heaven. So I'm going to assume this person was not part of the religion whatsoever and probably handed them something that was given to them by a JW when they were out going door to door in the wee early hours on a Saturday morning.


You mean to tell me

that this is a religious person

who doesn't know

the rules of their own religion?

I know that sounds like a bit of a 'duh' moment, but Witness culture is steeped in knowing their beliefs through study so that any one of them can proselytize at any time. Not believing in hell is usually one of their selling points.
My whole life I've been waiting for someone to tell me to go to hell over some dumb shit, so that I could show them a time and place where hell actually exists. I can't imagine how I'd react if someone pulled that shit on my child.


Ya, Haines City is not Orlando. It's not even in the same county.

That said, I am not shocked that this happened in Polk County.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Why would the child go to hell even if you believe silly dogma?

What a horrible deity to worship. Not only sending "sinners" who didn't choose their sexuality but their adopted children who had even less "choice" in the matter.


That bus driver needs to be fired. It's completely inappropriate to put those kinds of thoughts into a 2nd graders head. That could cause some really seriously psychological trauma and being told to just follow ethics rules is not an appropriate punishment.


Well pretty much the very first thing they will teach you is about paradise on earth and living forever on earth, not in heaven. So I'm going to assume this person was not part of the religion whatsoever and probably handed them something that was given to them by a JW when they were out going door to door in the wee early hours on a Saturday morning.

I totally forgot about this. Strange.


That bus driver needs to be fired. It's completely inappropriate to put those kinds of thoughts into a 2nd graders head. That could cause some really seriously psychological trauma and being told to just follow ethics rules is not an appropriate punishment.

Yes, I agree. That's abusive and vile to say to anyone, but to a young child? That's absolutely inexcusable.
I don't know what ADULTS like this expect when they tell the child of a same-sex couple this information other than to shame and brainwash the kid into joining their cult. They certainly don't expect the kid to break up the marriage so it's all just malice and manipulation (or maybe they secretly hope the family will be destroyed as a bonus). The parents should respond with the fact that there are many people, high and low, in her religion that will go to hell to for child sex abuse and ask what she plans to do about that.
Yeaht it really doesn't make any sense whatsoever even from a twisted perspective, it's just straight up maliciousness.

I sincerely hope that kid won't harbor this in his head.


Jehovah's Witnesses, man.

Edit: guess not.
JW's don't believe in Hell...
And they don't believe you go to Heaven either. Weird story. Ex jw here.
I used to freak out this jw girl I used to know by doing a deep satanic voice in front of her. I assumed Hell kinda goes along with fear of Satan. lol
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