I forgot about this year's awards (I remember reading about these in the past), but I took a look right now and it's got some pretty funny stuff.
This one Katie Couric moment though had me reeling:
I'm a big fan of Couric actually, but this had me laughing literally out loud.
She actually asked Senator Graham this question, and didn't realize it was not real. Man, I could have told you that Graham wasn't THIS nutty.
Also, the idea of Senator Graham doing this has presented one of the funniest visuals in my head...
I forgot about this year's awards (I remember reading about these in the past), but I took a look right now and it's got some pretty funny stuff.
This one Katie Couric moment though had me reeling:
I'm a big fan of Couric actually, but this had me laughing literally out loud.
She actually asked Senator Graham this question, and didn't realize it was not real. Man, I could have told you that Graham wasn't THIS nutty.
I know you keep a running log of your every waking activity. Theres an article in the Style section of the Washington Post this morning. It says youve logged 26 years of personal minutiae, filling 4,400 two-by-three inch notebooks, color-coded by season. An example: 12:17' -- this is when you made the announcement -- Ascend stage, stumble, regain balance; 12:18: Applause, Where the Streets Have No Name, plays (U2); 12:19: Clap, wave; 12:20: Adjust tie (red, white stripes); 12:21: Double thumbs up; 12:22: Sing along with National Anthem, right hand on heart. What, what do you do this for?!
-- Katie Couric to Senator Bob Graham on Today, May 7, 2003 apparently unaware the article she quoted from was a spoof of the presidential candidates diary.
Also, the idea of Senator Graham doing this has presented one of the funniest visuals in my head...