In 1996, Konami released the video game Sexy Parodius and the soundtrack is everything youd want from an anthropomorphic world inhabited by scantily dressed women, flying pigs, kissing penguins, dragons and mythical humanlike beings. The soundtrack is fun, bright and delves into 8-bit wonders.
But theres one song that stands out a featured sample of Mayim, Mayim, an Old World Jewish song composed by Emanuel Amiran in the early 20th century.
Lovely Otohime plays during the third mission, with Mayim, Mayim layered underneath. Crashing drums and electronic horns burst as a flying pig hurls Pac-Man-like faces at an elderly woman.
Today, Mayim, Mayim is most often heard at Hebrew schools and summer camps. How the song ended up in this Japanese video game has everything to do with a 20th-century geopolitical mess World War II.
Give it a read, its pretty fascinating
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