The giant turtles are plausible. In the sense that it's probably just a really big, really old snapping turtle that fishermen exaggerated further over the years.The Land Of Fairy Tales.
Except all of those creatures are fake, riiiiight?
The giant turtles are plausible. In the sense that it's probably just a really big, really old snapping turtle that fishermen exaggerated further over the years.
So somehow an unknown large species of saltwater octopus managed to get to Oklahoma, where they lived in all of the lakes in Oklahoma (and just Oklahoma) unknown for millennia, they all like to eat or attack humans, and they just started attacking people recently.
Yeah okay
turtles can get fucking huge
That looks like neither a Green Sea Turtle or a Leatherback. Fake.
I live in Indiana and have never heard of the Beast of Busco. I wonder if it was just an alligator snapping turtle that was seen because they can get pretty big and they do look like a monster.
9ft leatherback
no clue if the other one I posted is real, but this guy's skeleton is in a museum
That's more like it. The other one looks like a model of the extinct archelon.
Those are all sea turtles though, these sightings are freshwater lakes. It's probably just a really huge snapping turtle.
Those are all sea turtles though, these sightings are freshwater lakes. It's probably just a really huge snapping turtle.
turtles can get fucking huge
Photoshopped without a doubt.
so were Stupendemys were the largest turtles to ever exist?
man...if I saw one of those in person...would be too fucking awesome
I can't tell whether I'm pissed off that we'll likely never know what made the Bloop, or terrified that we might eventually find out.
That Goat creature sounds like he's straight out of Dark Souls
Wasn't "The Bloop" just an underwater icequake?
Photoshopped without a doubt.
Also, 99% of these stories are made up, 1% are from people like me who are terrified of deep water, see a fish splashing in the water and immediately conclude that it was a lake monster.
Holy Shit! LOL. I can't believe this made it in there. This crazy homeless blogger lady in my town called EelKat talks about this White Monkey, but there are zero accounts of this legendary creature anywhere here in Maine.
I am an adult Indigo Child, a natural born Psychic and Faerie Channel. Working towards Mental Health Nursing & Clinical Psychology student working towards a Psy.D to become an Alien Abduction Psychotherapist using Art Therapy, Play Therapy, Color Therapy, Guided Creative Visualization, Faerie Healing and Angel Therapy to bring both spiritual and emotional healing to those traumatized by abduction memories.