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A Diablo III Help Topic.

Hello GAF. I come to you in search of help. I believe this is my first topic here because I am afraid to spam, so please pardon my topic ignorance if this was better suited for elsewhere or in an existing topic that I didn't find.

I am checking out Path of Exile 2 Early Access on console (PS5). It has made me want to revisit Diablo III on console (PS5). I only briefly played D3 a few years ago. I don't think I got very far into it. I usually do NOT play isometric games of any type, let alone isometric build-centric ARPG's. But PoE2 has me wanting to visit the alternatives, so here we are. I have a few questions if I may ask, and if anyone is inclined to point me in the right direction I will be grateful and appreciative of your time and help.

1. Can someone point me towards some resources for meta builds? I know these games are about stat nuance and build philosophy. I am not trying to take the easy way out, as much as I am trying to find a path with the least resistance. I have a very stressful and demanding job; when I game, it is to relax and have fun. I'd love to watch some videos or read some guides on building powerful meta classes without the most extreme min/max or grind. I am not looking for the META that decimates everything down to the .01% calculation, but more of a strong build that can carry through the game without much trouble in general. I am not specifying classes since I don't remember all of them. I'm open to different things. My playstyle is usually Warrior/Fighter, but I will absolutely try out a Sorcerer, Rogue, Ranger, etc.

2. I don't recall if D3 is instanced or not. If not, does an online community still exist these days?

3. What settings recommendations, tips, strategies, resources, etc. would you offer someone starting D3 from scratch in 2024?

That's all I can think of for now. Again, thank you for any help you can give me. I'll answer any questions if they may help with answers to my questions. I hope you are all well and safe. Merry Christmas!


Gold Member
I played D3 a decent amount, but I'm no expert of powermongerer. I forget what power rift level I was at when I left the game.... maybe just level 40. It's not the type of build to go higher, but I preferred a casual game instead of figuring out or googling the best fastest killing build.

I played a very safe boring build where it got to a point I could sit back and spam this. In big fights, I'd literally just press every button and spam all attacks mashing buttons.

- Smite (ranged strikes)
- Shield bash
- Power shield glare (whatever it was called)
- Heaven's Fury (big tornado thing)
- Avatar of the Order (summons super fast grey ghost dudes)

The key is at some point when youve played the game enough, you find weapons with abilities ramping up Avatar of the Order helpers. I think it got to a point I could spam 4 at once, they stayed longer, and I could spam it again as soon as they disappeared because the cooldown delay was faster than they disappeared. So I could spam them at all times and killed bosses pretty easy.
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I played D3 a decent amount, but I'm no expert of powermongerer. I forget what power rift level I was at when I left the game.... maybe just level 40. It's not the type of build to go higher, but I preferred a casual game instead of figuring out or googling the best fastest killing build.

I played a very safe boring build where it got to a point I could sit back and spam this. In big fights, I'd literally just press every button and spam all attacks mashing buttons.

- Smite (ranged strikes)
- Shield bash
- Power shield glare (whatever it was called)
- Heaven's Fury (big tornado thing)
- Avatar of the Order (summons super fast grey ghost dudes)

The key is at some point when youve played the game enough, you find weapons with abilities ramping up Avatar of the Order helpers. I think it got to a point I could spam 4 at once, they stayed longer, and I could spam it again as soon as they disappeared because the cooldown delay was faster than they disappeared. So I could spam them at all times and killed bosses pretty easy.

That's awesome. Thanks for the reply and help! I never got to the higher level stuff, but I understand the concept of the build and how it works. Crusader sounds cool. I'd definitely like to roleplay a little as whatever class and build I'd go with.


Gold Member
That's awesome. Thanks for the reply and help! I never got to the higher level stuff, but I understand the concept of the build and how it works. Crusader sounds cool. I'd definitely like to roleplay a little as whatever class and build I'd go with.
Cool. Make note its as boring of a build as can be. But it's a very safe build where it's hard to get killed. You got to really play reckless getting surrounded by mobs of bosses and elites where you cant escape to really get killed. But it'll happen occasionally. You probably wont find one D3 expert on earth who would choose a Crusader build like this. lol. I think many of the uber Crusader builds involved Blessed Hammer or that horse you run around in.
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Gold Member
Diablo 3 was one of my most played games (RoS). Probably help to understand why you would want to revisit D3 after playing PoE2 - just because you already own it?

In terms of D3, the levelling to endgame is really short. There are no more new season themes but you get to replay some of the more iconic ones so you will kind of get a highlights run every 3 months of a great season. Aside from 1, Diablos seasons have not really been good, with most galling into underwhelming.

Basically, get to endgame and run greater rifts. For online, quick matchmaking should still be available to run co-op with, but you will likely need wide region matching and play during peak times. Playing seasons will always have a tier list you can lookup on any of the big 3 (icy veins, maxroll, mobalytics).

TBH I'd say just have fun. Demon Hunter is a pretty fun class

Basically just go here: https://maxroll.gg/d3/resources/area-damage-explained

Then drop down the arrows on resources and read through each page
Thank you. That is very helpful. I will check that info out.

As for why I want to play D3 or something like it...PoE2 and I are having a very complicated relationship. I love the moment to moment gameplay, graphics, music, and controls. It's the stuff in the menus that I'm not so much into anymore. Stat allocation, gear and loot grinding, skill management as part of a larger build, inventory management, etc.. I know, I know, people will read that and say, "Then this game isn't for you because those things are exactly what these games are all about!" and they're right, but... I want to keep playing the game. It's just a little overwhelming at times when I'm more into the moment to moment side of games these days instead of the menu-based fare. And there's nothing wrong with the menu-based fare, mind you. That's not what I'm saying at all.

I've seen some negative reaction to D4 and its endgame content, so I figured since I have D3 and it's pretty much what it will be, there's an established precedent for me to settle into as opposed to the learning curve of PoE2. I'm a mood gamer and I know I bought D3 on sale, thinking that one day I will be ready to click with it when I need a game to play. I've done that with a number of games and it has usually worked out for me. I was watching a good PoE2 build video earlier and it was just more than I'm willing to invest the time into. I know there are people here who are really good at the game and are doing crazy endgame stuff already, so it's the old it's-not-you-it's-me deal. I'm not blaming the game. Sorry to ramble. I'm hazy and it's 0500 lol.


Gold Member
For fun I booted up D3 again today. It's... not bad? More fun than D4 though clearly the graphics haven't aged super well. It's slower than POE1 but considerably faster than POE2.

Like cormack12 mentioned above, the levelling curve has basically been completely flattened now compared to launch due to the game being in EoL maintenance mode. It takes like a handful of hours to level up to 70 now so it's easy to try out several classes. There's no respec costs for changing skills and in fact you are encouraged to store different skill configs along with certain gear (the "Armoury" feature) so you can swap them around.

I also appreciate D3's granular difficulty settings - you can dial it in to exactly the mood you're in.

Is it super deep? No, but it's pleasant enough to play, and you don't need to stress about builds or anything until you want to push GR or Torment numbers just for the sake of Number Go Higher. (*)

I needed to take a break from POE2 for a while; between the (possibly untuned) balance issues and the (clearly intended) feelsbad punishment mechanics it just requires too much laser focus during the part of my day when I really just want to chill.

(*) And if you love seeing Numbers Go Higher; Diablo III is up there with the Disgaea series in terms of ludicrous damage numbers. You start doing like 10 damage a hit and soon you're in the billions per hit - and it still takes several hits to bring down Rares.
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Gold Member
For fun I booted up D3 again today. It's... not bad? More fun than D4 though clearly the graphics haven't aged super well. It's slower than POE1 but considerably faster than POE2.

Like cormack12 mentioned above, the levelling curve has basically been completely flattened now compared to launch due to the game being in EoL maintenance mode. It takes like a handful of hours to level up to 70 now so it's easy to try out several classes. There's no respec costs for changing skills and in fact you are encouraged to store different skill configs along with certain gear (the "Armoury" feature) so you can swap them around.

I also appreciate D3's granular difficulty settings - you can dial it in to exactly the mood you're in.

Is it super deep? No, but it's pleasant enough to play, and you don't need to stress about builds or anything until you want to push GR or Torment numbers just for the sake of Number Go Higher. (*)

I needed to take a break from POE2 for a while; between the (possibly untuned) balance issues and the (clearly intended) feelsbad punishment mechanics it just requires too much laser focus during the part of my day when I really just want to chill.

(*) And if you love seeing Numbers Go Higher; Diablo III is up there with the Disgaea series in terms of ludicrous damage numbers. You start doing like 10 damage a hit and soon you're in the billions per hit - and it still takes several hits to bring down Rares.
Yeah I really liked RoS. Can still remember fighting Leoric the first time. It was the best Arcade style aRPG experience by far and probably still is.

I think the D4 devs listened to the nostalgic players too much just like tomb raider.
For fun I booted up D3 again today. It's... not bad? More fun than D4 though clearly the graphics haven't aged super well. It's slower than POE1 but considerably faster than POE2.

Like cormack12 mentioned above, the levelling curve has basically been completely flattened now compared to launch due to the game being in EoL maintenance mode. It takes like a handful of hours to level up to 70 now so it's easy to try out several classes. There's no respec costs for changing skills and in fact you are encouraged to store different skill configs along with certain gear (the "Armoury" feature) so you can swap them around.

I also appreciate D3's granular difficulty settings - you can dial it in to exactly the mood you're in.

Is it super deep? No, but it's pleasant enough to play, and you don't need to stress about builds or anything until you want to push GR or Torment numbers just for the sake of Number Go Higher. (*)

I needed to take a break from POE2 for a while; between the (possibly untuned) balance issues and the (clearly intended) feelsbad punishment mechanics it just requires too much laser focus during the part of my day when I really just want to chill.

(*) And if you love seeing Numbers Go Higher; Diablo III is up there with the Disgaea series in terms of ludicrous damage numbers. You start doing like 10 damage a hit and soon you're in the billions per hit - and it still takes several hits to bring down Rares.

Thank you for the post. This is exactly the vibe I'm looking for in a game! I started D3 last night and while still ridiculously early, I am having fun so far.


Gold Member
Thank you for the post. This is exactly the vibe I'm looking for in a game! I started D3 last night and while still ridiculously early, I am having fun so far.

For some reason I didn't really "get" D3 when I played it a few years ago

but I fell deep into this game the last week or so

They just don't make 'em like this anymore:
- Goofy fun/zoomy clears.
- No battlepass
- Just two expansions (ROS is basically mandatory, but the necromancer exp is just a fun addon - the necro experience is summarized as "popping bubblewrap while everything explodes")
- No MTX store, and the Real Money Auction House died/was removed long before ROS was even released.

There's no way this game could/would be made by blizzard today :( D4 feels pretty cynical in comparison. I'm not looking forward to they day they pull the plug; it'll probably be soon.
Any fool proof but super op builds to consider? It usually takes me a few tries to settle into a toon I like, and I just want to roflstomp things lol


Any fool proof but super op builds to consider? It usually takes me a few tries to settle into a toon I like, and I just want to roflstomp things lol
Summoner witch is always like that, very low skill cap, good for us old farts with slow reflexes, i played d3 long time ago but from few hundo hours i put into the game, summoner witch was the most smooth one, good as ur first character too coz has extremly high survivalibity, very lil need for clicking different skills often, and ur minions simply kill everything on sight on their own ;D
Here list of all kinds of witch doctor builds, updated for newest patch/season 33, including low/mid/high tier endgame builds and even lvling build, fresh lvl 70 build that doesnt rely on gear too much and so on :)
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Hello, you are saying your job is stressful and I think Diablo 3 is a really good title to kick back and have fun. Probably MUCH simpler than Path of Exile 2 that's a given.

I'm no D3 super expert but Ive made it far enough into the end game. Tbh it's just a fun game I wouldn't be looking for any meta at the beginning.

Like Streetofbeige said, crusader is a good starter class and fun to play. During your first playthrough you can either go normal or hard difficulty. Hard will gets your slightly better loot. The story playthrough is the perfect moment to try every skills and look for the synergy you're having the most fun with.

On second playthrough, you can either do rift or adventure mode. At that point you'll eventually get to max level and start leveling parangon. And it's about there you start testing your strength in rift and bumping difficulty more and more.

The game is just a fun and easy process, very satisfying game to play. For the gear, learning as you play is enough. Then if you want to meta, you can always start looking at guides online.

Have fun!
Any fool proof but super op builds to consider? It usually takes me a few tries to settle into a toon I like, and I just want to roflstomp things lol
I always go back to Tal Rasha Meteor Wiz or Gears of Dreadlands Hungering Arrow build for DH. Super easy to play that you can squeeze a lot out of even doing the bare minimum.


Gold Member
Any fool proof but super op builds to consider? It usually takes me a few tries to settle into a toon I like, and I just want to roflstomp things lol

Definitely don't need to worry about getting too sweaty build-wise during the leveling to 70. You likely won't have many of the Legendaries you need and none of the sets. So instead just mess around and get a feel for the different skills. When you do get a legendary that boosts a certain skill, put it on your hotbar and give it a try for a while.

If you have a build that's more or less working for you and you want to experiment, you can snapshot it in the Armory (tall closet thing near the stash). Then if you brick your new build or it doesn't live up to expectations you can revert to the old one assuming you still have the pieces. A great QoL feature that I can't believe nobody has copied.

I started this season with a Roland Sweep Crusader (more or less) but I just bought the Necro expansion so I switched over to that, gearing into a Pestilence Corpse Lance/Corpse Explosion/Bone Spear build (*), using a Golem to provide a steady supply of explodable corpses. At GR60/T13 now and it's still going pretty strong.
By the time you get to endgame and the Set gear (green matching-piece sets), the recommended builds become pretty "obvious as the mechanics are defined by the set.
The set bonuses aren't like "+1% to block 10% of damage from cold attacks on every second Tuesday", they're like "Damage from <one particular skill> is multiplied by 40,000%.".

While the skill system looks simplistic at first there are a few things to note which give it more depth than one would think:
- If it's not already on, turn on "Elective Mode" in the Options>>Gameplay menu. This lets you assign any skill to any slot and have two skills from the same group if you like. Like POE2's Show-All-Support-Gems-Not-Just-Recommended.
- The bulk of your build will be defined by the Set you ultimately choose however there is some flexibility here: The Ring Of Royal Grandeur lets you get set bonuses with One Less Piece than required. which means you can get one 6-piece set bonus, plus a 3-piece set bonus and still fit up to two more 2-piece bonus sets (the 2-piece sets don't benefit from the Ring of Royal Grandeur however)
- The Kanai Cube lets you enjoy (max-rolled) Legendary bonuses from each of a Weapon, Armor, and Jewelry piece (and you can swap them at any time). In the current Season you even get a fourth Kanai "wildcard" slot.

Head: Pestilence, Amethyst
Body: Pestilence, Topaz x3
Hands: Pestilence
Feet: Pestilence
Shoulder: Pestilence
Bracers: Nemesis (When popping a shrine, also spawns a rare pack. Since this season gives an OP mobile nuke effect when popping a shrine as well, the rares die instantly and it's Free Rift Progression in NR's and GR's)
Ring 1: random ring with a slot, holding Bane of the Powerful gem
Ring 2: Endless Walk
Amulet: Endless Walk
Weapon: Maltorius' Petrified Spike (Adds essence cost and damge to Bone Spear - the essence cost is a non issue as we'll see), Ruby

Active Skills
Corpse Explosion + Final Embrace (the life cost is a non-issue as we'll see)
Command Golem + Flesh Golem (when commanded, creates 8 corpses at the target location)
Blood Rush + Molting (movement skill with the bonus of spawning a corpse)
Devour + Devouring Aura (one less button to press and makes Essence sustain a non-issue so long as the golem is up and/or things are dying)

LMB: Corpse Lance + Richochet
RMB: Bone Spear + Blighted Marrow
MMB: Move Only (custom mapped)

Passive Skills
Stand Alone (100% armor boost, minus 10% for the single golem, when the golem is off the board get an additional 10%)
Overwhelming Essence (Don't need the essence but More Essence = More Damage with Shadowhook effect active)
Life From Death (spawns health globes on corpse consumption. And this build is ABC: Always Be Consuming (Corpses) while the golem is always creating corpses)
Fueled By Death (consuming corpses adds movement boost.)

Reilena's Shadowhook (raises max essence and adds damage per max essence)
Golemskin Breeches (reduces golem body-dump cooldown and adds 30% DR while the golem is up, which is almost always - for a while I had Ice Climbers to avoid freeze but now that I unlocked the CC Immunity on the Altar of Rites I don't think I need the freeze immunity any more)
Ring Of Royal Grandeur (Basically mandatory for every build - it's the thing that allows sets to have one-less item to get the effect so allows for at least 3 full set bonuses). I should move it into the spare ring slot but I haven't found an extra yet
Moribund Gauntlet (golem drops a corpse every second - pretty much build-enabling for this build)

The golem plods around dropping corpses constantly.
Since Corpse Lance is on LMB, just click-to-move causes any remaining corpses to shotgun enemies basically anywhere near the cursor, makes for very zoomy traversal and clears.
To engage packs at range, fire the Bone Spear on RMB, trying to hit as many mobs as possible. The corpses they leave get hit with Corpse Explosion which turns them into explosive spiders that nuke everything
Any remaning corpses get vaccumed up by the automatic devour aura when I get near and turned into essence so I don't need a low-damage Generator
The constant corpse consumption leaves health globes everywhere so healing is easy

To GTFO or speed traversal I use the blood rush (blink) which also leaves a corpse to detonate
For bosses, I use the Command Golem to have him drop a pile of bodies at the boss spawn location, then just hold down the Corpse Explosion button when it spawns
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Thank you for all of the info! I'm gonna turn on Elective Mode.

So I'm lvl 14 and pushing MQ stuff. Skelly King Nothing is dead and now I have one of the three sword fragments. I'm trying to stick to flails but I use whatever 1H weapon is giving me the most benefit. My only one gripe so far is that the Skill Runes for the Skill types don't show me at what level they unlock. Only the base Skills show the unlock level.

I'm using Smite as my Primary. I'm torn between Blessed Hammer and Sweep Attack for my Secondary.

I have some decent gear but I'm not getting too attached to anything at this low level. I'm never sure what to sell and what to keep to possibly disenchant later for the stats for other items, assuming that's even a thing in this.
Fun Fact: For the longest I thought that Templar's name was Trevor. I don't know why. I guess I only briefly glanced at his name and filled in my own blanks like the idiot that I am. Ha! Now and forever, I'm just going to say, "C'mon, Trevor!" as we adventure into dungeons and kill monsters.
Diablo III is going swimmingly. I'm kinda addicted. Yes, yes, I'm Super Late to the Party, I know!

But I'm into Act 2 and my Crusader is just thrashing mobs and it's fun! I'm only lvl 22 or so. I can't choose between the Blessed Hammer with the lightning arcs, or the Blessed Shield like I'm some Holy Captain America. They're both fun and different.

I want to get the first Skill Rune for the Shield, called Staggering Shield. I hope that unlocks soon.

Oh, and Enchantress is cool.

I haven't dug into exactly how the stats work, so I guess that's my next bit of reading.


Gold Member
Diablo III is going swimmingly. I'm kinda addicted. Yes, yes, I'm Super Late to the Party, I know!

But I'm into Act 2 and my Crusader is just thrashing mobs and it's fun! I'm only lvl 22 or so. I can't choose between the Blessed Hammer with the lightning arcs, or the Blessed Shield like I'm some Holy Captain America. They're both fun and different.

I want to get the first Skill Rune for the Shield, called Staggering Shield. I hope that unlocks soon.

Oh, and Enchantress is cool.

I haven't dug into exactly how the stats work, so I guess that's my next bit of reading.
Glad you enjoy a Crusader build! At some point you'll be able to call in those ghostly Orders of the Avatar helpers who chop up mobs. Heaven's Fury purple tornado is good too. Smite gets good too when you can splice it into multi shots where it spreads like a chain hitting 3-5 enemies at once.

For me, I play Diablo games to have fun with a build I'm comfortable with. I've never been a super efficient power gamer trying to find the best build to max out clearing dungeons in record time. Funny thing is Ive always bookmarked guides thinking one day I'll be that kind of Diablo gamer, but I never end up following them.
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Glad you enjoy a Crusader build! At some point you'll be able to call in those ghostly Orders of the Avatar helpers who chop up mobs. Heaven's Fury purple tornado is good too. Smite gets good too when you can splice it into multi shots where it spreads like a chain hitting 3-5 enemies at once.

For me, I play Diablo games to have fun with a build I'm comfortable with. I've never been a super efficient power gamer trying to find the best build to max out clearing dungeons in record time. Funny thing is Ive always bookmarked guides thinking one day I'll be that kind of Diablo gamer, but I never end up following them.

I'm the same way. This seems like a much more "casual" experience than let's say PoE2. But that's the cool part for me, since now I am inclined to get to endgame and see how those systems play out. If I like them, I'll try it out. If I don't, I'd still like to try some other basic builds and go through the Campaign again. And who knows, this could be the starting point for me to dig into something like PoE2 at some point. For now, I like the simplicity of it.

My favorite thing to do right now is use the Shield to blind enemies; some of them get Charmed and will fight for me. But I obliterate most trash mobs so fast that the Charmed ones never get to fight for me, and then just stand there while I kick their asses! It's hilarious.

Oh, and I'm eyeballing the Hammers when they split. I want to try that out.


Gold Member
Ooh can we still get Pets? Sorry if that is totally a dumbass question lol

Yep, for the most part they're random super-rare drops that show up as a Legendary item you right-click to add to your account.
You can also get them as rewards for completing the season challenges (no Battlepass purchase required - or even possible - that's how old this game is).
A few come as bonuses for buying other Blizzard games or expansions I think.

You can change your pets and other things by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the lower right of the screen when you're in town (or check the Wardrobe by the Enchanter in any town)


Gold Member
I'm the same way. This seems like a much more "casual" experience than let's say PoE2. But that's the cool part for me, since now I am inclined to get to endgame and see how those systems play out. If I like them, I'll try it out. If I don't, I'd still like to try some other basic builds and go through the Campaign again. And who knows, this could be the starting point for me to dig into something like PoE2 at some point. For now, I like the simplicity of it.

My favorite thing to do right now is use the Shield to blind enemies; some of them get Charmed and will fight for me. But I obliterate most trash mobs so fast that the Charmed ones never get to fight for me, and then just stand there while I kick their asses! It's hilarious.

Oh, and I'm eyeballing the Hammers when they split. I want to try that out.
I havent played the game in years and D3 patches and seasons always adds and adjusts content. But dont forget those Greater Rift/Nephelem Realms side dungeons. Whatever the hell they are called. If you clear out the randomized dungeons within the time slot, you get good gear and some extra perks. For Crusader, I kept clearing them out and would get additional attacks like a random giant lightning bolt from the sky that would be 40x damage. It was a weird game mechanic. I think I'd beat the boss and then you'd roll a dice and hope you get the perk. But it gets to a point if you do it too much, the odds of getting it drop to only a few %.

I forget what that whole game mechanic is about. It's been so long I dont know if the game still has that. Last time I played was probably 4 years ago.

I think I quit playing when my character was about level 250 and I could comfortably clear out those side rifts at level 40.
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Gold Member
When equipping the Enchantress with gear, which Attributes should I focus on for her?

Like most followers her damage is basically insignificant no matter what you give her so she's best used as a buffer:
- Her buffing abilities key on INT so focus that on her stats page, put Topaz gems in her armor/jewelry gear etc.
- Ensuring she's got enough survivability to not die is helpful if only because she's not doing anything for you while dead.
- I like to ensure she carries the utility Legendaries that have the Emanates tag since they affect the player as well (e.g. Nemesis Bracers, Rakoff's Glass of Life, Gloves of Worship etc) which means I'm free to put something else in those slots for myself.
- Some people like to give her the Legendary Focus that makes her Not Die (Smoking Thurible), and then giver her - and themselves - Unity Rings so that damage is shared. In theory this means a 50% DR for the player but only if the follower isn't eating hits. In my experience I just end up eating damage that she stands in so I don't like that one as much; I prefer something like the Hand of the Prophet Focus that gives her access to all skills = more buffs she can apply to me.

On another note, Darkening of Tristram happens again on January 3, where the game gets a Diablo II mode for a while.


On another note, Darkening of Tristram happens again on January 3, where the game gets a Diablo II mode for a while.
What!? is this on Switch? Might have jump in on that.

As for help with D3 just play it. I'd say biggest thing to do is unlock the binding so you can equip any skill to any button.

After that it is kind just using what you. It isn't too picky until late game.

For me I hate build that use one button or something So i like to play like an action game and use a variety of skills. This is something that a lot of ARPGs lack in that you end up with one or 2 skills. I have never wanted to play a whrilwind barrbarian because it just seemed boring even if it means giving up some efficiency. Even then you can ramp up the difficulty and get sweet drops. While leveling.
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Good to know about Enchantress and INT, as that's what I've been doing.

I've focused on STR and VIT for my Crusader, with focus on Wrath cost reduction and cooldown reductions. I also have a lot of Life per Hit and per Second. So basically I am doing nice damage and not taking a lot of damage, and when I take it I heal fairly quickly.

The fun has been changing up my weapon. I was 1H Flail/Mace/Axe/Sword up until now, with a Shield for the Crusader roleplay. I have a good shield, too. But last night I found a Legendary 2H Mace and it has nice lightning damage and overall high damage compared to anything I have found so far. I switched to it and changed some skills to account for no shield.

How different the build seems! I was strong but getting bored. I attacked fast and in a cycle or two of skills everything was dead. Now I attack much slower, but in some cases one round of barely half my skills kills everything! The mace is one-shotting some trash mobs. I have a skill that stuns and immobilizes and it can kill lower trash mobs lol. I'm only lvl 26 and I know much of this will change by late game, but it's cool since I am learning the game and having fun.

Thank you all for reading and replying so far!


Gold Member
The fun has been changing up my weapon. I was 1H Flail/Mace/Axe/Sword up until now, with a Shield for the Crusader roleplay. I have a good shield, too. But last night I found a Legendary 2H Mace and it has nice lightning damage and overall high damage compared to anything I have found so far. I switched to it and changed some skills to account for no shield.

Crusader also has a Passive Skill option that lets him use a 2H weapon in one hand, along with a shield. Which is pretty great if you've got nothing else you need to use that skill slot for.


Gold Member
People still play Diablo III? Why (genuine question) What are the reasons for still playing?

Excellent question haha!

Dunno about anyone else, but here's why I'm enjoying returning to it over the holiday (played it like a decade ago ofc):

- Doesn't require a PHD in Excel Spreadsheet Build Engineering, but there's still some depth to be had.
- It's had like 12 years of patches and updates. It's EoL now, but it's as far as they can take it. For better or worse, this is the product of the Last of the Best of the Blizzard Designers. They can't/won't make 'em like this ever again.
- No predatory monetization schemes (or really any monetization schemes at all). The current game is based around "Are the players having fun?" not "Are they getting enough FOMO stress to buy battlepass skips?"
- Granular difficulty settings - there are like 20 difficulty levels and you can change them whenever you like, so if you want to go sweaty, you can push progression. If not, back it off a bit and just enjoy the power fantasy for a bit.
- Emphasizes dopamine over cortisol.
- General Chat, while not super busy, seems to be full of people just having a fun time. No weird "General Chat" bullshit, but also no whining. I guess anyone still playing is doing so because they enjoy it.
- Yes there are weird one-shots and on-death effects at high GR levels (I've reached GR67 this season but am struggling to make it to 70 edit: just cleared 70 woo) but the stakes are low enough that you you can disregard random BS, but if you keep getting wasted at the same spot then it's a legitimate hint to git gud (or git gudder gear).
- Not a single DEI Chin in sight.

As it turns out I've had a pretty shit year and I'm looking for a game I can chill with. I'm not a clever man, so I see Big Numbers Go Up, Screen Explosions, Loot Everywhere and I'm happy.

It's not going to be my Game of the Forever (esp. since the servers will probably evaporate any time now), but I'm having a good time at the moment.
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Excellent question haha!

Dunno about anyone else, but here's why I'm enjoying returning to it over the holiday (played it like a decade ago ofc):

- Doesn't require a PHD in Excel Spreadsheet Build Engineering, but there's still some depth to be had.
- It's had like 12 years of patches and updates. It's EoL now, but it's as far as they can take it. For better or worse, this is the product of the Last of the Best of the Blizzard Designers. They can't/won't make 'em like this ever again.
- No predatory monetization schemes (or really any monetization schemes at all). The current game is based around "Are the players having fun?" not "Are they getting enough FOMO stress to buy battlepass skips?"
- Granular difficulty settings - there are like 20 difficulty levels and you can change them whenever you like, so if you want to go sweaty, you can push progression. If not, back it off a bit and just enjoy the power fantasy for a bit.
- Emphasizes dopamine over cortisol.
- General Chat, while not super busy, seems to be full of people just having a fun time. No weird "General Chat" bullshit, but also no whining. I guess anyone still playing is doing so because they enjoy it.
- Yes there are weird one-shots and on-death effects at high GR levels (I've reached GR67 this season but am struggling to make it to 70) but the stakes are low enough that you you can disregard random BS, but if you keep getting wasted at the same spot then it's a legitimate hint to git gud (or git gudder gear).
- Not a single DEI Chin in sight.

As it turns out I've had a pretty shit year and I'm looking for a game I can chill with. I'm not a clever man, so I see Big Numbers Go Up, Screen Explosions, Loot Everywhere and I'm happy.

It's not going to be my Game of the Forever (esp. since the servers will probably evaporate any time now), but I'm having a good time at the moment.
I see, thanks for the insight. The feeling of slaying monsters is also very good in Diablo III as far as i remember when i played it back then.
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People still play Diablo III? Why (genuine question) What are the reasons for still playing?

Why do people watch black and white movies from the 1940's? Why do people listen to music on records?

But since you didn't read the opening post, I will quote it for you.

I am checking out Path of Exile 2 Early Access on console (PS5). It has made me want to revisit Diablo III on console (PS5). I only briefly played D3 a few years ago. I don't think I got very far into it. I usually do NOT play isometric games of any type, let alone isometric build-centric ARPG's. But PoE2 has me wanting to visit the alternatives, so here we are. I have a few questions if I may ask, and if anyone is inclined to point me in the right direction I will be grateful and appreciative of your time and help.


Gold Member
I've played a good 15k hours. I love this game. Anyway, the easiest way to find builds is in game. There are leaderboards for every set (armor sets) and sets are usually required for high end grifts. There are also Legacy of dreams builds that can push very high grifts. I don't know how to pull up the leaderboards on console but it's shift+L on PC. But if that's a hassle I usually go with maxroll or icy veins. I don't know how populated the game is on console anymore. I do know hacks are insane on console which is why I quit playing there.
Crusader also has a Passive Skill option that lets him use a 2H weapon in one hand, along with a shield. Which is pretty great if you've got nothing else you need to use that skill slot for.

Yes, thank you for this! I recall seeing it in the Passive set. I'm trying it out now. 20% damage reduction stinks, but I'm still doing 800 damage so that's good, I think? lol
Thanks for the snooty response, dude. :messenger_neutral:

Sorry man, but you set yourself up for it. I stopped holding people's hands online. Whenever I create a forum topic that asks for help, I try to answer a few basic questions preemptively in the opening post to alleviate these types of conversations. It gets old.
I've played a good 15k hours. I love this game. Anyway, the easiest way to find builds is in game. There are leaderboards for every set (armor sets) and sets are usually required for high end grifts. There are also Legacy of dreams builds that can push very high grifts. I don't know how to pull up the leaderboards on console but it's shift+L on PC. But if that's a hassle I usually go with maxroll or icy veins. I don't know how populated the game is on console anymore. I do know hacks are insane on console which is why I quit playing there.

That's insane! I'll check out the sites you mentioned. I don't know about online in this, as I'm playing the Campaign right now. If that can be co-oped, I haven't seen it or attempted it. I'm not interested in hacked stuff.


This topic inspired me to start playing Diablo 3 again, but should i pick seasonal hero or normal journey? Sorry for hijacking the topic
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